
5000 posts. Damn. I feel old.

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  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic SM Jiraiya vs War Arc MS Kakashi. on the Battles board

    @uchihaghost said:@the_wspanialy: throwing shade from a corner is not gonna help you, if you wanna debate, do it properly not sitting in the shadow like a coward and addressing one single example tha...

  • the_wspanialy posted a new image.
  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic SM Jiraiya vs War Arc MS Kakashi. on the Battles board

    @uchihaghost said:@the_wspanialy: whose talking about the sannin title? You are... not me, i don't argue with titles or ranks, i barely mention a title as justification for power, i mostly work with.....

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic SM Jiraiya vs War Arc MS Kakashi. on the Battles board

    @uchihaghost said:Lemme ad a side note, cuz the level of SM jman downplay is crazyBase jman casually defeated konan who gave obito a run for his money, he casually defeated her in base, his speed in ...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic SM Jiraiya vs War Arc MS Kakashi. on the Battles board

    Imagine unironically arguing for Jiraiya in 2024 xDKakashi stomps. Chakra reserves and summons are the only things in Jiraiya's favor, and they are meaningless against Kakashi's speed and hax.

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Strongest Hokage Ranked. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Minato's placement is atrocious.

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Prime Hiruzen vs Hokage Kakashi. on the Battles board

    Ah yes, the mythical "Prime" Hiruzen. A character so mythical that after 20+ years, the fandom STILL has to speculate when his mythical primehood begins and when it ends. A character whose mythical st...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Vilgefortz (Witcher) vs Arantir (Might & Magic). on the Battles board

    I don't know the Heroes lore enough to know where to rank Arantir. What I've heard about him sounds impressive, but how impressive it actually is, I cannot say.As of now, I'm going with Vilgefortz. He...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Sigmar Heldenhammer vs Warchief Thrall. on the Battles board

    WotLK Thrall was losing to Garrosh before their fight was interrupted.Sigmar should win with like mid-diff.

  • the_wspanialy posted a new image.
  • the_wspanialy posted a new image.
  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic L was defeated by Kira. Light is the smartest Death Note character. on the Gen. Discussion board

    L almost won the game despite not even knowing the rules.

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Has season 4 of The Boys been the weakest season so far?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Yes. Season 3 had Soldier Boy to carry it. Season 4 doesn't.

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Which are you more excited for - Shrek 5 or Toy Story 5?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @reaper4 said:Toy Story should of never even had a 4 imo. Don't want a 5This. TS3 ended beautifully. Same with Shrek.

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Team Geralt vs Team Witch King. on the Battles board

    @firefly489 said:@the_wspanialy:And I sincerely doubt he's faster than Vlad.Does Vlad scale above bullet timing?Even run of the mill vampire fodder can take a headshot and still fight.Some of these a...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Team Geralt vs Team Witch King. on the Battles board

    @firefly489 said:@the_wspanialy: Here's my RT for Redwin if it helpsI think you're underestimating Sheriff here. He's one of the fastest on his team via scaling, has teleportation, regen, and can cau...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic Team Geralt vs Team Witch King. on the Battles board

    Without taking Redwin and Teron into consideration (as I know nothing about them), I'm going with team 1.Vlad is probably the strongest overall person in this match-up, but he has a bit of a history o...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic WA Kakashi and Guy vs 5 Kage. on the Battles board

    @famousroman said:@nassergrant19 said: @the_wspanialy:Btw Tsunade and Ay concede they can’t take down V2 Kinkaku.V2 Biju are beasts.Someone didn't read the rest of the manga.Indeed. SOMEONE didn't.Ay...

  • the_wspanialy posted a message in the forum topic WA Kakashi and Guy vs 5 Kage. on the Battles board

    @edgelord91 said:Which are covered by V2 cloak?Technically an extension but my point was that was an arguably More powerful v2 jinchuriki against a nerfed Sanin. Not a good comparison.V2 Naruto <&...

  • the_wspanialy posted a new image.