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DCS: Afghanistan Map

The DCS: Afghanistan full area: 1 449 216 km2
28 highly detailed airfields

20 years of the War on Terror and the Soviet operations of the 1980s place Afghanistan as one of the most important combat theatres of the past half century. Few war zones have ever seen more A-10C, AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, CH-47F, Mi-24P, Mi-8MTV2, and Su-25 sorties than this.

The entirety of Afghanistan and small portions of neighbouring countries will be available, showcasing our latest map technologies.

DCS: Afghanistan is offered with a special 30% discount at $48.99 during the pre-purchase phase. The early access release price will be set at 20% off or $55.99 until the final release date.

DCS: Kola Map

Orbx proudly presents the DCS: Kola map, which covers northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Russian Murmansk Oblast and parts of the Karelia region. The map also includes large areas of the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea to the north and west, ideal for aircraft carrier operations. The Orbx DCS: Kola map is represented in its current-day state, with some allowance for late-Cold War military features and functionality.

The Kola map spans about 1,400 km east-west by 1,000 km north-south, with more than 575,000 sq km of land and a total coverage area of ~1,350,000 sq km. Its southern boundary roughly aligns with 65 degrees latitude, meaning most of the map area falls within the Arctic Circle. The Kola map covers various natural landscapes, from the dramatic fjords and island chains to vast forested areas with myriad lakes and wetlands, to rugged mountains, to the Arctic tundra. Cities, towns, mines, ports, and infrastructure corridors, all have unique characteristics determined by their location and cultural association.

DCS: Southwest Afghanistan Map

The DCS: Southwest Afghanistan area: 471381 km2
12 highly detailed airfields

This is a region of the Afghanistan map. You can purchase the entire map here: DCS: Afghanistan.

20 years of the War on Terror and the Soviet operations of the 1980s place Afghanistan as one of the most important combat theatres of the past half century. Few war zones have ever seen more A-10C, AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, CH-47F, Mi-24P, Mi-8MTV2, and Su-25 sorties than this.

Flexible purchase options provide customers the choice of purchasing one or more of three regions of Afghanistan: Southwest, East and North. Each region will be released in stages. You can pre-purchase DCS: Afghanistan Southwest for $23.99 instead of the release price in June 2024 which will be set at $29.99. DCS: Afghanistan East and Afghanistan North will be offered for purchase when they are ready.

The entirety of Afghanistan and small portions of neighbouring countries will be available, with southwest Afghanistan at a superb level of detail and fidelity. Southwestern airfields available at Early Access launch include Kandahar, Herat, Bost, Camp Bastion, Chaghcharan, Dwyer, Farah, Maymana Zahiraddin Faryabi, Qala i Naw, Shindand, Tirinkot, and Zaranj.

DCS: Sinai Map

The DCS: Sinai map is focused on the Sinai Peninsula, located between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba with eastern Egypt to the west and southern Israel to the east. Since ancient times, it has been a strategic location rich in resources, nature, religion, and history. The map includes a variety of landscapes from deserts and mountains in the south to oasis and coastlines in the north. A significant point of interest is the Suez Canal - an artificial waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea that provides a shorter route between Europe and Asia. It marks a conditional border between Africa and Asia, which makes it politically significant for regional security and stability. 

DCS: Normandy 2.0 Map

DCS: Normandy 2.0 includes large parts of the territory of France and Great Britain, including the capitals of these countries - Paris and London. The map also reproduces in detail the largest cities in this region - English Eastbourne, Brighton, Worthing, Portsmouth and French Caen, Le Havre, Rouen, Amiens and Calais. The coast on both sides of the English Channel, including sea and river ports, has been recreated in detail. The size of the map is 400/600 kilometers. 

On the map Normandy 2.0, the user can see a huge number of historically authentic locations in southern England, northern and central France. Among them, the most interesting are the famous Paris Eiffel Tower, the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre Museum, as well as London's Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, Westminster Palace and Tower Bridge. In total, more than 100 original buildings and structures are presented on the map.

DCS: Caucasus Map

The free Caucasus map covers the territory of the eastern Black Sea coast, including the southern regions of Russia, Kuban, Caucasus Range, western Georgia, Abkhazia, Adjara. The length of the map is more than 720 km from Anapa to Tbilisi. There are 21 airfields on the map, including international Sochi-Adler, Mineralnye Vody and Tbilisi-Lochini. The Caucasus comprises all European landscapes from sea beaches and subtropics, through to mountain ranges to steppes and forests. The highest point on the map is Mount Elbrus with a height of 5600 meters.

Since ancient times, wars of influence over the Black Sea took place in this territory. In the 20th century, fierce battles of the Second World War were fought in the Kuban and the Northern Caucasus region. Modernity was marked by armed conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The map of the Caucasus allows you to realise many realistic and hypothetical military operations that depend only on your imagination.

Release: 01/25/2023

DCS: South Atlantic Map

The RAZBAM Terrain Development Team proudly presents the South Atlantic map. It is a beautiful, majestic combination of Argentina, Chile, and the Falkland Islands based on the present day. The topography includes the beautiful and rugged Andes mountains of Chile, the vast and colorful Patagonian plains of Argentina, and the windswept islands of both West and East Falklands/Malvinas islands. Covering an area of 3.1 million square kilometers, the goal has been to give DCS content creators and customers the opportunity to develop missions that reflect the scale and complexity of modern-day operations in the South Atlantic.

The South Atlantic Map was developed whilst proactively listening to DCS customers' wishes regarding the scale and requirements of a modern-day theatre of operations. This has resulted in a map that is comprised of land-class textures drawn from aerial and satellite photography.

DCS: Marianas Map

The Marianas archipelago is approximately 2,000 km south of Japan, and includes Guam, Rota, Tinian, Saipan, and a score of lesser islands. Home to Andersen Air Force Base on Guam, the Marianas serve as the key US strategic asset in the western Pacific.

DCS: Marianas is a free map set in the present, with large airfields on each of the primary islands which consist of rocky and beachy shorelines, scenic cliffs, large cities, towns and villages, with dense jungle and open grasslands. The map also boasts unique ports, buildings and structures.

The Marianas was also home to historic World War II battles between the United States and Japan, the most famous of which was the Battle of the Philippine Sea, with the Great Marianas Turkey shoot as the main aerial battle.

DCS: Syria Map

The 900x500 km map covers most of the eastern Mediterranean and includes the island of Cyprus, Lebanon, a large part of Syria up to the border with Iraq, parts of Israel, Turkey, and Jordan. The cities of Damascus, Nicosia, Tripoli, Latakia, Tartus, Homs, Aleppo, Hama, Palmyra, Haifa, Acre, Beirut and Adana are simulated, as well as unique constructions of world famous landmarks and historical monuments.

Geographically, the map covers moderately humid coastal areas in the west and mountains and arid desert landscapes in the east. The map recreates more than 200 historical and original structures in detail, as well as meticulously reproduces the military infrastructure - more than 100 military bases, training grounds, and checkpoints.

Especially for aviation fans, 51 airfields and heliports, including the international airports of Beirut Damascus and Larnaca, as well as the military airbases of Incirlik, Ramat David, Hmeymimim, Naqoura, and Akrotiri, are displayed at the highest level of detail.

Release: 06/16/2021

DCS: The Channel Map

June 1940: The Third Reich is preparing to initiate Operation Adlerangriff (Eagle attack), the cross-Channel invasion of England from France. But since 1066, no foreign power had ever breached the shores of the British Isles.

Britain stood alone in Europe. It was the nation’s "darkest hour" - and had it not been for the determination and fighting spirit of its people, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and the RAF, the Battle of Britain would have been lost and the fate of "all Christian Civilisation" put at risk.

Nazi Germany’s failure to destroy Britain's air defences or to break British morale is considered Hitler's first major setback of World War II, and the "end of the beginning". Thanks to this key victory, the Allies were able to use it for the rest of the war as a giant air and troop base. Along with more than 1,600,000 personnel, the United States poured in some 200,000 bombers and fighters, which fought with the RAF to defeat the Axis powers.

Roughly the size of Switzerland, our map of southeastern England and northeastern France includes historical airfields, urban areas, roads and railways, ports and other features that make it the perfect setting for the war in Europe between 1940 and 1945. This highly-detailed map also provides a wonderful opportunity to deploy massed combined arms assets, re-enact epic air battles and enjoy complex and kinetic ground operations for the first time in DCS World.

Release: 10/01/2021