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  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic High Tier Tournament R3: Thenamelessone vs chimeroid. on the Battles board

    @alxec said:Am I allowed to vote? If yes, then please TAEPWe will tag you, i guess it's up to @professorrespect to decide on whether or not you can vote. You are relatively new, but i saw you in some...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    @mutantheroic said:@chimeroid said: @mutantheroic said: @chimeroid said: I mean, yes and no. While you are fully correct in what you are saying, it was my understanding of the OP that we are using Da...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Do you agree with Andrew tate on this?. on the Off-Topic board

    @sundown89 said:@chimeroid: Are they a bot. If so do we just report them?A new account that doesn't talk about comics. Spams political threads, attacks leftists for everything. Look, i didn't even sa...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Do you agree with Andrew tate on this?. on the Off-Topic board

    @sundown89: Bro, you do know that the nutella dude is a bot that is using CV as a free platform to push PR before the elections. It's not a real person. Don't engage this much lol.

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic What Tier Are DBS high tiers?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    High street, or higher.

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Can Cate Dunlap from Gen V Control Homelander?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    In universe? No way. Would never work. For Comic Vine purposes? 100%. He has no feats against mind control.

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    @mutantheroic said:@chimeroid said: I mean, yes and no. While you are fully correct in what you are saying, it was my understanding of the OP that we are using Darkseid as he was when he "breached" t...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    @mutantheroic said:@chimeroid said: Both of you need to chill.A lot of people don't understand the implications of Final Crisis on the lore of New Gods, and it shows. The entire point of the FInal Cri...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    Both of you need to chill. A lot of people don't understand the implications of Final Crisis on the lore of New Gods, and it shows. The entire point of the FInal Crisis is that this is the first time...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Beerus & Friends vs. Amalgam Character (Naruto + One Piece + Bleach + Fairy Tail + JJK + JoJo). on the Battles board

    Amalgam wins, and it's not too difficult. Bleach alone as an amalgam is a huge issue for anyone. Too many weird hax abilities.

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Darkseid vs Galactus. on the Battles board

    Did anyone here even read Final Crisis? If you did, you would have known that Darkseid was killed at the beginning of the story. Everything that we see afterwards is a poor copy in Turpin's body. And...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic MCU Thanos vs Itachi's Tsukuyomi. on the Battles board

    Tsukuyomi no diffs

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic Infinite Frontier Darkseid vs Current Thanos(w Death Stone). on the Battles board

    @hatsonmelo: i mean he beat Asmodel in like 3 pages, didn't seem like tit was hard.Everyone jobs sometimes. But i do get your point

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic High Tier Tournament R3: Thenamelessone vs chimeroid. on the Battles board

    @devil_king18 said:Taep.@mage101 said:@devil_king18 said: Taep.@advent_ said:TAEP@jimohkolawol10 said:Taep.@cergic said:I must insist on a T4V! (TAEP as well, of course)@donpollo said:@kreigastartis ...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic High Tier Tournament R3: Thenamelessone vs chimeroid. on the Battles board

    Ok, let's get down to business.To be honest, I didn't quite expect to get to the semi-finals at all. My team was made to have some fun because people started thinking I only knew DC characters. But. n...

  • Chimeroid posted a message in the forum topic What martial arts do you practice?. on the Off-Topic board

    Trained in the Bujinkan school for 5 years. Trained BJJ later for 2, moved on to MMA. Compared to my club peers, i suck. Compared to "normies" i should be really good.

  • Chimeroid posted a new image.
  • Chimeroid posted a new image.