
“I need you like a heart needs a beat.” – One Republic

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  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a message in the forum topic Respect Urthona (Marvel 616). on the Gen. Discussion board

    Nice work!

  • Andromeda1001 posted a message in the forum topic Demiurge(Wiccan) VS Beyonders. on the Battles board

    @bigbaby said:How about Gillen? Didn't he write the comic panel feats?Eh, not sure.

  • Andromeda1001 posted a message in the forum topic Demiurge(Wiccan) VS Beyonders. on the Battles board

    If it was Al writing this fight, I can see Wiccan winning, yea.

  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a message in the forum topic Nightmare vs Yogi Bear, Winnie The Pooh, and Barney. on the Battles board

    @bigbaby: Did Nightmare get another appearance that I don't know?

  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.
  • Andromeda1001 posted a new image.