
I like debating so that's what i do

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  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Nika Bonney vs Kaido. on the Battles board


  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Tatsumaki Vs Naruto and Sasuke. on the Battles board

    war arc naruto is enough the last naruto oneshots

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Please explain how Goku is 4D or higher. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @pandalumina said:Goku > Jiren > Timethis

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic CF Garou and Han Daewi vs EOS EOS Toriko and Midora. on the Battles board

    gourmet luck hard carries both of them don't have answers to gourmet luck minority world and midoras atomic eating tongue

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic SOSP Naruto vs Hiei. on the Battles board

    @seventhmoon: i agree with this but they shouldn't either if you allow statements for yuyu give naruto the same liberty but for some reason when it comes to naruto statements don't count even if the...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic SOSP Naruto vs Hiei. on the Battles board

    @death8dragon: statements the best feat in the verse is around country level

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Nanaya decides to stab some of Shonen's best.. on the Battles board

    @seventhmoon said:@dogsrus: Forgot to look at your post.base goku was stronger than base frieza yet frieza no diffed it but base goku who had hakai of his own couldn'tYou're mixing canons. I'm referr...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Hax team vs Ultimate Gohan(Buu saga). on the Battles board

    @anotherusername: sasuke tanked his own lightning to kill of deidaras cellular bombs so he's heat tolerance should scale but Amaterasu from weakened itachi burned and almost killed him

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Flashy Flash & Sonic vs Endgame Army. on the Battles board

    @xd_ist:he is nerfed he couldn't properly transform for infinity war

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Hax team vs Ultimate Gohan(Buu saga). on the Battles board

    @anotherusername: Amaterasu is based on AP temperature changes based on how strong Sasuke becomes itachi's is probably well over surface temperature of the sun considering it's hotter than sasuke...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Flashy Flash & Sonic vs Endgame Army. on the Battles board

    @xd_ist: no hulk went toe to toe and thought he would have won if he wasn't nerfed at the time and cap gave him a scar during infinity war when he didn't have mjolnir

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Flashy Flash & Sonic vs Endgame Army. on the Battles board

    @xd_ist: how weakened by billions of times seem's sketchy even in infinity war and endgame the like of hulk and captain America could hurt thanos

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Nanaya decides to stab some of Shonen's best.. on the Battles board

    @seventhmoon said:@dogsrus: and know having similar pl to someone doesn't null hakai base frieza could null hakai from a god of destruction when goku couldn't goku was massively more powerful than ba...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Flashy Flash & Sonic vs Endgame Army. on the Battles board

    @xd_ist: thor is consistently below continental in durability flashy flash should be higher than that considering he could fight platinum sperm who had to be defeated by perfected fist garou

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Hax team vs Ultimate Gohan(Buu saga). on the Battles board

    @souldemon10x: he should be above base aizen with movie feats he was capable of outright stomping the likes of yamamoto which yamamoto was still capable of defeating or troubling base aizen

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Tobirama vs Minato. on the Battles board

    @shadyomnipotent: it's possible but if you gave them game feats Minato would just blits him into oblivion tobirama if he had more feats would win though considering he created most of the jutsu in the...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Nanaya decides to stab some of Shonen's best.. on the Battles board

    @seventhmoon: zeno still used hakai even if it was more potent and destruction energy is erasure and the destruction energy champa and beerus were casually letting out while fighting was going to dest...

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Nanaya decides to stab some of Shonen's best.. on the Battles board

    @seventhmoon: lol zeno erased a full timeline with hakaiand kaguya was going to erase a timeline with etso which she was going to tank those are the only characters I'm fully knowledgable on

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Jūra vs Baryon Naruto & Rinne Sasuke. on the Battles board

    @shadyomnipotent: idk

  • dogsrus posted a message in the forum topic Most Factual Character Power Tier Takes?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    multi universal base goku makes the most sense