Best Hacker Tools of 2022!

WTF Is This Post?
I list some of the best hacker tools and hacker software of 2022 that I extensively use.

I’ve been updating this resource since 2012, yep, that long, and I thought it would be a shame to break with this tradition.

The list originally started by a vote and this list hasn’t really much changed since then. However, in the true spirit of our eroding freedoms, I decided to remove the voting system and have adopted a more dictatorial approach.

I base the list on whichever tools I feel are the best supported, most loved but importantly, referred to within the pen-testing community.

This resource is updated (pretty much) on a weekly basis.

On the agenda is to re-add a voting system so that we can let y’all vote on what tool is hot and what’s not.

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Specific Hacker Software Categories

The page you are on is for the best hacker tools of 2022.

I also have other categories of tools that might be of interest…

They are:

😬 My (New) YouTube Channel

Hack Tools Listed On This Page:

OK, so, moving on, let’s start with the 2021 list!

PS, although the URL of this resource does state “top ten” there are actually eleven and it will probably grow to many more of the course of the year.

* Remember that you can also click through to tutorials that I’ve recommended if you’d like to learn more about how to use these tools.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

This tool is amazing for its’ range of services.

✓ Excellent for fast enumeration;
✓ Use as a “warm-up” pre hacking

It’s a total pleasure to work with and it’s regularly updated.

As with all hacking software that does not come bundled with Kali Linux (or any other hacker distro for that matter); it is very easy to install. Sn1per (with a “1” instead of a “1”) is not currently bundled with Kali.

The tool comes in either a free (community version) or a paid plan that ships with a GUI.

What’s Sn1per Good At?

The tool is particularly good at enumeration as well as scanning for known vulnerabilities.

If you’re studying for the OSCP (which requires a ton of enumeration), we’d recommend that you get your head around using Sn1per.

We’d suggest using this tool in tandem with Metasploit or Nessus so that way if you get the same result then you definitely know that you’re onto something.

Sn1per is probably the most recently popular tool of 2021 and for good reason. It’s all an all-around OSINT/Reconnaissance hackers tool.

In summary, Sn1per is a highly recommended piece of hacking software.

This tool gets the most attention on our site for obvious reasons; it works well.

John The Ripper

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

If you need to crack an offline .zip folder, for example, then John is your friend. As password cracking software goes, John The Ripper is an old favorite for hackers around the world.

✓ Incredibly popular “Password Crackers”;
✓ “Go-To” tool for offline password hacking;
✓ Cracks literally every offline type of file

Often you’ll see it abbreviated as ‘JTR’. JTR is an awesome bit of hacking software that is designed to crack even highly complex passwords.

John the Ripper, mostly just referred to as simply, ‘John’ can be considered as being a popular password cracking pentesting tool that is most commonly used to perform dictionary attacks.

John the Ripper takes text string samples (from a text file, referred to as a ‘wordlist’, containing popular and complex words found in a dictionary or real passwords cracked before), encrypting it in the same way as the password being cracked (including both the encryption algorithm and key), and comparing the output to the encrypted string.

This tool can also be used to perform a variety of alterations to dictionary attacks.

If you are somewhat confused between John the Ripper vs THC Hydra then think of John the Ripper as an ‘offline’ password cracker whilst THC Hydra is an “online” cracker. Simple. They both have tremendous value and if you can crack learning them then you’ll be in an advantageous position for your career in 2021.

THC Hydra

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Comparable to John The Ripper but this is an online password cracker. Popularly used to crack into WordPress accounts. Regularly updated and loved by many.

✓ “Go-To” hacking software for brute-force attacks
✓ The web’s favorite tool to hack WordPress admin;
✓ A versatile and robust syntax that gets the job done.

I’ve purposely placed THC Hydra underneath John The Ripper because they often go ‘hand-in-hand’. THC Hydra (we’ve abbreviated to simply ���Hydra’ throughout our site) is a hugely popular password cracker and has a very active and experienced development team.

Essentially THC Hydra is a fast and stable Network Login Hacking Tool that will use a dictionary or brute-force attacks to try various passwords and login combinations against a login page.

This hacking tool supports a wide set of protocols including Mail (POP3, IMAP, etc.) and databases such as LDAP, SMB, VNC, and SSH.

If you’re interested in THC Hydra, you should also take a look at John the Ripper as well.

Cain & Abel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Classic old school hack tool, which can helps with attacks such as MITM (Man In The Middle).

✓ Another classic tool loved by Pentesters;
✓ Actively updated and supported tool.

Cain and Abel (often simply abbreviated to Cain) is a hugely popular hacking tool and one that is very often mentioned online in a variety of ‘hacking tutorials’.

At its’ heart, Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows but it can be used off-label in a variety of uses, for example, white and black hat hackers use Cain to recover (i.e. ‘crack’) many types of passwords using methods such as network packet sniffing and by using the tool to crack password hashes.

Cain, for example, when used to crack password hashes would use methods such as dictionary attacks, brute force, rainbow table attacks, and cryptanalysis attacks.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Say no more. If you had to live on a desert island with only one hacking tool then it would have to be Metasploit. Remembering of course that Metasploit works with other tools listed in this resource, for example, Nmap also pipes into the framework.

✓ The “mother” of all Hacker Tools;
✓ Gigantic resource of exploits just waiting to be used;
✓ A “must-learn” tool if you’re serious about becoming an Ethical Hacker.

Metasploit is probably the most famous tool in our opinion, probably because it has such a vibrant community, it’s absolutely well-maintained and also packs a ton of options with being able to deploy payloads into vulnerabilities.

A serious Penetration Tester should know how to use this Pentesting Tool inside-out. If you had to learn one tool to use in 2021 we’d definitely push you to learn Metasploit.

The Metasploit Project is a hugely popular pentesting or hacking framework.

Metasploit, along with Nmap (see below) and Wireshark (see below) and probably the ‘best known’ three hacker software tools out there.

If you are new to Metasploit think of it as a ‘collection of hacking tools and frameworks’ that can be used to execute various tasks. Also – we should also add that if you have never heard of Metasploit and are interested in getting into the Cybersecurity Industry, especially as a Penetration Tester, then this is a ‘must-learn’ tool.

Most practical IT Security courses such as OSCP and CEH include a Metasploit component.

Widely used by cybersecurity professionals and penetration testers this is an awesome piece of software that you really out to learn.

Metasploit is essentially a computer security project (framework) that provides the user with vital information regarding known security vulnerabilities and helps to formulate penetration testing and IDS testing plans, strategies and methodologies for exploitation.

There’s a ton of incredibly useful Metasploit information out there and we hope that the books that we’ve chosen go some way to help you on your journey, not least if you are a beginner just starting out and looking for beginners tutorials in how to use Metasploit.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

This tool really is the Social Engineers tool of choice. This tool runs on intelligent software that can map out all connected social profiles. It’s a must-learn for any budding Security Professional.

✓ Actively supported;
✓ One of the main tools for Social Engineering hacks

Maltego is different in that it works within a digital forensics sphere. Maltego is a platform that was designed to deliver an overall cyber threat picture to the enterprise or local environment in which an organization operates.

One of the awesome things about Maltego which likely makes it so popular (and included in the Kali Linux Top Ten) is its’s unique perspective in offering both network and resource-based entities are the aggregation of information sourced throughout the web – whether it’s the current configuration of a vulnerable router within a network or the whereabouts of your staff members on their international visits, Maltego can locate, aggregate and visualize this data!

For those interested in learning how to use Maltego we’d also recommend learning about OSINT cybersecurity data procurement.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

This is another old school classic. All the times I’ve used it its worked well. Zero complaints.

✓ Supported by the mighty OWASP (i.e. these folks know a thing or two about web app security);
✓ Huge library of exploits and hacks.

The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is now one of the most popular OWASP projects. The fact that you’ve reached this page means that you are likely already a relatively seasoned cybersecurity professional so it’s highly likely that you are very familiar with OWASP, not least the OWASP Top Ten Threats listing which is considered as being the ‘guide-book’ of web application security.

This hacking and pen-testing tool is very efficient as well as being an ‘easy to use’ program that finds vulnerabilities in web applications. ZAP is a popular tool because it does have a lot of support and the OWASP community is really an excellent resource for those that work within Cyber Security.

ZAP provides automated scanners as well as various tools that allow you the cyber pro to discover security vulnerabilities manually. Understanding and being able to master this tool would also be advantageous to your career as a penetration tester. If you are a developer then you have it’s obviously highly recommended that you learn how to become very proficient with this ‘hacker tool!’


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

This tool is the mac-daddy of all network monitoring tools on the market today. It’s so big that there is even a security conference dedicated to it called SharkFest! Update! SharkFest 2021 has been canceled due to COVID-19.

✓ A hugely important tool that you must learn if you want to be an Ethical Hacker;
✓ A massive community so don’t worry about being able to ask questions and master this tool.

Wireshark is a very popular pentesting tool and for over a year it was not included on our list, however, by popular demand, we added it in late June 2016 and it remains a constant fixture on our list, even in 2024.

It is difficult to place Wireshark in any specific category but in most cases, it is used to monitor traffic.

Wireshark essentially captures data packets in a network in real-time and then displays the data in a human-readable format (verbose).

The tool (platform) has been highly developed and it includes filters, color-coding and other features that let the user dig deep into network traffic and inspect individual packets. If you’d like to become a penetration tester or work as a Cyber Security practitioner, then learning how to use Wireshark is a must.

There are a ton of resources out there to learn Wireshark, and, of particular interest, there’s also a Wireshark Certification which you can achieve and place on your LinkedIn profile.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

By far the most popular WiFi Hacking Tool on the Internet. Period. This is one of those “must-learn” hacking tools.

The Aircrack suite is the defacto bad-boy toolkit for any Wireless Hacking Deployment. It’s a classic and spawned a generation of hackers on the Interwebs.

✓ Fantastically written efficient tools that work great;
✓ Not difficult to learn and easy to modify and tweak.

The Aircrack suite of Wifi (Wireless) hacking tools are legendary because they are very effective when used in the right hands.

For those new to this wireless-specific hacking program, Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking hacking tool that can recover keys when sufficient data packets have been captured (in monitor mode).

For those tasked with penetrating and auditing wireless networks Aircrack-ng will become your best friend. It’s useful to know that Aircrack-ng implements standard FMS attacks along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attacks to make their attacks more potent.

If you are a mediocre hacker then you’ll be able to crack WEP in a few minutes and you ought to be pretty proficient at being able to crack WPA/ WPA2. For those interested in Wireless Hacking we’d also highly recommend taking a look at the very awesome Reaver, another very popular hacking tool that alas we couldn’t add to our list.

Nmap (Network Mapper)

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Nmap is equally as iconic as Metasploit. A total “must-learn” tool. Go check out Zenmap if you prefer the GUI.

Nmap is reliable and fascinating once you master it. There’s also a GUI version for those that don’t want to use the command line. A lot of other tools actually incorporate Nmap (for example Metasploit) so you’ll have to learn it eventually. In fact – you’ll want to learn it because it is fun and of course provides the hacker with a lot of useful and actionable data.

✓ Iconic tool loved and used by millions (well, maybe not millions but definitely a lof of InfoSec folk);
✓ Easy to use and frankly, awesome!
✓ Extremely useful!

Nmap is an abbreviation of “Network Mapper”, and it’s a very well known free open source hackers tool. Nmap is mainly used for network discovery and security auditing.

Literally, thousands of system admins all around the world will use nmap for network inventory, check for open ports, manage service upgrade schedules, and monitor host or service uptime.

Nmap, as a tool uses raw IP packets in creative ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are providing information about, what operating systems (fingerprinting) and what type and version of packet filters/ firewalls are being used by the target.

There are dozens of benefits of using nmap, one of which is the fact that the admin user is able to determine whether the network (and associated nodes) need patching.

Nmap’s been featured in literally every hacker movie out there, not least the recent Mr. Robot series.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

One of the most effective web application hacking tools out there.

✓ Loyal hardcore community backed by first-class developers;
✓ Easy to use and fun once you get the hang of it.

Nikto is another classic ‘Hacking Tool’ that a lot of pentesters like to use.

Worth mentioning that Nickto is sponsored by Netsparker (which is yet another Hacking Tool that we have also listed in our directory). Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which is able to scan and detect web servers for vulnerabilities.

The system searches against a database of over 6800 potentially dangerous files/ programs when scanning software stacks. Nikto, like other scanners out there, also scans for outdated (unpatched) versions of over 1300 servers, and version specific problems on over 275 servers.

Interestingly, Nikto can also check server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and the platform will also try to identify installed web servers and web applications. Nikto will get picked up by any semi-decent IDS tool so it’s really useful when conducting a white-hat/ white-box pentest.

Certainly, a great tool to learn your skills when attacking an open box for training.

In Summary

We’ve been managing this resource for many years now and its success is determined by all the contributions that our visitors have given us over the years.

Our Hacker Tools “How To” resource works like this: we try to answer all the “reasonable” questions we receive and the ones that are asked the most we include in our sticky FAQ below.

Many of the questions submitted to our resources are repeated and include how to access social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. The truth is that doing so constitutes a crime, and besides, gaining entry through the front door (i.e. the login page) is never going to work. The “easier” method would be something like keyword logging or similar.


Using penetration testing tools listed throughout our directory, which we’ve we updated for 2021 on someone else’s computer or network without permission is a crime and judges are increasingly happy to give you jail time. Tread with caution and always seek permission!

No Such Thing As A Stupid Question

We also get a ton of messages advertising their hacking skills and saying that you can hire them to hack a Facebook account (for example) – well, never trust them. Hiring some black-hat hacker will not work because, more to the point, how can you trust them?

However, having said that, we LOVE to hear from you so please drop us a question regarding anything related to our hacking tools resource and we’ll happily reply!

Previously Asked Questions (with Answers)

Are “Hacker Tools” and “Hacker Software” illegal?

This is a great question and is asked dozens of times a month.

The easy and simple answer is, it depends.

The tools that we list are absolutely not illegal but they can still be used for nefarious gain.

Think of it like this: a gun can be used for good or bad. A peacekeeper can have a weapon that could be used as a last resort in defending themselves but their initial purpose of having a gun (or weapon) is to “do good”. Of course, the same gun could be used by a criminal or gangster so whilst the tools we list are mostly used by Cybersecurity Professionals, of course, some nefarious individuals may indeed use these tools for illicit gain.

An example of an “illegal hacking tool” would be if it were designed to exploit a widely unknown zero-day vulnerability.

What are hacking tools?

Throughout our directory, we refer to “Hacker Tools” as being any form of software that is designed to identify and repair security vulnerabilities. The “tool” is only as good as its’ user so you can expect to generate instant results by just using these tools; rather, you need to understand the system or machine that you are either auditing or penetrating and also understand the vulnerability that you’ve been able to find using these tools.

Is it difficult to learn how to use these tools?

Nope. Like anything you just have to dedicate time and patience. And – of course, owing to the nature of these tools it is highly recommended that you either seek permission on targets that you scan or attempt to penetrate, or better you create your own hacking lab.

How do I install these tools?

The easiest way, and if you’re serious about learning how to use these security tools, is to install a Linux Operating System (‘Distro’) that ships with all these tools pre-bundled. The most popular of these Linux Distros in Kali Linux (which replaced “Backtrack”), Backbox and DarkArch. There are a bunch more which I’ll add to this sticky question over the course of the year.

The other way, of course, is to install these tools “one by one”.

How do I know which tool to use?

The “best hacker tool” for the task you have at hand is difficult, subjective and may be totally opinionated.

What we do here at Concise Courses is to list the most popular tools and software that are used by security professionals (like Penetration Testers) in the industry.

As ever, your mileage will differ. The best practice is to try several tools when engaging a security audit job or other. That way, if your results keep producing the same result then you can confirm your discovery or the vulnerability for example.

Will you be adding new hacking tools sections over the year?

Absolutely yes.

We have another three categories lined up, plus a bunch of improvements, tutorials, and other information.

How can I make a “Hacker Tool”, or indeed any type of tool?

You need to learn how to code.

Python is the recommended language to use when scripting automation. You’ll likely have to use existing API’s for resources such as pinging “whois” data and geo-coordinates. The other thing you can do of course is to fork existing codebases on GitHub and have a play around yourself to see how it was built.

In fact, we have a resource in which we’ve interviewed dozens of developers that have scripted, coded and promoted their tools. Many of these tools ship with Kali Linux, Backbox and Parrot OS.

Henry "HMFIC"

I'm Henry, the guy behind this site. I've been Growth Hacking since 2002, yep, that long...

173 thoughts on “Best Hacker Tools of 2022!

    1. If you want to learn the command line interface version install Termux and install the package using the “apt-get install” command. It is worth noting for educational purposes the Termux application makes use of the Linux kernal that lies at the root of every Android operating system. If you don’t know basic Linux commands there are many (free) resources online. Additionally, if you would like complete control (change Mac address etc.) It is highly advisable to root your Android device.

      Disclaimer: What you do, and how you use your device is not my business. I hold zero liability. In absolutely no way is the above information telling you that you should root your device. Unlocking the bootloader or flashing a custom recovery and/or custom ROM can void the manufacturer warranty, sometimes just unlocking the bootloader alone will void the warranty. Even worse, if rooting is preformed by an nexperienced individual the process can “brick” the device. Rendering it useless. Use this information at your own risk.

      1. Your right, but its a blast learning how to do it and the feeling you get from your first successful root through odin, theres no other feeling like it.

    2. Pls I need to learn hacking but don’t really know where to start, advice for a novice ?

        1. Look at the logs in your router and any unidentified machines/devices will belong to the “hacker”. Why not just reset your password on your router?

    1. The main use of hacking tools is to make life easier for a Pentester/ Professional Cybersecurity Practioner. Tools are designed to make it more efficient to find and patch vulnerabilities (for example). Remembering that time is money, the cost of hiring a professional Penetration Tester (again, for example) can be extremely expensive so typically the tools listed on this site will be used in tandem to prove that there is indeed a known vulnerability.

      The tools listed throughout this site are commercial and used by professional cybersecurity professionals, but, just like anything else, they can be used for “good” or for “bad”.

      A hardware store sells a hammer that they imagine will be used to hammer nails. That same hammer could be used in a violent attack which of course was not the purpose of that tool – and the same thing can be said for the pentesting tools that we list within our resource.

    1. Wow! Great question. The honest answer is that I haven’t tried it but I’d love to when I get the time. The concept is called “evil twin attack” and the “recommended tool” that I really ought to add to the wifi cracking list is called “wifiphisher”. If anyone has any comment or suggestion I’ll post their recommendation here.

      1. Aircrack -ng Doesn’t work for me on linux and I have a question that whenever I hack my mobile from my terminal using the Metasploit Framework I always get an error of Rex::Operation TimedOut and Session Closed

  1. Hey Henry, About Wifiphisher, according to me, it is very easy to successfully hack a WiFi password without actually having to deal with loads of passphrases in word-lists or cracking. Because essentially Wifiphisher creates a fake access point which the target uses to input the password of the WiFi network and it is then displayed on your screen.

    1. Hi Zed – really appreciate your comment. Totally agree, Wifiphisher is a smart WiFi Hacking Tool and one we should all have a play with. Evil Twin Attacks and Rogue Access Points are all equally fantastic Wireless hacking TTP’s we should all get to know.

  2. I know nothing and I want to know everything, I don’t even know from where to start. I love the way you are sharing ideas guys.

    1. Hi Vijay, I can’t see why not. The two things you need are the IMSI number (which is similar to the IMEI number of a phone) and the authentication key. That’s it. Regarding placing a malicious script I’ll leave that to our friends in the underworld.

    1. Nope. Hacking tools do not need to run on ‘Kali Linux’; they can work on most platforms but developers tend to create software penetration tools (and other forensic hacker tools listed in this resource) because they allow for more flexibility and can be easily forked on GitHub and worked on in tandem with other developers. Kali Linux is just convenient, that’s all. The developers of Kali have bundled a ton of useful tools (including repo’s) for your convenience so it just works out of the box. Other distro’s you might be interested in is BackBox, Parrott OS and BlackArch.

      Regarding the second part of your question – yes and no. If you understand exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve using these hacker tools then it will surely help you along your way.

  3. Hi Henry! how can I become a successful hacker? From where I should start? I have read about red hat black hat grey hat and many more.

    1. Hi Shubham – everybody has to start somwhere! Take a look at PenTest Academy, Cybary and a few other similar sites like that. Also! You might be interested in another of our resources called: “Breaking Into Cybersecurity” which is an interview resource. I interviewed over 50 Penetration Testers (“Ethical Hackers”) and Digital Forensic professionals to ask how they got started in Cyber Security (IT Security) and some of their replies are pretty interesting. Bottom line: you can do it! Good Luck!

  4. Hello, Henry, By having someones email address, can i get his or her unknown email address that is being used at that time.

  5. Is it possible to clone a phone as done in movies where it’s like mirroring the targeted phone to the one I’m using to monitor it? If so can it be done using a different make and model of phone or does it have to he the exact same? Also can the software be installed remotely in any way and which way or ways would that be? Thanks

  6. I am writing a screenplay where my protagonist (the good guy) is a hacker and uses her skills against the antagonist to seek revenge for killing her mother and destroying their home. What I am looking for is someone who can help me with the methodology and terminology of hacking so that if someone like you sees the film it looks and sounds authentic. This isn’t a movie about the art of hacking rather hacking is used as an end to a means. Do you know someone in the world of hacking that would be willing to speak to a non-hacker and help me realistically portray it on the screen.

    1. I’ve published your comment in case someone wants to jump in and help out. Whoever is interested please reply to this message and message me privately and I’ll connect you with Gabriella.

  7. I want to target all the pc’s which are connected on same WiFi network can you please guide me how can i do it and can i do it on windows or i have to install Linux… if possible plz provide me full guide 🙂

  8. Thank you Henry for your educating and informative post. I am new to practical Hacking but have read a lot about cybersecurity. I shall exploit some of the resources here to improve my skills. I would like to know if it is advisable to use my laptop with critical data to install Kali for ethical hacking activities.

    1. You are welcome. Thank you for your comment and good luck with it all! Regarding your question: “I would like to know if it is advisable to use my laptop with critical data to install Kali for ethical hacking activities” – I’d say no. Why would you have critical data on the same install as a machine designed for Penetration Testing? The main issue is that Kali Linux is meant to be run as r00t and as such it could be prone to be compromised. The ‘best way’ to use Kali Linux, in my view, is to flatten it after every engagement. Simple start with a fresh install. The solution in your instant is to dual-boot using Grub. Good luck!

    1. Assuming that you referring to testing the security of your own website applications I’d start with the basics and see whether there are any unpatched and known vulnerabilities. For this the best place to start ought to be the OWASP Top Ten Project and test variations of hacks. It all depends on the ecommerce platform. Hacking WooCommerce for example is possible but I’d imagine relatively rare because of the amount of developers working on the project. Extracting Credit Card information via a hack is another discussion: you’d need to set up a sniffer on the network or create a dummy login page or payment page etc. There are a dozen different ways but as ever, do is safely and only on your own systems and networks.

  9. Hi Henry,
    Gotta hand it to you, ie: answering ALL questions without being sardonic, arrogant or condescending. One thing I must point out is that the Cyber field is full of specialties, one can start the journer of become a hacker by starting to understand IP protocols, set up their own pen testing labs, download and understand the necessary tools for whatever it is that they are pursuing. I’ve tried to do all that and quickly sink into a quagmire of options but your posts are helpful and to the point.. Kudos to you, Henry.

    1. Wow Sam – thank you for your comment! Sure thing. I know how it goes – there is way too much arrogance in the Cybersecurity field. Everyone had to start somewhere. Hope all good with you and thanks again for taking the time to write.

    1. Not that I know of! It depends what you really mean by your question. “Growth Hacking Instagram” is totally doable to milk content and traffic but in terms of being able to “Hack Instagram Passwords” and all that I’d say that good old OSINT, Social Engineering and Guess Work is your best bet.

  10. Hydra is still one of the most powerful tools on the web and I like Sn1per too, even as a fan of Nikto.

  11. Thank you for the content you’ve provided. I’d like to ask you: how do I crack the password for router or router VoIP?

    1. You can use anything you want. Unauthorized access can even be done wearing a high visibility jacket and gaining access to a building. The benefit of Hacking with Kali Linux is that the OS ships with all the tools you could possibly need. That’s it. That is the main benefit of using Kali Linux: it saves you a bunch of time to having to download, install and update all the necessary tools.

  12. I want to start learning more on cyber security and pen-testing as I am a beginner so sir can u plz give me a link on the same, and also I really appreciate your efforts and work 🙂

    1. You are VERY welcome Aayush and good luck with it – you WILL do it. Perhaps start with Cybary, Pentester Academy and of course, although this is obvious YouTube really is your friend with this subject matter. I’d also suggest that you specialize immediately and focus in on what really interests you – for example – is it digital forensics? Or perhaps SCADA/ ICS etc. Find a niche and excel at it.

  13. Hi, Henry I still haven’t received any reply on my inquiry to you that I sent a few weeks ago.

    Appreciate your advice asap especially when WhatsApp has released official news regarding the PEGASUS Spy agency using it for mobile spy tools which affect billions of user worldwide.

    [Full Article Here]

    Kindly advice which tools to use to detect that kind of keylogger for Android phone. Thanks

    1. Hi Marzuki

      Really appreciate you taking the time two write in and share that. There are plenty of tools out there to remove “Pegasus Spyware” but I’d place the focus on ditching WhatsApp and going with other mobile app messaging encrypted tools like we’ve got listed here. Other (better) user-to-user encrypted messaging tools include: Telegram, Wickr, Signal, Surespot, Silent Circle, Viber and Threema.

      Thanks again for sharing and giving us your thoughts.

    1. I really hope that you learn the knowledge on how to “hack credit cards” so that you can defend against fraud and become an expert Cybersecurity Digital Forensics Expert! Learn to be bad to be good and for an exchange of your hard work and commitment to the Cybersecurity Industry, you’ll earn a ton of money in the process. There’s a massive demand for InfoSec Professionals

  14. Hi Henry, I want to hack an instagram account. Which is the best hacking tool that is capable of hacking an instagram account to get the password of it? I already used Kali Linux for hacking Instagrams account but its failed. Can you tell me the perfect hacking tool to hack instagram account?

    1. The short answer is: I don’t know – but a quick Google search for “Hack WhatsApp Account” generates dozens of tools and tricks – but I’ll leave that to your imagination. Good luck and be careful – hacking WhatsApp accounts is illegal and we certainly do not recommend doing it.

  15. Hi Henry, your ideas are really awesome though i dont have deep knowledge on hacking but information provided above is really useful.

  16. Hello Henry , please do you know how to install Gopish … i really need this help . i have all the binary files install . i dont know how to run it on MAC OS…..

    1. It depends on you to choose which method have to use to hack insta*………it can be hacked by many methods like brute force, phishing, keylogging, reverse engineering, MITM Attack or by spying the victims mobile……..! 🙂

  17. Hi Henry, how can I find the location of a mobile device using their phone number (the location should be accurate) can u tell me which tool can help me?

    1. I’ll recommend you to use geolocation tool provided by Linux!! In this tool, you can trace location of mobile by its IP address, phone number, mail …….! 🙂

  18. Thnx Henry, I get a lot of information from your post … you know information is the wealth …..! Keep posting posts like this it can help to many script kiddies to get knowledge about hacking.

  19. I’d really appreciate if you could share some thoughts about This is a new for subdomain enumeration and i haven seen any extended comments from pros. so it would be cool if you could make some review (mb make comparison with other tools)

  20. Really nice and comprehensive article. Wealth of information. May be useful one day you never know. How to bypass rate limiting? Like Wordfence for example?

    1. Good question – and the answer is yes. By languages, I assume you are referring to computer languages? There are only a finite amount of languages out there and the hackers have devised scripts and tools to be able to hack into most common applications.

  21. Hello Henry, please I need a recommendation on how to get BRUTE software for hacking, I have searched and searched but it all proves futile… I only need the BRUTE mainly for this work, I will definitely appreciate if you can refer or tell me how to get it…

  22. Hi Henry, please tell how to hack online games like -cash, cargo, metel and gold (game name – MAFIA CITY). Please tell me!

    1. Proceed with caution when saying you want to “Hack Instagram” – if anything you can lear now their defenses work so that you can deploy protective measures within your own system. Also, more to the point, Instagram will block Brute Force because the noise it creates is very obvious and the signal is to close access to that IP.

  23. How do I install Kali Linux on a partition volume disk and so that it does not affect my system bios when I try to switch back to windows

  24. Hi Henry and thank you for all the information.

    I want to be a professional pentester ( a certified one ) and to do so, I started learning on the internet about Metasploit and Nmap. However, in all the courses, they always show simple examples of scanning and almost never show the process of exploit and the post exploit. Can you suggest me any course online that offers all steps in detail so that I can grasp the practicality and real-world pentesting? And also what do you consider the best (online preferably) certification to have for such title (pentester or security expert).

    Thanks again for all the time you put into this.

    1. Hi Sebastien – you are more than welcome! You’re doing the right thing by learning those tools. The decision you need to make is whether you are seeking professional certification when it comes to your knowledge and learning. I’d advise that you do. Perhaps study for the OSCP, that would be my advice.

  25. Thanks for sharing. It is very helpful to me and also informative for all those users who will come to read about hack tool and software.

    1. They come pre-installed with Kali Linux. Otherwise git clone will be your friend. You will likely need to change the permissions on all python scripts when executing these tools.

  26. I am confused. How do I know if the hacking tools I have just downloaded are not trojans or malware? How can you trust them?

    1. Great Question. The answer is really twofold. Firstly, go ahead and only install these tools in a virtual or containerized environment. Secondly, these tools are being used by the Professional Cybersecurity Community, they all have a long legacy and support community and network. The tools are used typically by network engineers and pentesters as well as digital forensics etc.

    1. Which hacker tool are you referring to? All of the software listed above these questions are considered “useful” for EVERYONE, not just undergrads. Mostly these tools are used by Professionals within the Cybersecurity space. Let me know if that answers your question.

    1. No need – they are all listed above or you just need to search for what you need. GitHub is your best bet. The paid tools (that are used for research and professional reasons) are basically just updated more often, have support and are designed to be more user-friendly (“idiot-proof”) than the paid Linux command-line tools.

  27. Am new to hacking. is Havij 1.16 still good for hacking website? What similar hacking software can i use easily just like havij? I will be happy to get response

  28. hacking is very easy. the hard part is keeping yourself anonymous. when u hack, use a full face mask and always b in the dark. if u have a computer u can use a program called “cmd” or “command prompt” when u use cmd there r a lot of different codes used in hacking. look them up on google. depends on what u want to hack as well tho. if your trying to hack wifi passwords, magic jellybean is a app i use and it works every time. or type the fallowing in the same order

    go into cmd
    type: netsh
    click enter
    then type: wlan show profiles
    click enter
    then look @ the wifi list, when u find the 1 u want the password to
    type: wlan show all profiles name of wifi key=content
    click enter
    the wifi password should then come up

    if u want to control another device using your computer, type the fallowing in the same order

    go into cmd
    type: netstat
    click enter and wait for the list to stop. this command will show u any and all devices connected to the same wifi u are connected to
    when the list stops, copy and paste the device u want to control
    then type: mstsc
    click enter. this will bring up a control panel
    simply paste the device name in the box it shows and u can than gain control of the other device.

    if u want to shut down a device connected to the same wifi u are connected to type the fallowing

    go into cmd
    type: netstat
    click enter, wait for list, copy the device u want to shut down
    then type: shutdown -i
    click enter. a box will then come up. click the add button on the top right of the box. paste the device name and click ok. then the timer will say 30 seconds but switch it to 60 seconds. make sure at the bottom it says planned (other) then type a little note nor the person being hacked. after that, click ok and the chosen device will turn off. if u would like some more info comment back on this and i will send u my email or something and give u some more tips. i cant teach u how to hack illegally but i can definitely give u some tips on basic wifi hacking and that sorts of stuff

    1. Wow – thanks for all this info. It might help some folks, especially those who are new to Security Hacking.

  29. Hi Henry, I trust you are doing great I am new and I have a passion for cybersecurity and Ethical hacking. I only have random knowledge and i look forward on how you can groom me.

    1. Thanks Ebenezer, I appreciate the comment but I think “groom me” might be the wrong terms! It’s great to have you on the site and appreciate you visiting the site, thanks!

      1. Pls I want to become a professional hacker so how can u help me, I live in Nigeria, so how can you help me?

        1. You have to start somewhere. Create a hacking lab and you’ll be able to get hacking in no time at all. Good luck with it.

  30. Henry! Great information and presented in a concise, organized, logical way. You have obviously gone through most of these learning steps along the way to anticipate questions. Just wanted to say THANKS!!

  31. I am looking for a tool named “Cardro Pro v8.5. Pls Henry can u be of help? I’m also looking for a flashing tool..

  32. Hi Henry, I’m really interested in hacking and cyber-security but I have absolutely no knowledge of how it works other than operating a computer, can you recommend any online class or tutorial for beginner like me?

  33. Hello Henry

    I am an Iranian, I hope you like it /
    I work in the field of hacking and I have a question for you.

    How can I buy paid tools for hacking?

    (Tools that are not public and private)

    How can I buy hacking tools?

    1. Hi Rashed, thank you for your comment. Illegal and dangerous hacking tools can easily be found on the darknet but as ever, use them only for educational reasons and never on anyone without their explicit permission.

  34. Hi Henri,

    My name is Oded and I’m a big fan of this site.

    I have learned a lot from it over the years, and now it may be my time to give some back.

    BruteShark is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) that i have developed in my spare time, it analyzes network traffic with offensive orientation.

    It includes: password extracting, building a network map, reconstruct TCP sessions, extract hashes of encrypted passwords and even convert them to a Hashcat format in order to perform an offline Brute Force attack.

    Currently a user community is starting to form (thousands of downloads), and the project is starting to gain momentum, thousands of stars at GitHub and even some code donations.

    It would be an honor if you check out the project and maybe even mention it if you will find it interesting 🙂

    BruteShark homepage:

    Best Regards,

  35. I am useless because I have no skills, can you please make me a useful person by teaching me alot of things?

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