
Both people in the background can kick your favorite god's ass.

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  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Mangog Vs Trigon. on the Battles board

    We can keep clinging onto just that ONE anti-feat for each character or we can actually talk about their other feats. Trigon has actually shown on panel to consume a universe, has been stated to cons...

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Hulk and Thor VS Superman and Doomsday. on the Battles board

    @mage101 said:I don't see why thor doesn't job or maybe doomsday jobs. Depends on who jobs or not.

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Lamplighter (amazons the boys) vs Pyro (fox xmen). on the Battles board

    Finally Pyro can beat Bobby

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Titan Hulk Vs Thanos. on the Battles board

    Titan stomps.

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Sean Strickland vs David Goggins. Who wins in a fight?. on the Battles board

    This shit again? Obviously Goggins beats him at training and obviously Strickland beats him in the octagon. They are monsters at completely different fields. I don't know why Strickland felt the need ...

  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Victoria Nuemen (The Boys TV Show) runs a Head Popping Durability Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    The only ones who aren't bullet proof here are Spidey and Diana, so I say she pops them.

  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Captain America(mcu) vs Sam Riordan(gen). on the Battles board

    Cap takes it with mid diff. Just as strong, faster, faaaar more skilled, faaar more experienced, faaaar more agile and that shield is too much. Fodderising Kimiko is not nearly enough, Kimiko< Shi...

  • TheDevil98 posted a new image.
  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic SAM(GEN V) VS STARLIGHT (THE BOYS). on the Battles board

    @aystarr said:@thedevil98 said: Yeah Sam wins now after how easily he handled Kimiko.Kimiko and starlight are not on the same level tho, how is that relevant in this fight?Yeah I forgot about that bu...

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Prometheus (CW) vs Taskmaster (MCU). on the Battles board

    @thedevil98 said:bump.

  • TheDevil98 posted a message in the forum topic Sam Riordan(Gen V/The boys) runs the H2H gaunlet. on the Battles board

    Stops at Bucky.