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  • lazarus4tempest posted a message in the forum topic The Thermodynamics, Mechanics and Feats of Storm's Powers #2. on the Storm board

    @hp said:@lazarus4tempest: she also caught his hammer, when he threw it at her with all his force. Plus she also dodged it twice before.He threw it with the intent to make her worthy this ain't the g...

  • lazarus4tempest posted a message in the forum topic The Thermodynamics, Mechanics and Feats of Storm's Powers #2. on the Storm board

    @kasya_carey said:@lazarus4tempest said: @jay_z94 said: @lazarus4tempest: Don’t try and be rational in the Storm forums. There’s a reason why they stay in their safe space and don’t take their argume...

  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a message in the forum topic Wiki Requests. on the Editing & Tools board

    Please change Thor image the one currently up has nothing to do with 616 Thor.

  • lazarus4tempest posted a message in the forum topic Thor wielding the mother storm: Closer attention to some of Thor´s planetary feats. on the Thor board

    I hate the mother storm concept but this impressive.

  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a new image.
  • lazarus4tempest posted a message in the forum topic Can Thor take a bullet to the head?. on the Thor board

    I can't believe in 2024 people still debating if Thor can take a bullet to the head that's insane with?