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  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic DCEU Flash vs Other Speedsters. on the Battles board

    @warstars1977 said:@shroudofsorrow said: @warstars1977: Honestly, I'm not even sure how "going really fast" even translates to universe hopping in the first place, so there's that. But Arrowverse Fla...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic DCEU Flash vs Other Speedsters. on the Battles board

    @warstars1977: Honestly, I'm not even sure how "going really fast" even translates to universe hopping in the first place, so there's that. But Arrowverse Flash definitely got progressively faster bey...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Ultron(MCU) and T800(Terminator) vs Deep and Noir(The boys). on the Battles board

    @death4bunnies: Barnes got his arm blasted off not long after making a grab for the arc reactor, and it's pretty clearly shown that Stark would have killed him but for Steve's intervention. Much of th...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Darth Maul (TCW S4) vs Ben Kenobi. on the Battles board

    Ben's already stomped Maul, and there's nothing to suggest he wouldn't do so again.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Cap and Bucky (MCU) vs Black Noir and Deep (the boys). on the Battles board

    @kryptonianking88: Fair point regarding Iron Man Vs. Bucky. Yeah, he definitely wasn't holding back there.Regarding the repulsor blasts, couldn't it be said that Cap is moving before Iron Man thinks t...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Canon Sith Team vs Mcu Avengers Villain Team 2024. on the Battles board

    @calclord: @pizzagod342: Except Thanos didn't abuse the Reality Stone all that much in his fights. He didn't use it to one-shot anyone on Titan, for example, so it seems like it's not in-character for...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Marvelous Man (Netflix) runs the DCEU Kryptonian Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    Well, having checked the RT, if this guy does indeed scale to a planet-buster, then he should one-shot everyone here.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Canon Sith Team vs Mcu Avengers Villain Team 2024. on the Battles board

    Picture is God of Stories Loki, who would solo easily. Assuming you intended this to be standard Loki, then I would say the Sith team. Thanos is powerful, but his two teammates aren't lasting long, a...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic The Seven (The Boys) vs T-3000, T-1000, T-X, T-800, and Rev-9. on the Battles board

    I feel like the Terminator's only real asset is their insane regen. Otherwise, I think the Seven (sadly) have the advantage.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Ultron(MCU) and T800(Terminator) vs Deep and Noir(The boys). on the Battles board

    Base Ultron contended with Iron Man. So yes, he does indeed solo. You should have specified Jobber Ultron, as that is the version that is Super Soldier-level.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Captain America (MCU) vs IW Steve Rodgers (MCU). on the Battles board

    @krishnyak said:in melee Steve, on distance Sam via missilesThink I'd agree with this also.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Solid Snake runs a DC Villain Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    @eredin12 said:Stops at 10 or clears I would say, Snake has beaten varrious characters, from superhumans like Fox, Vamp to various high-level marksman, so I do not think most of the guys here would b...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Cap and Bucky (MCU) vs Black Noir and Deep (the boys). on the Battles board

    @kryptonianking88 said:@kinglouie said: Noir fodderizes/blitzes them both alone. He literally dogged/deflected a shotgun at close range and was tanking a mini gun until he fell out a window.Noir’s du...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic DCEU Batman vs Kingpin(Daredevil 2003). on the Battles board

    @riotgear: Except none of Daredevil's H2H fights with anyone, not even common thugs, suggest his leaping power translates to strength in combat. @riotgear said: Matt broke bones, Matt and Fisk both br...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic The Deep vs DCEU Batman. on the Battles board

    You'd need to make it Power Armor Batman for it to be a discussion, considering Deep's superhuman physicals and how folks are putting him above MCU Super Soldiers at best, and in their range at worst...

  • shroudofsorrow posted a message in the forum topic Darth Vitiate vs Full Potential Anakin. on the Battles board

    Anakin soundly.

  • shroudofsorrow posted a new image.