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  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Michael Myers vs Jason Voorhees Debunk. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @novaprime2: Nice weightless comments based on nothing by the way πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚ I’ll try to remember to check back for your reply later. Whenever you finally manage to come up with one that is. I mean I know how...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Michael Myers vs Jason Voorhees Debunk. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @properthe1: You make very solid points, but unfortunately regardless of how good and true they are, they completely go to waste with fanboy glazers like @NovaPrime2 who completely lack logic and reas...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic What does TANKING a hit really mean?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I don’t mean to revive an old thread, but I have a question for you guys, at least those of you (if any) who are still around. Do you think that a character has to specifically take an attack without ...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic The Hunter (Bloodborne) vs Chosen Undead (Darksouls Series). on the Battles board

    @chris-sama: The Hunter has no real way to even win this fight let alone stomp. Let's be real.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic The Hunter (Bloodborne) vs Chosen Undead (Darksouls Series). on the Battles board

    @akshsarpanch: Lol they are, easily. And the funny thing is it's not even debatable. You Bloodborne fangirls are just being your usual delusional biased selves. πŸ˜‚

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Exodia the Forbidden One vs Obelisk the Tormentor. on the Battles board

    @greysentinel365: Exodia is NOT more powerful in lore than Obelisk. πŸ˜‚ Also he never would've beaten Zorc regardless of whether his summoner died or not.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic MUI Goku vs SSJB Gogeta. on the Battles board

    @thoromdil: Yeah MUI Goku was clearly better because he beat a weaker character from a previous arc who had various impressive showings against other weaker characters from a previous arc lol. Great l...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic MUI Goku vs SSJB Gogeta. on the Battles board

    @jonathancarlton: Yeah MUI Goku is definitely Angel-level. That's why he got embarrassed by Whis, lost to Granolah (who was stated to still be weaker than Beerus), and was outright stated by Toyotaro ...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic MUI Goku vs SSJB Gogeta. on the Battles board

    @elenwood: Yeah that was an error. It was confirmed to be MUI Goku that he was referring to and besides, that was already debunked anyway because it's been recently confirmed that Beerus > MUI Goku...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Why Goku is not universal/Debunking universal Goku. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Next up: "Why The Flash isn't FTL" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Prep Battle: Iron Man vs Batman. on the Battles board

    @gokuisthebest: Lmfao you're a comedian. Post crisis Supes would get stomped by Thanos no questions asked. Supes isn't even on his level.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Symbiote Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) vs Iron Man Mark 50 (MCU). on the Battles board

    @mrsportsguy13: Lmao yeah, no. Tobey even beating MCU Cap is doubtful. He's definitely not one-shotting him. Not by a long shot.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Symbiote Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) vs Iron Man Mark 50 (MCU). on the Battles board

    Tony wins easily regardless of if it's Infinity War or Civil War. I don't even understand this nonsense of thinking that Civil War Tony was weak or something. He beat both Captain America and Bucky in...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Michael Myers (2007 Reboot) Vs Jason Voorhees (2009 Reboot). on the Battles board

    Michael easily. Stronger, more durable, still smarter, and more brutal. It's funny how these are the same reasons that fanboys give for claiming that OG Jason would win, but all of a sudden none of th...

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Thanos vs Zoom. on the Battles board

    Zoom gets clapped for reasons already stated, the only ones who are trying to say otherwise are the delusional fanboys who know nothing about Thanos.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Jason Voorhees vs Spider-Man. on the Battles board

    Uber Jason and every other version of Jason loses to Spider-Man. This is a mismatch.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic MUI Goku vs SSJB Gogeta. on the Battles board

    @legend531: Thank you. Believe me, it was my pleasure. I enjoy correcting those who are ignorant. Especially the ones are extremely obnoxious on top of that.

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Which do you like more: The Dark Knight or Avengers: Endgame. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Endgame and easily. Infinity War too. On a side note, it's funny to see how salty all of the DC fangirls were getting. ???

  • Galactus616 posted a message in the forum topic Rune King Thor vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    How am I just now seeing this? Talk about late. Anyway, RKT isn't on fully fed Galactus's level. Normal Thor has only ever hurt a starving Galactus and whenever Odin "KO'd" Galactus with a headbutt, h...