
At the end of the day your going to turn your computer off. So why worry about anything on the internet?

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  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic *Respect* Doomsday (Superman and Lois on HBO). on the Gen. Discussion board

    Cool thread.

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Lady Shiva vs The Boss. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk: I said I think the metal gear universe is on par with dc in feats and accolades.I do think maybe somethings are being taken to literally. Shiva is stated to be a master of all known marti...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Lady Shiva vs The Boss. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk: I personally think Cassie’s feat is better than the one you posted. A colt single action army moves at less than Mach 1.I also think it’s worth acknowledging Cassie’s feat is more clear c...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Gojo and Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs Godzilla and King Ghidora (Monsterverse). on the Battles board

    @sirfizzwhizz: UV is instant. It’s always been shown that way when he used it on Jogo and the 0.2 DE.In the 0.2 DE gojo needed to be weary of a potential counter attack from the disaster curses becaus...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Lady Shiva vs The Boss. on the Battles board

    @the_hajduk: When cass was sniped she was initially unaware of the bullet. She likely sensed the air pressure change as the bullet got close. She has sensed changes in air pressure before during batgi...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Gojo and Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs Godzilla and King Ghidora (Monsterverse). on the Battles board

    I think when gojo said he needs to distinguish poison he’s talking about distinguishing poison gas from air which he needs to breathe.

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic See you, space cowboy. on the Off-Topic board

    Best of luck

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Legendary writer Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault by two women.. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @yoroshi0: I think it’s odd for someone roughly 3x the age to prey on younger women/men. It’s not illegal but I can still judge him as a person for his decision. Whether or not it’s immoral would depe...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic 616 Thor kills another Celestial?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Have the celestials done anything impressive in recent years? I feel like they are often portrayed to be below power houses like Thor and sentry in recent years.

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Why shouldn't we debate in our threads. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Unless things have changed since I’ve been mod you can debate in your own thread. As long as you think the fight is interesting and you are impartial.If you make a thread that’s spite, bait, or just t...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Legendary writer Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault by two women.. on the Gen. Discussion board

    The allegations themselves are bad. I can see why the age gap might be concerning. Even though it is the age of consent having a pattern going after younger women is strange behaviour. Not illegal but...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Thor Anti-Feats. on the Gen. Discussion board

    The scan of Thor getting shot in the head is from black panther #8 of priests run. Nothing implies the bullet was vibranium. All that’s said is the bullet broke thors skin but his skull was unscratche...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Is Spider-Man THAT fast?. on the Gen. Discussion board


  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Is Spider-Man THAT fast?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @the_hajduk: Head hunter literally thought he hit spider-man with his axe. From his perspective he hit Peter. That’s why we see the axe goes through peters after image. That isn’t Peter moving out of ...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Is Spider-Man THAT fast?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @the_hajduk said: @jashro44: I think there is a difference between escaping a person’s field of vision, and actually being faster than the human eye can perceive. Like becoming invisible from sheer sp...

  • jashro44 posted a new image.
  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Razorfist Doesn't Understand Batman's No Kill Rule. on the Gen. Discussion board

    …Who’s razor fist?

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Why Naruto Females Are Decently Written. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @diydeath: Don’t think I would call Sakura a Mary sue. I think one of the issues with her is she’s comparatively useless compared to sasuke, Naruto and even kakashi. Even though she was hyped up to be...

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Team Deathstroke vs Team Gray Fox 2.0. on the Battles board

    @firefly489: I’m not familiar with everyone here so not sure. I just thought those 2 were out of place considering their teammates.

  • jashro44 posted a message in the forum topic Why Naruto Females Are Decently Written. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I think the issue is most of them have their characters based around devotion to a man in the series. At least when I think of most of the major characters outside of tsunade. They occasionally have o...