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  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Respect Urthona (Marvel 616). on the Gen. Discussion board

    @wastelandman: He explitcly mentions how the dimensions are twisted and devoid of stars/galaxies. That doesn't sound like he's just ruling the dimension but altering its very nature as well.Sure, I'm ...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Respect Urthona (Marvel 616). on the Gen. Discussion board

    @wastelandman: Him stating that he’ll become “this universe’s Dormammu” kind of implies that he’s referring to many unrelated Dark Dimensions, with rulers who are all of a similar standing tho.The thi...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Respect Urthona (Marvel 616). on the Gen. Discussion board

    @andromeda1001 said: @wastelandman said:Thanks. When I was going over his appearances again, I don't if you saw this already, but I did find this statement from him in Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme ...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Darkseid and Barbatos. on the Battles board

    @bigbaby said: @zetsu-san: I'm not saying their cosmology is perfect, but in comparison to Marvel where the cosmology doesn't even matter and constant retcons happen to fit new frameworks, it definite...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Lucifer Morningstar Vs. The Decreator. on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001: They should really reveal Decreator is UDM's true form. I mean he even has the eye on his stomach. lol

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Darkseid and Barbatos. on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001 said:@bigbaby said:@zetsu-san: I would say so, yeah. He doesn't really do much nowadays, and even GODS indicates that he's on an axis equal to other powers which isn't doing him any fa...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Darkseid and Barbatos. on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001: Eh, I don’t agree. He may have just been the most powerful entity with the right temperament for the role, rather than being inherently grander than everything that falls under his jur...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Darkseid and Barbatos. on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001 said: @zetsu-san said:Tbf, I kind of think LT back then wasn’t intended to be as important or all powerful as he was later on.He was still the overseer of all mystic beings.Yea, but he ...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Darkseid and Barbatos. on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001 said:@six-deuce said: @mage101: I put cytorrak slightly above Dormammu. They have comparable feats but I've seen scans of Dormammu casting prep type spells and invoking cytorrak’s name...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic - Marvel's Mystical Side! The Discussion Thread -. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @andromeda1001 said:@wastelandman said:That's amazing! It always made sense for all the principalities to be equal to each other in power, and even though they were framed like that in the early stor...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Odin-Destroyer vs the Destruction. on the Battles board

    How many Galactus variations do we need? smh

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Loki and Nightmare Vs. Doctor Fate and Mordru. on the Battles board

    @wastelandman said:I'd go with Team 2. As strong as Nightmare has been portrayed recently, I he should always lose to sorcerers as good or better than Dr. Strange, and team 2 has both.To add to this,...

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Loki and Nightmare Vs. Doctor Fate and Mordru. on the Battles board

    Team 2 takes it with relative ease IMO.

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Galactus(God of Hunger) and Galactus(Lifebringer). on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001: I mean Satannish was probably just PIS tbh. It doesn’t really make sense for someone of Satannish’s level to be able to wrestle Galactus in that state.

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Valtorr and Cyttorak Vs. Galactus(God of Hunger) and Galactus(Lifebringer). on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001 said:@wastelandman@zetsu-san: Thoughts?I mean under the current lore, Galactus being exposed to magic makes him devour all of reality, so....

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Caine(The Amazing Digital Circus) Vs. Bill Cipher(Gravity Falls). on the Battles board

    @andromeda1001: Cain doesn’t really have any combat feats yet.

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Nyx Vs. Umar. on the Battles board

    @bigbaby: Furthermore, there are actually more than a couple of star level characters there: Strange, Carol, Thor, and Wiccan. Possibly even Human Torch too.Mmm....

  • Zetsu-San posted a message in the forum topic Nyx Vs. Umar. on the Battles board

    @rajjarsalt: Yea, and it was a massive missed opportunity to have a trippy reality bending battle, where Hypnos just treats the entire dimension as sand that he can manipulate. And they could have sti...