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  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Cassandra Nova (MCU) vs Wanda Maximoff (MCU). on the Battles board

    Wanda takes her power away and kills her

  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Fox Azazel vs MCU Defenders. on the Battles board

    @juiceboks: i believe one of them could figure that out since they start with knowledge on him. if he doesn't start with dropping them from the sky then it could be enough time to figure something out...

  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Fox Azazel vs MCU Defenders. on the Battles board

    @nightmare20: I'm pretty sure anyone that falls would try to grab onto something. What beast did doesn't seem like you need to be that smart to try the same thing. He'll be able to figure it as he wat...

  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Fox Azazel vs MCU Defenders. on the Battles board

    @juiceboks: couldn't Luke just hold on to him if he tries that? Beast did it and forced him to teleport them towards the ground

  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Cage Fight: Venom (Sony) vs. FOX Colossus. on the Battles board

    @nightmare20: 1 and2. I answered that in the first one but is there any proof that the punches that juggernaut threw at Colossus were city block level. So far none of his feats come close to the highw...

  • justneedhelp posted a message in the forum topic Cage Fight: Venom (Sony) vs. FOX Colossus. on the Battles board

    @nightmare20: 1. I'm on mobile rn but all of his feats can be found in each the symbiote RTs except for She Venom: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/feats-and-analysis-2311599/ssu-full-rt-all-char...

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  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.
  • justneedhelp posted a new image.