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  • ODIN619360 posted a new image.
  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Michael Myers (Thorn) vs Freddy Krueger. on the Battles board

    I am going with Micheal round 1, but that being said, Freddy is resourceful and could take a win.round 2 for me is pretty much the same as 1.Round 3 should go to Freddy off the bat. That being said, ...

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic [MCU] The Marvels vs L&T Trio. on the Battles board

    Thor keeps carol busy while val and Jane take care of the others. then its over for the team.

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Mcu Super Skrull vs Mcu Thanos. on the Battles board

    Graviks has not shown me he can take on Thor, Worthy Cap and Nano tech iron man. Thanos wrecks.

  • ODIN619360 posted a new image.
  • ODIN619360 posted a new image.
  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Titan Hulk vs Doomsday. on the Battles board

    Titan Hulk feats?

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Thor vs. Thragg and Battle Beast H2H Fight. on the Battles board

    @goldeneagle said:Didn't Omni Man die from splitting a planet? Thor does that as a side effect in his fights. He literally flicks them.lol Thragg or Battle beast>>>>>>>>>&g...

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Magneto Vs Martian Manhunter. on the Battles board

    @professorrespect: fair enough, makes more sense. Mags is pretty OP

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Thor vs. Thragg and Battle Beast H2H Fight. on the Battles board

    Thor has some pretty decent H2H feats. as long as he does not have OF i will say team could take this. Thragg and Battle beast live for the fights, they have thousands of years of experience and argu...

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Magneto Vs Martian Manhunter. on the Battles board

    I will say MM takes this with phasing, speed advantage and overall better strength and striking by a huge margin. that being said TP will not help and Mags could bury MM. but if MM can phase he will ...

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Spider-Man vs the thing (who had the better lifting feat. on the Gen. Discussion board

    big up Spiderman

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic MCU Phase 2 Thor vs MCU She-Hulk. on the Battles board

    Thor wrecks

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Danny Phantom vs Human Torch (FOX). on the Battles board

    @killbilly: not really, unless it's L&T Thor vs SC Superman. Dragon ball or Luffy no one is interested.

  • ODIN619360 followed SuperPrimeTime .
  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Wally West vs Monica Rambeau. on the Battles board

    @berberiot: still Wally>>>inconsistent outliers

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Is L&T Thor physically stronger than Thanos without IG?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @death4bunnies: 1 he caught Thanos Off guard with stormbreaker. Thanos had already performed the big snap. And had not long come out of a battle with Dr Strange, Iron Man, spider man and the Guardians...

  • ODIN619360 posted a message in the forum topic Wally West vs Monica Rambeau. on the Battles board
