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  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Composite Artoria Pendragon vs Legends Vader. on the Battles board

    @libra_no_dohko: the root was the omnipotent, boundless source of everything, The One as described in platonismNow it's just some alternate universe.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Team Solid Snake vs Team Batman. on the Battles board

    @firefly489 said:@pedrolopesmateus:I didn't see Batman has prepare here. Then he actually solos.>sees prep>doesn't see that it has restrictionsStopping things above city-block level from being ...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Team Solid Snake vs Team Batman. on the Battles board

    @eredin12: I didn't see Batman has prepare here. Then he actually solos.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Team Solid Snake vs Team Batman. on the Battles board

    @eredin12: CJ being the weak link doesn't matter though when Snake solos.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Fate: Archer Emiya vs Lancer Cu Chulainn. on the Battles board

    Can go either way. Archer is more versatile and can stop Gae Bolg with magical shields. But Cu is much faster and better at CQC, in addition to having immunity from arrows.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Nasuverse Battle: Prime Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg vs Gilgamesh. on the Battles board

    @ecoblitz: strongest Gilgamesh outsideof CCC would be Strange Fake Gil while alive. That version is DAA level but Zelretch should still be too much for him based on his victory over Type-Moon. How doe...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Guts vs Darth Vader (swordfight). on the Battles board

    Vader blitzes guts on round 1.Round 2 Vader is too strong. Since neither's weapon are allowed to cut the other, the Dragonslayer is sent flying out of Guts' hands.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Fantomex vs Shiki Tohno. on the Battles board

    @professorrespect: If remake Tohno is as weak as I heard, yes. Using Remake Tohno is pointless and I don't get why people made threads with him before the Remake was even translated.OG Tohno stomps an...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Funny Valentine vs Shiki Tohno. on the Battles board

    Love Train wouldn't save Valentine from OG Tohno. He would still get one-shot because MEoDP can kill concepts by erasing them from the Akashic Records. Valentine isn't countering or resisting that.Rem...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Composite Artoria Pendragon vs Legends Vader. on the Battles board

    @sirfizzwhizz said:Doesn't Avalon make her flat out Immortal to damage?While inside Avalon, yes, nothing from SW can get past it considering even the 5 Sorceries were said to be unable to penetrate i...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a new image.
  • PedroLopesMateus posted a new image.
  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Diagon (Ben 10) vs Justice League (DCEU). on the Battles board

    Diagon stomps. It’s actually closer if he fights the comic versions. And even then he beats everyone with morals on. Morals off you can make a case for Flash soloing and the rest still lose.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Trump Pennsylvania 7/13/2024 discussion thread.. on the Off-Topic board

    @seventhmoon:As a non-white Latino dude, I'd take Trump over Hillary or Biden. But for the sole reason that when Trump does something wrong, the media notices it a lot more than when democrats do it. ...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Prime Yoda, Luke, Obi Wan, and Sidious vs Full Potential Anakin. on the Battles board

    @greysentinel365: What? How? You are claiming he is stone hut level, yet he is above Vader whose comics display feats above building level in every single issue.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Reg(Made in Abyss) vs Naruto(Naruto). on the Battles board

    Hah, I was dumb an year ago.No Incinerator in round 2? Reg for sure loses. It should be allowed to make this more even.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic Shirou and Saber(Fate/Stay Night) vs Sora(KH) and Spider-Man. on the Battles board

    @eredin12: Zero is a good starting point as it's only 25 eps.Fwiw, Fate characters are a lot weaker than others from the same verse. It's the Tsukihime/Mahoyo/KnK side of things that has cosmic powerh...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic General Grievous vs Metal Gear Solid Team. on the Battles board

    @eredin12: Canon grievous swinging his sabers so fast he made a shield that could deflect blasters in the Kanan comic is still enough to beat any MGS character. MGR characters, on the other hand, have...

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic General Grievous vs Metal Gear Solid Team. on the Battles board

    @eredin12: I will also add that even Dagan Gera vapes this team, nevermind Legends high tiers.

  • PedroLopesMateus posted a message in the forum topic General Grievous vs Metal Gear Solid Team. on the Battles board

    @eredin12 said:Grevious is too fast and durable for them. You could at least have added MGR characters, not that it would change too much ,but guys who lose to Snakes(most of these) fighting EU Grevi...