Due to the new Privacy Policy please update the game


Due to the changes in the Privacy Policy, the game needs to be updated. Please click the Update button in the game launcher before logging in.

Rise of Flight community skin pack update

Today's small update adds support for community skinpack Vol. 19.
The packs add 36 historical and 277 fictional skins and can be downloaded here (they can be installed together or independently).

Summer Sale and New Planes in ROF


Dear Pilots!

Earlier this month Rise of Flight received a scheduled update that added a new plane and fixed a nasty bug. Both good things for ROF wouldn’t you agree?

First and foremost, we released the ILYA Muromets bomber aircraft on Steam. It is offered as a separate DLC containing the plane itself and its Eastern Front campaign. If you’re one of those who was waiting for this day to come - enjoy it, because S-22 is finally here for you on Steam!

Secondly, ...

ROF's 6th anniversary sale


Dear pilots!

This May we celebrate the amazing 6th anniversary of Rise of Flight’s initial release and we enter its 7th year of availability. It’s hard to believe that so many challenging, but greatly creative years have passed since we began working on ROF – but we see ROF still alive and in good health thanks to ROF’s wonderful community.

Or course, these years have been filled with many accomplishments and milestones like creating over three dozen of WWI planes, releasing ROF on Steam and merging ROF the ILYA Muromets… it’s been a long, steady climb to greater heights.

In appreciation of the continued support of our dear players, and to show Rise of Flight our love we are making these three excellent announcements.

New Rise of Flight website launched!


Dear pilots!

We welcome you to the new and improved Rise of Flight website!

We’ve done quite a lot of work in all directions - from complete replacement of the technology to all new graphical style - to make the site more convenient, easy and enjoyable for you. At the same time all you profiles have been kept in tact, so be sure that your old credentials are working here as always.