Non-Profit Animal Shelter

Kitty and Puppy Haven

We Change their Destiny


Adopt a DogAdopt a Cat

"Adoptions are by appointment only."

Please contact us to start the process.

About Us

Kitty and Puppy Haven is a pro-life sanctuary started in 2000 with the sole purpose of rescuing neglected, abused and abandoned animals. Most of our cases originate from veterinary practices, low income areas, other welfare organizations (that work in the townships and squatter-camps) or from emergency rescues. While animal rescue and rehabilitation is a priority, educating people on correct animal care is critical. 

We will not euthanase any animals if they can be healed and have a healthy, pain free, happy life. As most animals come from disadvantaged backgrounds, many require extensive veterinary care. Every animal also receives standard health care – vaccinations, de-worming, flea control and sterilisation. Our monthly veterinary bills average R40,000 – R50,000 per month.

What We Do

Rescue Animals

We take in distraught and abandoned animals and bring them back to good health before finding their forever home.

Pet Projects

We get involved in local communities and educate people about pet care, hand out free food and carry out sterilizations.

Spay & Neuter

We assist with the of sterilization of pets and educate the community of the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

A Forever Home

We nurse the animals back to health, sterilize them and try and place them in suitable, loving homes

Save a Life

We have various ways for you to make a donation. All of them easy and hassle free, we certainly appreciate it. Your assistance in any form of donation can change an animals destiny.


Visit the sanctuary to complete the adoption application form and meet the animals. Once a booking is made, a home check is completed and the animal is sterilised before being collected.


To provide the animals in our care with the best medical attention, dietary requirements and above all love and attention while we nurse them back to health. We ensure that all of these animals are healthy and sterilised. All of our animals are placed in suitable, loving homes. We are alleviating suffering, saving lives and ensuring that these animals cannot breed and produce more offspring.