
The King of Fishing

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  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic Kafka vs. Reinhard Heydrich. on the Battles board

    In terms of pure lore, stellaron hunters like Kafka were implied to be planet busters, and I think the Doomsday Beast, the first boss, was implied to be a planet buster as well.Reinhard, on the other ...

  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.
  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic Who is the avatar above you?. on the Off-Topic board

    Ruri from Tasokare Hotel

  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic How Many Girls Have You Ever Kissed?. on the Off-Topic board

    I kissed ten girls. I wish it was nine, to be honest. This one girl had this awful taste in her mouth that made me want to vomit. I came to find out it was because she allowed her dog to lick her face...

  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic How do I beat my bad genetics?. on the Off-Topic board

    You have to get back into working out and work hard at it. You should get back into eating healthy if you don't already. I also recommend watching Hamza's video on YouTube. His videos honestly helped...

  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic Guys would you daye a girl who could beat you up. on the Off-Topic board

    No. I prefer a girl who I could protect than be protected by. There is also the issue that she'd possibly be too masculine, and I would rather date a girl who looks like a girl than a girl that could ...

  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.
  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.
  • NoctisCaelum posted a message in the forum topic Do u watch anime?. on the Off-Topic board

    I used to watch a lot of animes, however, I mostly stick either mangas, light novels, or visual novels. Most newer animes, aside form a few, don't really interest me much anymore. I usually stick olde...

  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.
  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.
  • NoctisCaelum posted a new image.