
Geeking out about Melinda May using the alias Chastity McBryde (from Elektra Assassin) in SHIELD this week.

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  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Cosmic Ghost Rider & Silver Surfer vs Reverse Flash & Zoom. on the Battles board

    @mage101 said:@takenstew22, @owie: I want to report destinyman75 for calling me a troll for apparently no good reason and this isn't the only time that he's done this as he called a an anti-Thor trol...

  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    @devil_king18: @hatsonmelo: Ok, both of you stop. I agree with what ET said.Also, hatsonmelo--it is in fact a one of the Battle Forum rules to not make CAVs without the other person agreeing:"Do not m...

  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
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  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Star Wars: The Acolyte Discussion. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @geekryan: What would you rate it as, now that it's done?

  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a new image.
  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Star Wars: The Acolyte Discussion. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @geekryan: I really did like the combat a lot. Nice mix of martial arts in with the saber usage, some acrobatics, and clearly different styles among the lightsaber combatants. For instance Qimir tende...

  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Star Wars: The Acolyte Discussion. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @thevivas: Yeah, I agree they could argue maybe a little more easily that it's settled because they had a body and the other Jedi saw it. But the little furry dude saw it all, he knows what was up (an...

  • owie posted a message in the forum topic Star Wars: The Acolyte Discussion. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I enjoyed the lightsaber battle between Sol and Qimir. The switch to a red crystal was cool but didn't fit with history as others have noted.Some of the things that don't make sense to me, in no orde...