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  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic What game is better in your opinion: Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I could finish World. I never could finish 3

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    No slight to Darkseid, but Galactus is just on another level

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Superman and Wonder Woman vs Bizarro and Etrigan . on the Battles board

    @jimohkolawol10: I concede Bizarro v Superman but do you have an issue number for WW beating Etrigan?

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Dormammu, Vs Mr Mxyzptlk. on the Battles board

    @devil_king18: if said dimension wasn’t inhabited by other 5-D imps I might agree. How would Thanos do against a planet full of beings on the same level of power as himself?

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Mangog Vs Trigon. on the Battles board

    Ok I’ll bite, what issue was the death of Trigon at Bizarro’s hands? like I want to read it

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Dormammu, Vs Mr Mxyzptlk. on the Battles board

    @devil_king18: World’s Funnest is clearly an outlier, canon or not. He destroyed everything DC had the rights to save for Bat-Mite and Jay’s helmet, including the 5th Dimension and higher

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Lady Shiva vs The Boss. on the Battles board

    Consider me sold. I’ll side with the Boss

  • TifaLockhart followed The_Hajduk .
  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Dormammu, Vs Mr Mxyzptlk. on the Battles board

    As far as the actual topic as to who wins, if Dormammu is Eternity level he could make it difficult for Mxy imoim unsure who takes majority, but leaning Mxyzptlk

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Superman and Wonder Woman vs Bizarro and Etrigan . on the Battles board

    @jimohkolawol10: tell You what. If you can provide evidence of Superman being able to dispatch Bizarro quickly I will concede. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t by now Still, I feel Diana v Etrigan...

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid (Snydercut) vs Ikaris (MCU). on the Battles board

    Not to mention acting or not, he was pinned by a tree

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Superman and Wonder Woman vs Bizarro and Etrigan . on the Battles board

    @jimohkolawol10: I assume you’re talking about the Wonder Woman/Etrigan fight under Byrne?are you aware of their fight under Grant?

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Dormammu, Vs Mr Mxyzptlk. on the Battles board

    @hatsonmelo: imps‘ physical forms are just as frail as a human’s if theyre not using their powers as seen when Jakeem decked Qwisp or when Superman accidentally KO’d Mxy in Bizarro Comics with the dev...

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Supergirl (DCEU) vs Angry Hulk (MCU). on the Battles board

    I agree that Hulk takes majority but I find it a bit much to say this version of Supergirl has “no stamina” and is “weak” because Zod’s blade worked.He’s not “no-selling” her

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Superman and Wonder Woman vs Bizarro and Etrigan . on the Battles board

    @somethingsome8: she’s not taking majority over Bizarro. Etrigan might be debatable depending on writer, maybe

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Dante (Devil May Cry) Vs Lobo. on the Battles board

    Never played DMC but I had no idea Dante was powerful enough to challenge pre-Flashpoint Lobo

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Current DARKSEID VS Immortal Thor,Titan Hulk. on the Battles board

    And this proves that DC continuity is a mess

  • TifaLockhart posted a message in the forum topic Cloverfield Monster (2008) runs the Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    I don’t recall that image from the film at all.the monster would clear if the statement about it still being alive is canon