
With regard to The Clock being the chief bad guy in "Masks?" I prefer to think it wasn't the real Brian O'Brien. But, rather, Pu...

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  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic MCU Black Widow vs Helen (Widow). on the Battles board

    It might be more sensible--and less confusing--to refer to the blonde Widow by her Russian first name, Yelena, as there is already a Black Widow named Helene somewhere in DC's Golden Age Flash archiv...

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Ask Parker. on the Off-Topic board

    @inverno: It's a weird request, but OK."You are an artist and you are to draw a beautiful lady's portrait..."

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Spider-Verse: The Hit List. on the Spider-Man board

    Either that, or a clone created by Curt ("the Lizard Ape") Connors.

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Spider-Verse: The Hit List. on the Spider-Man board

    @human_rocket: That might actually be Calvin "Monkey C" Rankin in the Spidey costume. He's suppose to be the Marvel Ape version of Mimic.

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Say Something about the user above you. on the Off-Topic board

    "Something about the user above you." ;-D

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Captain Marvel or Android 18 - Who's cooler?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @carycomic said:Looks like the good captain is 2.21% ahead in the polls.Whoa! Android 18 managed to pull ahead, a good deal, during the last eight months. Congrats to her!

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Say Something about the user above you. on the Off-Topic board

    @scarlet_death said:Is interested to see "Superman Legacy".Should know that production company has unimaginatively shortened the title to "Superman."

  • Carycomic posted a message on the post Irek Ismaren/Lord Nyax Respect Thread.

    @carycomic said:@in-sidiousvader: Just one question, though. Is this supposed to be Irek as a Phyrexian or a Borg?Dead serious question.

  • Carycomic wrote a review of Step One: Make a lot of Enemies.
    Ah! What irony!

    A sequel to DC's most misleadingly titled mini-series of all time? Featuring a character from one of the weekday afternoon spin-offs of BATMAN '92 on the original Fox Network? Oh, how the once-mighty ...

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Say Something about the user above you. on the Off-Topic board

    Has good taste in family films. :-)

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Say Something about the user above you. on the Off-Topic board

    @carycomic said:"Something about the user above you.";-DP. S.---Merry Xmas to all and to all a good night! :-)

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Starro vs Shuma-Gorath(Non-Shumag realm). on the Battles board

    As far as I'm permanently concerned, Starro is just the DCU manifestation of Shuma-Gorath. Similar to how the green-skinned martial artist Willow (once encountered by Aquaman, Atom, and the Elongated ...

  • Carycomic posted a message in the forum topic Apocalypse vs Sentry. on the Battles board

    @galactusischere said:Apocalypse unless Sentry goes Void on him.Couldn't have said it better, myself. Though, God knows, I tried! Topic should now be locked up.