
RIP Akira Toriyama

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  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Beerus vs Sonic, Shadow, & Silver. on the Battles board

    What do you mean by "all skills"?These 3 in their base forms aren't winning. In their composite Super forms, any of them could solo with Archie feats alone.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Favorite Comic Book Artist. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Ron Lim.@just_sayin said:Perez was the man. His work on the Avengers, Justice League and Teen Titans was phenomenal.This guy is probably 2nd.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic BV Boruto vs Saiyan Invasion. on the Battles board

    @rayvolt said: @takenstew22: Planet+ since it was from Kaioken x4 GokuYeah, just very slightly over Earth busting.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic BV Boruto vs Saiyan Invasion. on the Battles board

    @gavla said:@nwname said: @gavla said: @nwname: lmao with the example of the solar panel, they are two very different things, you are saying a fallacy.Boruto in base form clear saiyan saga, just acce...

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic What's your favorite horror verse?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @wushu59 said: @takenstew22 said: @wushu59 said: @takenstew22 said: Where's Alien?This would be my answer is Alien 3 and 4 weren't so mid.1 & 2 and Prometheus are all peak.Meh, Prometheus kinda su...

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Team Superman vs Team Hulk. on the Battles board

    Team 1 mid diffs.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic How much of a threat Red Hulk in the MCU?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    There ain't no way he's gonna be street tier. He has to be mid at the very least.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Goku vs Hulk. on the Battles board

    WWH doesn't use gamma rays, that's WBH. The OP doesn't specify if he's allowed to go WB or not.If he's allowed to go WBH then I can definitely see him getting past round 1 regardless of the speed gap.

  • takenstew22 followed Star-Princess-6 .
  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic What's your favorite horror verse?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Where's Alien?

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Mangog vs Doomsday. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk: I mean, I'd be more angry if someone killed my wife/best friend than I would hurting myself.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Godzilla vs Basilisk. on the Battles board

    ...Am I missing some uber powerful version of the Basilisk?

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Mangog vs Doomsday. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk said:@takenstew22:Exactly. And so does Mangog. He feeds off hatred.Only Hulk's source of power has been confirmed to be unlimited. Stated by Beyonder himself.Unlimited potential. Not unli...

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Mangog vs Doomsday. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk said: I hate to break it to you guys, but beating up Thor isn't this exclusive feat. A lot of villains do that.Hulk has done it even more times than Mangog.Thor can give Hulk a run for his...

  • takenstew22 posted a new image.
  • takenstew22 posted a new image.
  • takenstew22 posted a new image.
  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Speedrunner Mario. on the Gen. Discussion board

    If you mean TerminalMontage Mario then yes, easily. He's an eldritch being who's unbound by space and time.

  • takenstew22 posted a message in the forum topic Red Hulk vs MoS Superman. on the Battles board

    @koose104 said:Movie isn’t even out yet