Ubisoft, Kuju Entertainment, Arkane Studios

Dark Messiah is a first-person action game with role-playing elements developed by Arkane Studios and Floodgate Entertainment. Singleplayer mode in my opinion is as good as multiplayer.

Now multiplayer mode is dying. There are many reasons. Dark Messiah players would be delightful if developer answers for our asks. There only few of players left.

This video shows some bugs, which should be fixed.

Multiplayer is dying right now. It would be great if someone take a look on this petition and consider our asks. This game is great but there are still some things to be done.

Main things are bug fixes and ddos protection (in this game exists crashers group which makes the server timeout due to overflood of information) and other like:

- steam identification (steam servers (by the way why is this game in steam shop if it doesnt recognize steam ids? )
- engine improvements
- new visuals
- textures
- general graphics
- update the graphics to work with new graphic cards and drivers
- new ideas on their side to improve game play (new spells and stuff)
- editor programm for DM only players can write mods
- enable free view and 1 person view in spectator mode

Of course if half will be done it would be great. I know that there are also some free weekend events on Steam, and in my opinion it would be a great way of making DM more popular.

The remaining server owners helped write this document.

Look forward for reply,
lakii and Dwarfbier

The About Dark Messiah Update petition to Ubisoft, Kuju Entertainment, Arkane Studios was written by lakjii and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.