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Oddworld: Soulstorm Character Portraits - Alf

Oddworld's second favorite Mudokon gets a makeover!

Oddworld fans have met Alf before. He was the fez-wearing owner of Alf’s Rehab & Tea. You might even know him from this very website’s Dear Alf column or his tea recipes. But you’ve certainly never seen him in as much detail as this before.

Alf might have changed his trademark head wear for an old work cap but, don’t worry, he still has an important role to play in Oddworld: Soulstorm.

Get Alf’s portrait as a wallpaper by clicking the size you want below:
3840×2160 (4k, Desktop)
2560×1440 (1440p, Desktop)
1920×1080 (HD, Desktop)
1080×1920 (Portrait, Smartphone)
820×462 (Facebook profile picture)
1500×500 (Twitter header image)

Come back tomorrow for a closer look at another of the as yet unnamed Glukkons of Soulstorm. If you haven’t seen them yet, the previous character portraits of Abe and our first unnamed Glukkon can be found through those links. You can also watch the ominous video footage we showed from Soulstorm by clicking on that link.

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