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  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Jiren vs Seiya. on the Battles board

    @youandmeandwho: Seiya has no strength or durability feats of no selling universal+/Low Multiversal attacks will surpressed.

  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Jiren vs Seiya. on the Battles board

    @estrelladeleonn: What feats does this Seiya have to finger one shot Jiren?

  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Jiren vs Seiya. on the Battles board

    @youandmeandwho: Episode G isn't canon

  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Saitama Runs the Marvel Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    @devil_king18: It's clearly only stars. Otherwise he would easily draw galaxies being erased instead of just stars

  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Superboy Prime Was Star Level. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Thank you

  • FickFickFire posted a message in the forum topic Emeth Vs Juubito. on the Battles board

    @masterbuster666: Emeth punch would severaly damage Juubito though

  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a new image.
  • FickFickFire posted a new image.