Video Creation & Use Policy

The following guide contains basic rules that will help you ensure that any video using our intellectual property (such as video images, art, music, sounds and other content) is legit before posting to YouTube, streaming sites, or just for you and your friends. This policy should allow you to get any video permissions you need from sites like YouTube – and make it clear what kinds of videos are fine with us.

Not-for-profit (unless otherwise called out in this policy). All videos must be made publically available without requiring payment by a viewer or any other restriction on access. This means:

  • You may not require any payment, survey, download (other than the video itself), or other action to access a video.
  • You may place a video on a website that has a paid-for “premium” account option, provided the video is also available to non-paying users.
  • You may run ads or other revenue streams that don’t interfere with a user’s access to the video, subject to the “No Licensing” guideline below.

No Licensing. Generally, you cannot license your videos to any third party for a fee or other value without our approval. However, there are important exceptions:

  • Partner programs with YouTube or the following streaming websites:,,,, (no prior permission from us required).
  • For any other licensing of videos by you (such as film festivals, contests or third party broadcasts), express written permission from us is required. Please send all requests to

Sponsorships are fine. If you want to display a sponsor’s logo at the beginning of a video, in the credits, or give them a shout out, that’s great. Just a few simples rules:

  • Keep any sponsor mentions to a reasonable, minimal length.
  • Make it clear (either by mentioning a sponsor or using “sponsored by” with their logo) that they are acting as a sponsor only.
  • Do not use the 1C Game Studios and Rise of Flight logos without express permission from us.

Keep it clean. Absolutely no racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other offensive content. We also ask that you keep your videos focused on our game, and away from overtly religious, political or other controversial topics.

Respect other creators. Other than 1C Game Studios intellectual property, don’t include content that’s not your original creation unless you have permission from the creator.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at