High Tier Tournament R3: Thenamelessone vs chimeroid

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  • Sosuke Aizen (3)
  • DMS Kakashi (3)
  • Gerard Valkyrie (2)
  • Dante (1)


  • Perk Negation (ALL perks are removed) (15)



  • Thor (3)
  • Jane Thor (3)
  • Loki (4)


  • Battle Computer (N52/Wildstorm) (Thor) (4)
  • 1 hour of Prep (1)
  • Piece of Non-Standard Gear (8)
  • Spider-Sense (Jane) (1)
  • One Universe: Lightspeed (Both Thors)


  • You are given 10 character points and 15 perk points to be spent exclusively on their respective fields (unless certain perks are obtained to excuse otherwise)
  • Win by Death, Incap, or KO. Standard Gear.
  • DC Characters are composite Post Crisis New 52 and Rebirth, standard power levels. Marvel is 616 and current unless directly stated otherwise.
  • Unless otherwise stated Wildstorm characters are allowed their feats from DC comics.
  • Manga characters are manga/anime/novel.
  • Dragon Ball characters are restricted up to Cell Saga and are manga/movie, no anime feats.
  • Video Game Characters get Game/Tie in comic material.
  • Star Wars is EU: Everyone is also allowed their canon feats and are current.
  • No reality-warping (powers that may fall under this or have some association will be dealt with on a case by case basis due to the broad/vague nature of reality-warping).
  • No Luck Manipulation
  • No Existence Erasure or Conceptual Attacks.
  • No Power Stealing, Power Copying/Sharing is limited to present allies only, though characters like Amazo still have their capabilities.
  • No Summons, constructs, or any other fodder can be stronger than or amped beyond a FTL speed Jupiter Buster.
  • Summons, constructs or any other fodder cannot possess any durability bypassing hax themselves.
  • Summons, constructs, or any other fodder are limited to a cap of 1000.
  • Cloning is limited to 50.
  • Immortality is allowed but if a character has their all physical presence on the battlefield destroyed then they are considered to be KO'd and are out of the fight.
  • Characters without a tangible physical form are not allowed (I.E. ghosts, conceptual forms, etc) though intangibility is fine.
  • Time Jumping, remnants, and speeding up or rewinding one's own time is allowed. Other forms of time manipulation are banned.
  • Battlefield Removal (BFR) is allowed but has a time limit of one minute.
  • Characters cannot be argued or amped above Star Busting and Picosecond speeds under anycircumstances. Any example of this being broken will result in a immediate disqualification, no questions asked. Hax will similarly be judged under this scale when necessary.
  • Character requests are completely fine! I will need either a fully cited RT or at least a majority of the feats that said character has, however, alongside full disclosure on how strong you think they are. If I discover that you've hidden feats that are off-limits or that break rules, I will provide a immediate disqualification, no questions asked.
  • Posts should be done within the space of 12 days. Extensions can be requested ahead of time: please be reasonable about these if you do end up asking for one because I'm not going to be giving you more than a week at the very most unless you're near death. Respect the patience of myself and those who are waiting to post.


The battle takes place in an uninhabited solar system analogous to our own. Contestants start on an Earth-like planet that will reform after being destroyed 100m away from each other.

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@thenamelessone@chimeroid you choose who goes first unless you want me to toss for it

Sorry, i was away for a moment. I would like TNO to go first as his perk completely changes everything about my team so i have to rethink my approach, while i guess he can just reuse his previous posts :D

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@professorrespect: @chimeroid: I am willing to go first but I'm not gonna be reusing my post from previous round, so it might take some time.

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@professorrespect: @chimeroid: I am willing to go first but I'm not gonna be reusing my post from previous round, so it might take some time.

as long as it's in the next 10 days or so I'm fine with it etc

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I must insist on a T4V! (TAEP as well, of course)

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He don’t want that Loki smoke.

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#15  Edited By ProfessorRespect
@chimeroid said:
@professorrespect said:

@thenamelessone, bump, 4 days left


I talked with Nameless, he's had some issues getting the post finished so the extended deadline has been revised from the 8th to the 10th.

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 – 𝐒𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧

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"𝙉𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙤�� 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙. 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙜𝙤𝙙𝙨. 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙫𝙖𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧. 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙤𝙣...𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙩." – Aizen to Ukitake


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NameSosuke Aizen
CreatorTite Kubo
First Appeared InBleach Manga Chapter #79
WeaponKyouka Suigetsu
Sobriquetone of the five War potentials
AttitudeConfident, Narcissist, Extremely cunning, Despises control
SkillsDominionship Over the throne of heaven
Time Of DeathImmortal, never truly died


Sosuke Aizen is the former captain of the 5th division of the Gotei 13, Aizen became aware of and understood the existence of the Soul King and felt ashamed and disgusted that the Soul King is just a mutilated corpse of an once powerful being, he grew to hate the idea of anyone ruling over him, this coupled with his unparalleled strength as a shinigami led to him feeling like he should be the one to claim the throne of heaven which he considered empty since the Soul-King was just a meaningless husk, to gain this transcendence he gained a tool called the Hogyoku, he betrayed the soul society taking two of his followers and after a complicated chain of events, he finally gained transcendence through the Hogyoku.

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The "Transcendence" was him gaining a new form and a power level beyond the status of any shinigami, hollow or fullbringer and becoming as powerful as the husk of the Soul King who he sought to replace. to show of his new power, he destroyed the Kototsu, a space-time governing body of reason and then he managed to nearly create the Royal Guard using his own body, almost succeeding, he intended to create Oken, which are the bones of the Royal Guard modified and manipulated via the powers of the Soul-King husk, but Ichigo Kurosaki gave away his spiritual energy for physical strength to gain a temporary boost to ragdoll God Aizen, however Aizen was overpowered and deeply damaged, leaving him vulnerable for Kisuke Urahara's sealing technique finally.

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The Soul Society could not find a way to kill Aizen, nor could they find a way to get rid of Hogyoku, he was sentenced to milleniums in Muken but his power simply kept growing and evolving further due to the Hogyoku. when the Thousand Year Blood War began, Aizen refused to join Yhwach, the son of the Soul-King because Aizen's main goal is to never be below someone ever again. Yhwach throughout the arc became far more powerful to the point that he became the Soul-King as he ansorbed the Husk, got the strongest quincy power in the Almighty and kept absorbing the Soul-King/Reio fully. Aizen and Yhwach battled each other, Yhwach battled to absorb Aizen and Aizen battled to not have someone take the throne of heaven and stand above him once again.

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now, that you're aware of the character and some of the lore, let's get to what makes Aizen such a powerful figure.

𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞

some key terms that will be used extensively soon, so just remember them as they would help you greatly, these are very basic terms and should not be hard to comprehend.

  1. ℜ𝔢𝔦𝔯𝔶𝔬𝔨𝔲 – Reiryoku is the spiritual energy present in all spiritual beings that gives them spiritual powers and abilities, it's the power that shinigami have within and it allows them to walk on air by the manipulation of spiritual particles as well as allow them to interact with souls and cause damage, Reiryoku is best understood as simply the term for spiritual energy/power.
  2. ℜ𝔢𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲 – now while Reiryoku is the energy, Reiatsu is the Spiritual Pressure that is caused via the body of Reiryoku a being possesses, it's passive and exists around the character whose Reiryoku is emitting the Reiatsu/Spiritual Pressure, it can crush souls, cause Psychological damage and affect what you see, it can be used as large energy blasts and it seems to be used completely passively.
  3. 𝔖𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔦 – Shinigami are spiritual beings, Death Gods in a sense that they use their Zanpakuto to excorcise evil spirits by purifying their very spiritual particles. Shinigami cannot be seen as expected of souls and nor can they be harmed as they are souls by weapons with no spiritual energy. Shinigami also seem to have a bunch of abilities I will discuss later on. Though, I will note, strong souls lose their intangibility but keep their invulnerability.
  4. ℜ𝔢𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦/𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦 – basically, Kishi is the physical particles that make up our universe while Reishi are the special spiritual particles that make up the spiritual realms of Hueco Mundo and Soul Society. They're roughly the same thing but the difference is in nature as one of Material and the other is Spiritual.

now that the terms are done, the table is set for us to get to the power level.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞

The Soul Palace
The Soul Palace

for this section I would need to do a little more world building with Bleach before finally getting to the feat, in Bleach there are multiple realms and we have to know them to fully comprehend the world of Bleach.

  1. Soul Society – The World where all the Shinigami reside, built from Spiritual particles this is a Spiritual realm which is the spiritual counterpart of the real world, Souls in Soul Society and World of the Living need to be in spiritual equilibrium for the worlds to exist independently without clashing into each other.
  2. World of the Living – The Normal world made up of physical matter, this is where all the humans reside. Shinigami come to the world of the living to make sure hollows do not disturb the balance of the worlds via consuming/killing too many souls/konpaku.
  3. Hueco Mundo – The World where all the hollows reside, built from Spiritual particles this is also a Spiritual realm.
  4. Dangai – The Bordering Space-time between the three worlds, it consists of many and many layers of time and time functions differently here, it's completely cut off from the conventional space-time of the other three realms.
  5. Garganta – The Void that encompasses the entireity of the Bleach verse.

for the argument at hand we would interpret the three worlds of Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and World of the Living as the planets. Now the Soul Palace is so far from Soul Society it's considered another dimension and you need Oken to enter the Royal Palace, but that's another discussion, so the Soul Palace is where an elite group of Shinigami reside, who use a special transport vehicle to traverse between the palace and the soul society, once again implying the large distance that exists between the two points even for those with Oken.

so the Soul Palace is really far from Soul Society, but how far? well, we can put that much into number.

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5:00 – The Quincy Assault begins.

8:00 – Ichigo departs from the Royal Palace.

5:15 – Ichigo reaches the Soul Society.

so for a character with super speed, Ichigo Kurosaki needed whole 9 hours 15 minutes to reach the Soul Society, and now contextually you've to also consider that even using Shunpo/Flash Step which allows for ridiculously FTE and quick movement, it was said you would need seven full days to reach Soul Society. Now Ichigo is on another level than just basic flashstep and is one of the strongest characters in the verse, much stronger and faster than the likes of Ginjo who have explicit lightning speed travel speed. I would take Ichigo's speed as Mach 300 as that's around a normal stroke of lightning.

Using the timeframe we've, and the speed we get from Ginjo, The distance between Soul Society and The Soul Palace comes out at 3,296,700km! and that is an Interstellar distance which goes in handy with the lore surrounding the soul palace.

now for the sake of the argument, we would take the soul palace as the centre of the three realms, logically now the distance between the Soul Palace and Earth or the Soul Palace and Hueco Mundo would be greater than the distance between Soul Palace and Soul Society but we will simply use the Soul Society and Soul Palace distance as the radius for what I'm about to argue which will help us get a reasonable quantification of the narrative/feat presented in the Thousand Year Blood War anime, so for now, take Soul Palace as the centre point of a circle where Soul Palace -> Soul Society distance is the radius and the distance between the Soul Palace and Hueco Mundo/Soul Palace and World of the Living are at minimum equivalent too.

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now we move onto the more important part, the Squad Zero is a group of Shinigami that protects the Soul-Palace and the Squad Zero only come down when they sense a threat to the Soul-King, they're the elite among the shinigami, even more powerful than the Gotei 13 and their very bones are modified by the power of the Soul-King and thus they're at the top of the order when it comes to Shinigamis. Now, on top their powers are modified to a new level, they also undergo a whole ritual to seal away their powers because, as crazy as it sounds, even the slightest use of their power can cause the three worlds to tremble, Senjumaru in the japanese language actually likens this use of power as a flick of their sleeves and we saw that the worlds did indeed tremble.

we have to now go out and think a little bit, the Squad Zero are very disconnected ancient shinigami who don't exactly mind killing people, don't have a moral code and don't care about any amount of death in the three worlds, they were completely insensitive to the massacre of Hueco Mundo, as well as completely uncaring about Aizen's rampages because it did not concern them, so why would the four undergo power seals if their power could only shake the world? it's pretty obvious to me that they don't care about slight earthquakes, The only reason Squad 0 would go that far to suppress their powers, is if the powers would damage the worlds badly, with that established, also think about the fact that just one member "flicking their wrist" caused the three worlds to tremble, with four and their powers unleashed fully? that would be much more catastrophic. we've to consider the fact that the distance was already calculated at 3.3 million Kilometers and that would be the minimum radius, causing accidental significant destruction at that range would take you to, atleast, cause destruction to an area of 1.34×10¹⁴km, around 22.2 times the area of sun, and this is for a single member of the royal guard or the full team, doesn't matter.

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now that we've gotten the power level of Squad Zero to the capping point of the tournament, we've to simply establish Aizen's power in relativity to Squad Zero, and the answer is — Aizen is ridiculously more powerful than Squad Zero put together.

once Hogyoku started evolving Aizen, Aizen surpassed everyone, he far surpassed what it means to be a shinigami or a hollow, the Squad 0 are the prior and he also downright reached the level of God, God being the Soul-King in this context and Squad zero are not above the Soul-King husk, as we saw, Squad Zero can't replace the soul-king and they need someone in that Ichigo/Yhwach tier to do it. but that's not where it ends, but going further, Aizen managed to transcend everything and even surpass the level of the Soul-King/God and then he kept going through power growth even when sealed and he reached a level many many stomps beyond the Squad Zero, for example, the strongest of the Squad Zero was instantly oneshotted by Almighty Yhwach but Aizen downright tanked attacks from a far more powerful Soul-King Almighty Yhwach and the list can continue, but the fact of the matter is, Aizen is ridiculously beyond Squad 0 and didn't even consider them threats to his transcended form, he transcended squad 0 before many large boosts, and thus he scales above them, whether one or all and would scale to the destruction they can cause with their unsealed powers.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Now this one should be fairly short and simple, Aizen is established as someone who kept up with Soul King Yhwach and was far beyond the verse bar SK Yhwach, Prime Reio and Ichigo, so he would obviously scale past Mimihagi who was able to instantly cover the distance between Soul Palace and Soul Society, it almost seems instant but at the most it was 3-4 second and with that in mind and the distance we got in hand between soul palace and soul society, it would come out at around 3 times the speed of light.

now, I don't think speed even matters all that much, why?

  1. Aizen is super durable to all kind of attacks Aizen has taken energy attacks as well as piercing attacks from some of the strongest characters in the verse, so it's not like their is any form of durability that he is lacking that can be exploited.
  2. Passive Spiritual Pressure — Aizen's spiritual energy exerts passive pressure which makes going near him insanely dangerous, especially since he can even crush the soul

so not only is Aizen fast enough to keep up, his passive abilities and durability also mostly negate any speed advantage the opposition may possess.

𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝

Aizen has countless abilities, but we must start with the most basic ones and slowly process to the complex ones, we will start with Soul Manipulation and then slowly move onto Hogyoku, Aizen's best abilities are defensive and he also has quite a powerful healing factor but he, in addition, also has some very good appication of offensive capabilities.

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡

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Bleach is a series all about Souls and thus it has very high levels of Soul Manipulation, even before transcendence, Aizen was able to effortlessly soul-crush Grimmjow with just a look and this won't seem very impressive on the surface but then we can make an addition and that is that Grimmjow is an Espada-class Arrancar and we've to remember, the Soul-King husk is what maintains the universal cycling of souls within the three worlds which would mean the cycling of literal quintillions of souls, and all those souls are manipulated via the husk of the soul king which Aizen transcended beyond and then far surpassed beyond that state, thus Aizen's soul hax would scale well beyond three planets worth of souls being manipulated. In addition, another staple of Bleach is Spatial manipulation, character unfathomably inferior to Aizen can literally physically pull apart space and make massive massive portals to cross dimensions and thus any form of BFR is useless against Aizen, but more importantly, characters absolutely fodder to Aizen can effortlessly cut through space with their Zanpakuto. so basically, Aizen would scale to three planets worth of souls in terms of soul manipulation potency and his strikes would negate conventional durability because of there being so much space cutting in Bleach.

𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬

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Kido are spells a soul reaper can learn and use, Kido come into three king.

  1. 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨Bakudo is the way of binding something, it includes spells that can bind and seal things, binding spells in a fantasy context.
  2. 𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐨Hado is the way of destruction, it includes all the spells that can cause damage and attack, in fantasy context Hado can be called the art of destruction magic.
  3. 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐨Kaido spells are spells that are used to heal and restore someone's powers, in fantasy context these can be reffered to as healing/restoration spells.

Aizen reached his full potential as a soul reaper and was a grant master of Kidos who effortlessly pulls level 90 Kidos, it's implied there is nothing left for him to learn and thus he should've access to all Kidos. the credit goes to mike_strike10 for making the list, allowing me to quickly just list all the Kidos.

All the Kidos scale to his attack potency obviously as shown by him using them in battle even when transcended far beyond the level of shinigamis, and a Hado from Yamato left Aizen damaged so clearly they scale to the user. The Kidos overall give Aizen the needed versatility.

𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐤𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮

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Kyouka Suigetsu is the name of shikai Aizen possesses, the Shikai's power is to completely warp the five senses of a being and this manipulation can completely warp the senses of a being to the point that someone won't be able to tell Aizen from their childhood friends and Aizen becomes completely impossible to tell and the person doesn't even realize they're under absolute hypnosis. Aizen's transcendence changes his very being to the point that his Reiatsu and spiritual energy can interact with Kototsu, a being of not physical or spiritual energy but the abstract idea of Reason and Kyouka Suigetsu is a direct result of his energy and thus Kyouka Suigetsu's power source transforms from something like basic spiritual energy to an abstract source of power. Aizen then goes onto absorbing the blade into himself and now just being in the range of his passive reiatsu causes people to be put under Kyouka Suigetsu, yet another linking point between Kyouka Suigetsu and the abstract source of power that Aizen achieved after he transcended. Aizen in Thousand Year Blood War is pretty much a walking illusion with an abstract source behind his illusions, now soul and mind in Bleach are the same thing, An example of Spiritual Pressure affecting the mind and another example is Nel losing her memories because of Nnoitra damaging her soul. more or less, you need resistance to mind hax from an abstract source and then you need feats of soul resistance rivaling Aizen's level of soul manipulation to resist the effects of Kyouka Suigetsu, because for Kyouka Suigetsu, the mind is the soul and the soul is the mind.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐮 – 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

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The Hogyoku is an object by Kisuke Urahara and Sosuke Aizen, it was constructed using an element of the Soul King's original body and this object is of the immense power. The main power of the Hogyoku is to read the soul of a being and realize their deepest desires and manipulate fate itself to give him what he truly wants and that's the main power of Hogyoku which realized Aizen's primal wish, which was to transcend beyond his limits as a shinigami. Hogyoku not only put him far beyond all Shinigami and Hollows, it made Aizen completely immortal to the point nobody could do anything to him and his regeneration was put on test when his soul was destroyed by Ichigo's Mugetsu and he instantly regenerated and thus showing off his immortality, but infact, he gained resistances to countless abilities and would not be impacted by them, even Ichibei's conceptual powers, Toshiro's power nullification or even Time-Space hax from Time-Space governing abstract objects such as Kototsu all became completely useless against Aizen in this form, giving him resistance to many abilities. If an ability even works on Aizen such as Gin's poison, Aizen would simply evolve and no sell the ability. Aizen is granted abilities effortlessly if he needs them, obviously there has to be some limit but abilities like Teleportation and sealing are effortlessly gained. More or less, Aizen can constantly evolve in combat, is immune to conceptual/temporal/spatial/power-related abilities and just about every single ability in soul society and even if an ability works Aizen can easily just evolve past it if he doesn't get one shotted, and he can also develope abilities whenever he feels the need to, abilities like sealing and teleportation, and Hogyoku also grants him a broken regeneration factor.


so from where I'm standing, Aizen I'm representing at Star level and multiple times faster than light, the Attack potency is functioning at the limits of the tournament, the speed is a little lacking but however Aizen has multiple passives, durability and regeneration to overcome any speed disadvantage, if they exist. Aizen is granted immense versatility by his access to Kidos. Aizen not only has immunities to countless abilities but also possesses soul hax on an insane level and has casual space cutting based on Bleach mechanics, and thus would've durability negating hits with however he attacks and finally Aizen's mind powers are potent because they scale to his soul manipulation and have an abstract soul, so not only do you need high level of mental resistance in numbers, but also a resistance/immunity to the abstract source. Finally, in any encounters of prolonged exposure where Aizen is not sealed, the Hogyoku would adapt to abilities and evolve him whenever he is harmed and thus he would be unbeatable if not completely destroyed or if he doesn't feel like losing. That should cover all Aizen has, and should give you an idea of what abilities to counter.

𝐍𝐨𝐰...𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧....

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐚 – 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞

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"𝙄𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙞 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙, 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙪𝙣𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙝... 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙮... 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙝. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙩." – Kakashi to Obito


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NameHatake Kakashi
CreatorMasashi Kishimoto
First Appeared InNaruto Manga chapter #3 (1999)
Weaponthe Sharingan
SobriquetElite Shinobi, Kakashi of the Sharingan
AttitudeConfident, Strategic, Dutiful and Fun
SkillsTraining his students, keeping Konoha safe
Time Of DeathDidn't die, alive and kicking


Kakashi Hatake is one of the elite Shinobis of the leaf village, as the son of the legendary white fang Sakumo Hatake, Kakashi inherited a lot of his talents and was overall a very talented child at a young age, however due to the White Fang making a choice that was not acceptable in the Shinobi world, which was the choice to value the lives of his comrades over the fullfillment of missions, he was disgraced to the point that Sakumo Hatake commited suicide, and thus tragedy struck early in Kakashi's life. Kakashi adopted the Shinobi world mentality and was eventually promoted to Jonin at a very young age. Kakashi was a part of team Minato and a part of the third great Shinobi war and he ended up befriending his teammate Obito Uchiha, Obito gave Kakashi the mentality of valuing connections over priorities, however Obito ended up being crushed and dying and in his last moments he gifted Kakashi his sharingan.

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Kakashi lost multiple other people as he grew up, even ending up accidentally kiling his friend Rin who technically commited suicide by jumping in front of his chidori, failing the promise he made to Obito about keeping her safe. This terribly affected his psyche but he was able to stand all of it but the moment Rin died, both he and Obito (who had not actually died) awakened the final stage of the Sharingan's evolution, achieving Mangekyou Sharingan.

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Kakashi would grow up into a relatively stable and great Shinobi, he would become the strongest Jonin in leaf village and possibly the whole world, approximately at the age of 27 he would finally take a team of genins under his wing as his students because the team was the first team to ever pass Kakashi's test which was built around passing Obito's ideology to the younger generation, and also Sakumo's indirectly, the ideology of valuing bonds over missions. Kakashi's team was called team 7 and it was him, Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto initially.

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During the fourth great Shinobi War, Obito reveals himself to be the one behind almost all the bad things to have happened in the last few years and was the one who started the war by declaring war on the world. Kakashi and Obito had a personal battle which ended up with Obito leaving once Kakashi did what he wanted, to destroy his heart, so that Obito could be free of the seal Madara had placed on his heart. Naruto Uzumaki was able to bring back the old Obito, which allowed Kakashi and Obito to fight as friends one more time, but Obito died at Kaguya Otsutsuki's hands but Obito ended up coming back from the afterlife to boost Kakashi one last time, boosting him to a level that was far beyond his normal and giving him both Mangekyou sharingan as well as access to Six Paths chakra.

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Kakashi after the series becomes the Sixth Hokage. Dual Mangekyou Sharingan (DMS) Kakashi is one of those characters you don't need to discuss the power and durability of as he is entirely a speed and hax based character, so I'm gonne focus on both those qualities.

𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞

The Naruto equivalent of the Bleach section, this would be very basic terms that anyone trying to read a Naruto post should know, but just in case I'm writing up a small section dedicated to explaining some of Naruto's power system.

  1. ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔨𝔯𝔞 – Chakra is the basic energy system of Naruto, it is something that the characters create via manipulating their spiritual and physical energy, combining them to make one energy and that is called chakra, this energy worls as the fuel for all the superhuman feats that take place in Narutoverse.
  2. 𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔞𝔫 – Sharingan is the eye that descended from Indra in the uchiha clan, the eye has multiple magical abilities, from illusions to precognition to analysis. Mangekyou Sharingan is the final stage of a sharingan.
  3. 𝔖𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔦 – a Shinobi is a person that uses their chakra to combat, a Shinobi is often belonging to one of the five great nations and there are four ranks to Shinobi, Genin, Chunin, Jonin and then Kage.
  4. 𝔍𝔲𝔱𝔰𝔲 – a Jutsu is when using certain handsigns and such, someone releases their chakra in a certain way to achieve a certain result, this is called a jutsu and their is a different handsign/seal for every jutsu.

now that is clear, and the table is set and there shouldn't be much confusion from here, let's move on further with speed now.

𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 – 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤

Now the Naruto speed meta is a lot different than the common perception of it, many techniques have given speed, such as Itachi's waterbullets from part 1 were confirmed to be lightspeed, the Shinobi Haku from the literal first arc of the manga was capable of moving at the speed of light and then boost himself to be faster than light whenever needed, The Samurai Mifune was capable of releasing attacks that were moving at the speed of light, even Darui was firing light attacks and now, because of these examples, I would assume that kage level moves being the speed of light should be more or less common sense. We have official speeds for the Raikage and Killer Bee, and that speed is the speed of light, now ofcourse you can go out and argue all you want but this is the speed we get for V1 Bee doing the Lariat in the image, Raikage is a hell hot faster than Base Bee but at a lowball, let's just take the speed of light as the movement speed of the fastest Kage, the fourth Raikage.

Naruto Shippuden Chapter #542
Naruto Shippuden Chapter #542

Minato was able to intercept and react to an attack that should be, at the lowball, be near the speed of light and if anything it should be the speed of light, I will do the mathematics with the speed of light in mind as that is the quantifiable value. The distance between Minato and the Raikage's first can be calculated to be 1.96cm or 0.0196m and the speed of light is 300,000,000m/s

Distance = 0.0196m

Speed = 300,000,000m/s

Timeframe = 0.0196m/300,000,000m/s = 65 picoseconds, or around 50× FTL perception (from 1m)

Minato can react to an attack in about 65 picoseconds timeframe and that is base Jonin Minato, Minato then achieved perfect sage mode and I emphasize this because the perfect sage mode is quite a big boost, The First Gate is considered a trivial boost compared to sage mode and it alone amplifies you by 5 times in all physical stats, so Minato's reaction speed would fall from 65 picoseconds to 13 picoseconds on even achieving first gate but Sage Mode is far beyond the first gate.

for example, Sage Mode allowed Naruto to box the leader of Akatsuki and slap him around at times.

meanwhile, a weakened Kisame who is far below Pain was able to push Might Guy to the SEVENTH gate.

so contextually, Sage Mode proves itself to be a superior boost to even Seven Gates, let alone the first gate, now the bootleg variant of Curse mark boosts someone to the point where they become far more powerful and immensely faster than they were before and another example is that V1 Curse mark allowed Sasuke to almost out speed someone who he admitted would've blitzed him completely from a large distance without his prediction ability so that shows V1 curse mark is huge boost and then V2 curse mark which is a ten time boost in every way, chakra, precision, hax, biology etc.

Naruto Shippuden Chapter #307
Naruto Shippuden Chapter #307

this is how badly Sasuke could blitz Naruto at the beginning of Shippuden, from tens of meters away, in base form, without using any of the curse marks he was several times faster than Naruto was and perception blitzed him downright. Why am I mentioning this? because Mangekyou Sasuke surpassed Curse Mark 2 Sasuke and thus Eternal Mangekyou Sasuke would be above Curse Mark Stage II and Edo Itachi was on par with EMS Sasuke and even then KCM Naruto kept up with Edo Itachi and SM Naruto was faster than KCM Naruto. so where am I going with all this? simple, Naruto -----> Sasuke --------> CS1 Sasuke ------> CSM2 Sasuke --> MS Sasuke -> EMS Sasuke --> Edo Itachi ~ KCM Naruto -> SM Naruto. Naruto with sage mode overcame a 10 times boost on top of multiple smaller boosts and two large gaps by just perfect Sage Mode, that should put the multiplier of perfect sage mode as > 10× comfortably in reaction speed, but I would happily lowball and use the earlier established scale of just scaling above the 1st gate and get around 250× FTL reaction speed (by 1m) and get around 13 picoseconds.

Naruto Shippuden Chapter #665
Naruto Shippuden Chapter #665

and as you can see, an offguard Madara blitzed Minato downright, Sage Minato at that, while Madara was offguard and he not cut his arm off but landed multiple blows before Minato could teleport away, this landing multiple blows in what must have been less than 13 picoseconds, which would put his speed into many hundreds of times FTL. This Madara wasn't as strong as later versions either, didn't have the God tree amp, the double rinnegan amp or the rinnesharingan amp yet while Kakashi landed blows on Kaguya and reacted to her attacks and Kaguya is well above Madara. I would argue Kakashi comfortably in the MFTL range (yeah, sue me) and his reaction would be much better than his physical speed due to the Sharingan which will be elaborated on later.

Naruto god tiers should be MFTL for blitzing at minimum MFTL reactions, and thus Kakashi would be operating near the limits of the tournament speed wise.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞

Now Kakashi in my opinion is a very versatile character when it comes to moveset, I will only be discussion the moves which I believe will factor in rather than discussing everything because let's be real, that would take forever and this post is long enough as is, we will begin with Sharingan and then go to the more hax abilities.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧

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The Main weapon of Kakashi of the Sharingan is well, the Sharingan, The Sharingan as explained earlier is an eye with many abilities and I'm gonna list them here.

next up.

𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐢 - 𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞

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The mangekyou ability of Obito Uchiha, Kamui, it allows someone to manipulate a dimension called Kamui which is a sealed time space likely inside Obito's eye, one eye has the defensive application of kamui and another eye has the offensive application of Kamui, both applications are very different from each other, The Right eye ability allows someone to passive be intangible to any offense as unconsciously the body is transpoted to another dimension and another application of it is that it allows someone to not only effortlessly teleport but also suck in things into the kamui dimension, thus all attacks can just be effortlessly warped away and it doesn't seem like you can teleport into or out of the kamui dimension as Obito was rather certain Minato would not be able to escape kamui dimension and Minato was not able to follow Obito to the dimension, thus interactive space time nature probably stems from it being a sealed off space time. simply put, Kakashi is completely untouchable due to kamui, he cannot physically touch someone when the defensive application of kamui is not turned off but he can use jutsus all he wants so really Kakashi due to kamui is more or less just untouchable, with the added perks of the ability to teleport away attacks/equipment as well as use their own attacks against them, and instant teleportation.

𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐢 - 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞

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now this is the long range kamui, it works by Kakashi simply teleporting things from afar away, but this has another application and that other application is to use the spatial manipulation aspect on lower scale to rip holes in things and he can do it in a way where he teleported a whole kaiju away easily and then teleported it at another spot miles away this would more or less guarantee the fact that he, Kakashi, can control the spatial positioning of pretty much everything and his first ever kamui was able to rip Deidra's hand off so he can minimize the application to rip off body parts, the offensive application of kamui also allows Kakashi to teleport himself like Madara did and yes, Kakashi did teleport himself out as well so it pretty much works as a surefire way to evade anything and psuedo-teleport but the defensive kamui is just better in my opinion so it's not he needs psuedo teleport, but the long range kamui, if spammed, can rip their heads off like it did to Deidra's hand as this is the manipulation of the universe's fabric.

𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐢 - 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐨

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and now the final application of Kamui, when both eyes are met, they can create this monster, this thing can imbue the abilities of kamui into random attacks such as the shurikens and when that is done it transforms into a spatial bomb type thing which rips apart whatever it touches even if it doesn't pierce them and he was able to able to combine kamui into his normal moves such as raikiri, to damage the ridiculously durable kaguya, The databook asserts that the part that is touched by Kamui raikiri gets teleported to the kamui dimension and that is how Kaguya's durability was negated.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

Now finally, I want to say Kakashi is very different than Aizen, not as strong but he is almost completely untouchable and this Involiability makes him a great teammate as he wouldn't even initially be exposed to Aizen's passives due to his own Involiability and seeing Kakashi fight by his side Aizen would not target Kakashi with anyway, Kakashi and Aizen are both great fighters and especially Kakashi is excellent at teamwork so it would not be long before they start combos but even alone, Kakashi can spam kamui faster than he can move even a bit and he has the ability to make countless shadow clones which would've the same abilities as him and it would mean that Kakashi can case a kamui spamfest, a lot of awareness and understanding would be required to not instantly have your head sniped off and more importantly, even more awareness and knowledge would be required to even get past Kakashi's Kamui defense, best of luck.

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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#18  Edited By thenamelessone
@professorrespect said:bb

@thenamelessone, bump, 4 days left

Done, hope you can tag everyone else.

Sorry for making everyone wait, I had some IRL issues that forced me to delay the post a bit.

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#19  Edited By ProfessorRespect
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@thenamelessone: all positive my guy, i hope the issues at hand get resolved in the best way possible.

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@thenamelessone: Heads up, some of your links are broken and leading to error 404. You should check up on that.

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#22 thedailybagel  Moderator


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Pretty well detailed post my friend.

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@thenamelessone: Heads up, some of your links are broken and leading to error 404. You should check up on that.

classic cv etc

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@professorrespect: ain't dead yet, but still doing the readings. There's quite a few out there things there

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@professorrespect: ain't dead yet, but still doing the readings. There's quite a few out there things there

looking forward to it

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#28 Devil_King18  Online


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Ok, let's get down to business.

To be honest, I didn't quite expect to get to the semi-finals at all. My team was made to have some fun because people started thinking I only knew DC characters. But. now that I'm here I might as well try to win.

Overall Feeling of Your Post

I've been through your post a few times. It is... Interesting to say the least. I mean, the scaling and the math are very questionable, based on many assumptions, and clearly not what the author intended. But, to hell with it. Instead of trying to argue feats vs weird-ass calcs, I will just use the same approach to describe my characters in this debate. All I will be asking is to use the same standards for my characters that you used for your own.

The BM-Ing

I really hoped you decided to use your entire team here when I saw you didn't just go with the "Dante solos" approach. It's really bad-mannered and makes the debate much less fun. But, as I've already decided to match your approach and energy. I think I can do the same. I will still introduce Thors but for the purposes of your opener, i will show how Loki can pretty much effortlessly handle the Shonen duo. I will go into a lot of detail later. For now:

LOKI - The God of Mischief, Lies, and Stories.

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Loki's powers can easily be described in a single word - magic.

Sure, he has super stats, he is fast, strong, durable, immortal, and has all the bells and whistles that come with being a god. But it was always his mind and his magic that made him stand out. He is brilliant, lethal, and one of the most versatile magic users Marvel has ever had. So, when you ask what Loki can do, the answer is - Literally everything.

The list includes:

  • Size manipulation
  • Shapeshifting
  • Invisibility
  • Intangibility
  • Elemental manipulation
  • Summoning
  • Illusions
  • Replication
  • Telepathy
  • Hypnosis
  • Teleportation
  • Telekinesis
  • Strength sapping/transfer
  • Soul transfer
  • Astral projection
  • Binding/cursing/enchanting/spell breaking
  • Clairvoyance
  • Transmutation
  • Animation
  • Healing
  • Resurrection
  • Temporal manipulation

Simply put - he has magic. If you want, I can drop a million scans here, although, it's not necessary. It makes more sense for both of us to stick to feats that will be more relevant to the debate.

The Norn Stones

One of the most common magical items (well, a set of items) that Loki reaches for when he or his friends need a bit of an "oomph". He can teleport the stones to himself at will and is the last known user of the set, he would usually just have them on his person. He can use them both in and out of combat to amp up the team and support as needed.

Even a
Even a "noob" can use them like this

Without any magical skills, one can use the Stones to simply grant themselves wishes retaining to their person. Want more power? Poof, you got it. Stuff like that. For Loki, it's different. It's better. He can do whatever he wants.

For starters, he can just use the Norn Stones to blanketly amp everyone as he did right before his early demise in Reign.

Reverse Order Scans

Void was shown as clearly superior to even the mightiest of these heroes to the degree that they appeared almost helpless in front of him. And Loki was capable of even amping Captain America to the tier of being capable of actually harming the Void with his shield tosses.

This also healed them to full health when it was needed. This is in line with dozens of other showings of the Norn stones instantly healing people and even resurrecting fallen comrades. He can also revive the dead if somehow that transpires.

What else can the Norn Stones do? Basically anything. They are in a way analogous to the Hogyoku that Aizen created, in the sense that, through them, anything is possible. The list of feats includes, but isn't limited to:

"Intangibility, invisibility, magical binding, magic amping, mental projection, physical and power amping. reanimation, teleportation, transmutation"

So, for the purposes of the debate, Loki can replicate every single feat he ever had, and easily outperform himself thanks to the power of the Stones.

Fighting Your Duo

Loki is a God, and not just that, but he is a very accomplished spellcasting god. He has tools in his belt to deal with these two with relative ease. Not only are his attacks straight-up deadly, but his defenses are beyond what your team can do. Of course, I will go in detail. Thankfully, you laid out a perfectly simple plan to follow.

Here's a quick summary of your plan.

a. Rely on defenses

b. Spam Kamui

c. Use Kyoka Suigetsu's ability.

Unfortunately, that won't necessarily work. Loki has everything he needs to bypass your defenses, kill Kakashi, and put Aizen down.

The Speed Argument - Flawed Approach to Scaling

Look, let me say it outright. I don't buy into the way you scale speed. It's honestly silly.

And it takes you 886 words, a questionable databook entry not made by Kishimoto, 18 scans of which Kakashi isn't present in any, and scaling for hours to argue that you have to be 250 times the speed of light to tag Kaguya. At the same time, the verse actually has other, quantifiable pieces of proof that lightspeed is beyond them. Like Pain's 5-second break between push and pull techniques that was "too short of a time window to attack him" in chapter 423. Or when Gaara and Sakura took a long ass time to cross "a few kilometers" to take Naruto to Minato in chapter 663, Gaara was specifically going at max speed.

Do you know how you show someone is lightspeed? With a scan. If it takes one scan, it's a clean-cut feat, if it takes two or three, it's a scaling, that could be done well or badly. If it takes 5, it's a reach. If you need:

  • a thousand words,
  • 18 scans
  • questionable math,
  • databook entries,
  • a chain of scaling that goes on for ages

It's just bunk.

Not to mention that your scans and claims break the scaling chains multiple times. For example, you used Sasuke's claim to show that Kaguya is faster than Madara, but all Sasuke said was that she has more Chakra. Not that she is faster. And, even worse, the same Madara you somehow are scaling Kakashi above, took Kakashi's eye out in chapter 674 with no effort. Kakashi absolutely does not scale above Madara in any way shape or form.

But, let's ignore all that. Let's take your approach at face value. However, let's play the game fairly. And let's apply your own logic and approach to

Loki is Faster Than YOU Thought - Marvel and the Speed of Thought

At the speed of thought, loki deflects Mjolnir.

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This is a reaction feat for Loki's magic, we can see he didn't move his body, but he casts spells by just thinking about them, and he can literally cast them instantly "At the speed of thought".

How fast is the speed of thought in the Marvel Universe?

The "speed of thought" sounds vague, but it actually isn't. Marvel has actually gone out of their way to tell us exactly how fast thoughts in Marvel are. For starters, and at the very least, we know it's significantly faster than light.

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Confirmed in the Ultimates.

But, it doesn't actually end there. The Speed of Thought actually has a quantified speed feat in Marvel Fanfare 51.

(Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 #51)

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Even at the speed of thought, a THOUSAND GALAXIES WOULD TAKE SEVERAL MOMENTS to Cross. A thousand galaxies. Let's just call it a massive overestimate and hyperbolic and instead let's just say the brain blast had to cross a SINGLE GALAXY instead. And, let's say it's our Galaxy. Our Galaxy alone is 105,000 lightyears across.

So, assuming just one galaxy instead of a thousand, the speed of thought would still cross 105,000 lightyears in "a few moments". Let's lowball that as much as humanly possible, and say that "A few moments" actually means "A full year".

If we did actual math, the number would have 17 zeroes btw.

(To be precise, it would be able to cross 549,500,000 light-years in 1 second!)

Which translates to 152,638 lightyears per hour. This is billions of times faster than the speed of light. Your poultry math showcasing 250FTL doesn't even come close to this comparison.

If you still want to keep up with using this type of "scaling" at least use the same standards for my feats as well.

Regular Speed Feats for Loki

Outside of using your logic to scale Loki to insane speeds, I did plan on using regular and easily applicable speed feats for Loki. For example, once he noticed radio waves going to the Fantastic Four, thought about it, and redirected them.

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This, BTW, in the very first Avenger comic ever. As we know, radio waves are literally just light, and thus they travel at lightspeed. He intercepted them and changed them.

The next few scans are also very telling:

1. Catches Surfer with his hands. 2. Outspeeds Surfer and waits for him to catch up 3. Surfer couldn't escape him with his board.

In these three feats alone, we can see that Loki's reaction time can actually measure up to the likes of the Silver Surfer. A character known for his insane speed feats. If you are curious about this scaling, feel free to press it, and then try to argue how Kakashi is faster than Norin Radd. That would be a fun debate to have.

And, Loki also boasts any number of feats dodging Mjolnir. Such as this one.

He can also, quite casually let things pass through him (much like Kakashi can), quickly enough that a hammer throw can't tag him.

And, he can fly quickly, dancing around Surtur's attacks.

He can let your attacks pass through him, while at the same time casting spells instantaneously turning your team to snow, depowering them, creating weapons that can oneshot them, scrambling their brains, negating their own spells and attacks. And downright beating them.


In your opener, you concluded with this sentence:

awareness and knowledge would be required to even get past Kakashi's Kamui defense, best of luck

And yes, in a small way, I agree. Not fully, because you did misrepresent Kakashi a fair amount by using his bluffs and his seriously short-lived version, but still, I can see what you are going for. Thankfully, Loki has an amazing ability to pick up knowledge on his opponents for free.

He instantly found out everything about Silver Surfer.
He instantly found out everything about Silver Surfer.

Kakashi With a Temporary Amp

Now, I KNOW that you are a Naruto expert and that anything I say here is already known to you. But that makes it so much worse. you are specifically using a temporarily amped Kakashi in this debate. Kakashi does not have two Sharingan eyes, he doesn't have the chakra reserves to Spam Kamui, he cannot use Susanoo, and he can't use mass shadow clones.

All of your feats come from a total of 1 issue when he was amped by Obito giving him 6-path chakra and his own chakra and sharing powers, temporarily.

It has a fixed time limit
It has a fixed time limit

This time limit that Kakashi has is literally your timer in this debate. Kakashi spends this energy and he's out.

Kakashi only received this influx of Obito's chakra and powers in Chapter 688, and he only used those powers in 689. He immediately spent this temporary amp. As for your "Kamui spam" approach.

He used a total of:

  1. 4 Kamui Shuriken
  2. ONE Kamui Raikiri.
  3. He also used Kamui to remove one needle.

And the result of that exertion he was down and out.

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I get it. You purchased this specific version of Kakashi. I'm cool with that. But you can't just combine this version with whatever else you want. When using this highly specific version of Kakashi, you only get this one chapter's worth of feats.

He was completely gassed after a total of a few seconds of Susanoo and 4 Kamui attempts. That's all you have. And, with your strategy of spamming clones and Kamui, Kakashi would be out in a millisecond.

Kakashi Clones - Debunked and Countered

As for your "Infinite Kage Bunshin" claim and scan. I'm sorry, but you know full well it was a bluff by Kakashi. He does not have enough chakra to use Kage Bunshin like that.

A bluff should be enough for these bozos
A bluff should be enough for these bozos

Now, I am aware that this was specifically Kakashi tired after fighting Zabuza. But, with or without that fact, this "feat" was a bluff. You need to show Kakashi's combat application for mass shadow clones. However, we have, on page, seen that a single lightning shadow clone costs Kakashi HALF of his chakra reserve.

Sorry, "Over" half his chakra

(Image keeps breaking, link here)

But, speaking of clones, Loki himself can spam clones quite easily.

He did it against Thor many times.

He even did it against Surtur.

Loki's Immunity to KS

For this section, we will briefly touch upon the nature of Kyoka Suigetsu and how it works. We know it's not actual illusion casting, so it can only be one of two things:

1. Telepathic in nature

2. A magical mind effect

And, unfortunately for you, both of those are covered by Loki's resistance. He has one of the most powerful minds in all of Marvel. Naturally, you will want to argue with a full no-limit fallacy and argue that there is no resisting KS. But, the issue we're running into is that nobody in Bleach really has ways of dealing with either TP or magical hallucinations. Something Loki doesn't have an issue with.

If KS mechanically works in a manner similar to telepathy, then someone's telepathic prowess should absolutely be applied as a defensive mechanism. And Loki has battled Odin in a telepathic mano-a-mano. He lost, granted. But he held him off for a few instants, and that's no small feat. Odin himself has been proven equal to Galactus (in TP as well as combat) and has, on occasion, used his powers to affect the entire universe. And, let's face it, in terms of Comic Book telepathy, KS is nothing special.

He has other, more reasonable feats as well, and against different types of control:

Controller's slave discs didn't work on controlling Loki's mind

Amora's (Enchantress) magical charms don't work on Loki, and Amora's powers work on the likes of Onslaught. and The Hulk. Many others as well, but these are famous for their telepathic resistance or powers.

Not to mention that, since merging with KS, Aizen has lost quite a lot of his control. Where before he would choose every bit of what is seen and felt by his enemies, since the merger, it is a passive effect that he has no control over. As signified by your own scan showing that he had no idea what Yhwach was seeing.

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And, most importantly, he only made Yhwach see him as Ichigo, didn't achieve anything. He didn't even use KS to dodge an attack. All he could do was make Yhwach think he was fighting one opponent when he was fighting another.

Alternatively, we can assume KS works as a spell, in which case, Loki's talent at counterspelling his opponents will come in handy.

For example, even when in Seth's domain, he could dispel his binding spells with ease. The same Seth who could stand and bang with Odin affecting all planes of reality at once. Galaxies were destroyed and dead suns reignited. Loki openly admits that Seth is significantly more powerful, but Loki is more skilled, and more cunning.

Loki's skill in magic allowed him to defend himself and counter spells from a Skyfather who is thousands if not millions of times more powerful than him. As far as more reasonable dispels go, he casually dispelled Dr Strange's attempts to hold him. Dispelin Kyoka Suigetsu seems trivial in comparison.

I mean, if you want, I can share an insane number of scans of Loki countering the spells of his opponents, as a true Sorcerer Supreme of Marvel 616, he is the best at it. Literally, he recently fought Dr Strange who amped himself with more power than he ever had, and Loki was still matching him and dispelling his attacks (Doctor Strange 383-385)

Loki and Interdimensional Travel

All that being said, Kamui isn't a trivial ability, should Kakashi manage to fire it off before Loki turns him into a popsicle and kills him, one would imagine my team would be in trouble. Unfortunately for you, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Loki is adept at both traveling between dimensions much easier than Kakashi can and at even straight up using his powers from a different dimension.

For example, he frequently travels from Asgard to Earth (and yes, Asgard is absolutely a separate dimension), and he has frequently used his powers across the universes, from Asgard to Midgard, this includes him giving powers to Sandu, attacking Dr Strange, sending his Astral form, and many other feats. IF you wish to see them, just ask.

The Relevant Abilities to This Battle

Loki turned Odin's Father into snow with a gesture
Loki turned Odin's Father into snow with a gesture

Loki is an incredibly fast (already established) and incredibly skilled spellcaster. In this battle, all he needs to do is use one of his spells (either amped by the Norn Stones or not) and simply transmute your duo into something far less daunting. Like snow, for example.

And, for some context, the being being transmuted into harmless snow is none other than Bor, Odin's Father and a Skyfather in his own right.

Bor is insanely powerful. In his fight with Odinforce Thor, Thor outright admits that he would have gotten oneshot if he didn't have his father's power. In the same fight, Bor effortlessly caught Mjolnir and tossed it aside like a piece of trash.

And, the funniest part of that entire fight? Bor was under Loki's mind control in that story. (Thor 600)

So, Loki has shown himself to be capable of both mind-controlling and transmuting a being on the level of a Skyfather. And, with his ability to cast spells at the "Speed of thought". Both Aizen and Kakashi are in grave danger.

And, since I did notice you really did focus on Aizen's power level a lot, I assume you will want to argue that Aizen is too powerful for Loki to affect. However, as we have seen, Loki had no issues affecting Bor, but, if that is not enough for you, Loki has also fought Sise-Neg to a standstill in Loki Unleashed.

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And Sise-Neg, while unrefined, has in himself literally the power of a Big Bang.

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Now, it is indeed explained by the Living Tribunal that Sise-Neg lacked the wisdom to use his powers (and likely the skill necessary to do anything), but it further cements that Loki's cunning and skill with magecraft allow him to punch way above his weight class in magical duels.

Do you wish to do a calculation of how many Joules Sise-Neg can create?

Can Loki Harm Aizen

Aizen and his Hogyoku are a tough nut to crack, that's for sure. Any straightforward team would run into a lot of issues trying to get around it. Thankfully, Loki has no such limitation. Not only can he spam a multitude of different ways to put Aizen out, keeping Hogyoku on its toes, maybe even outright overpowering the device with his own powers, or using the Norn Stones to affect Aizen in ways the Hogyokyu can't counter. But he can also do a very specific thing - Create Power Negating Weapons.

In one story (Mighty Avengers 32-35) Loki wanted to have some fun, so he let Creel absorb the powers of a cosmic cube. And, Creel, while clearly being an idiot, was capable of utilizing those powers effectively:

Effortlessly handled Sentry and separated him into Sentry and Void of old.
Effortlessly handled Sentry and separated him into Sentry and Void of old.

I want to get one thing straight - The Cosmic Cube is in every way, shape, and form better than the Hogyoku. It's a source of a larger power with more creative applications. But, for the purposes of this debate, we can equate the two. It even allows Creel to heal in a manner similar to Aizen's. He has complete control over his molecules, and he cannot be harmed by combined powers of Hercules and Vision.

At this point, you must be wondering why I'm bringing it up. Well, Creel was taken down. Quite easily in fact, by an artifact that Loki created.

A spellbreaker
A spellbreaker

And, when that Spellbreaker was used on a Cosmic-Cube powered up Absorbing Man that was mopping the floor with the likes of Sentry and the crew with minimal effort, what do you think happened?

Well, he was instantly and fully defeated:

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I am not necessarily saying that Loki will use the exact same trick. He rarely does. Instead, Loki leverages his bag of tricks to find new and creative ways to resolve issues all the time.

This was a casual feat for him, something he was doing for the fun of it. He has, on occasion, depowered enemies in multiple ways, reduced their strength, sapped their willpower, or negatively impacted their minds in hundreds of ways. He has found ways to impact the mightiest of foes when all seemed like it is way outside of his weight class.

Would he create the exact same sword? Maybe. Maybe not.

But, would he figure out a different way to affect Aizen? Definitely. I am looking forward to you challenging this claim, because it will get more intense in the coming rounds.

The Point About Scaling

Every single feat i shared for Loki is fully legitimate. I didn't misrepresent or lie about the feats. And, the scaling is also "legitimate". However, even with that being said, it's not how I, or even a significant number of people on the Vine believe feats should be quantified.

As you can see, when you apply the same standards that he used for his team on Loki alone, we get numbers that boggle the mind. Speeds that are millions or billions of times faster than anyone would have ever guessed. Power levels that go so far beyond limits of any reasonable or unreasonable tournament for comicvine that I should absolutely be banned if I actually argued those power levels and speeds for my team.

Here's a fact - Nobody in this debate is that powerful. Squad Zero people don't have the power to destroy the Sun 22 times over, no matter how many times TNO may try to sell that idea in this debate. Aizen, being tremendously more powerful than all of them combined, would, by his logic, be so far above the limits of the tournament, he should excuse himself instead of waiting for a ban.

But, more than likely, that shouldn't happen for one very simple reason - We all know none of that stands under scrutiny.

Narutoverse is not 250 times faster than light. Squad Zero captains aren't powerful enough to oneshot the Sun 22 times over individually. It's just not how those verses are written. And where does TNO get the scaling going for this feat? Based on an off-hand statement about how their powers would make "Heaven and Earth Tremble" followed by a link that doesn't show it quite like that. Furthermore, scaled Aizen above them based on his own Masturbatory monologue. That monologue was made when he didn't know about the likes of Ichibei. He doesn't automatically scale above the likes of Squad Zero at all.

"Also think about the fact that just one member "flicking their wrist" caused the three worlds to tremble"

Did she flick her wrist, or use her Bankai and all of her powers for that?

Hell, nobody in my team is that powerful either. But, if we wanted to apply the same logic (TNO Calculated through Inverse Square Law the power for the distance of 3 million kilometers) we can apply it to Jane's feat of stopping a Supernova:

The Thunder Shook Worlds Half a Universe Away
The Thunder Shook Worlds Half a Universe Away

That's a trillion lightyears away - and planets "shook". If you applied the same "Inverse Square Law" logic that he used, you would get a feat that's trillions of times more powerful than his best claim.

To be clear, Squad Zero's best quantifiable feat (anime-only Bankai release) wouldn't even register as a rounding error compared to this feat if we were considering "Distance to worlds shaking" as a proper way to measure feats. If you deduct 3 million from a trillion, you are still left with a trillion.

Now, tell me, does anyone here actually believe that Jane Thor is billions of times more powerful than Star level?

Does anyone really buy into it?

And, if you don't buy into it for Thor, why should you accept it blindly for Aizen?

Authors don't do math like that, they don't think in advanced physics terms. Jane's feat is a feat of stopping a Supernova. Nothing more, nothing less.

Aizen's feats cap at range-continental or slightly higher. Nobody in Bleach is truly going around one-shoting 22 stars at a time. I mean, everyone was shocked when Kenpachi had to use his Shikai to destroy a meteor. A meteor that was calculated to be roughly 1.5 kilometers in diameter by pixel measurements. That's not "Star level" or even near.

But, here's the thing, someone else calculated that meteor to be over 150km in diameter. And, a third person somehow got it to 5,000 kilometers. How is that possible? Simple really, feats weren't supposed to be pixel-measured or calculated to the nth degree. Manga authors don't care about accurate sizes of things, distances, or even time measurements; especially not in these situations when something should be so large that it couldn't be possibly shown on screen along with human-sized protagonists.

The same thing goes for you calculating 3 million kilometers of distance to the Soul King's palace. Fact is, we have no idea how it works or how far it is. Is Ichigo equally good at Marathon running as he is at blitzing back and forth? Does something change? Did Kubo Tite envision this feat to mean that the palace is 3 million kilometers away?

If so, how did Yhwachs Auswahlen (which is literally light) work in seconds, and not take 9 hours?

(Please Understand The Point Of The Rant -- The point is that the measurements in detail, or calcs for distances simply don't work the way people imagine them to work, it's an arbitrary number the folks pull out of their asses).

Anyway, this rant is over. You can choose that we either go by feats shown on the page in a simple and straightforward manner, or to use your dribble to "calculate" the amount of joules for each feat based on vague author statements or offhand comments, or any number that would serve your argument. All I ask of you, and the voters is to use the same method for both of us, whichever method you choose.

How the Battle Would Go

This is probably the most relevant part of the debate. The interactions that we would see between these characters. Unfortunately for you, Loki is just too good at casting spells. Kakashi has exactly 0 defenses against spells. He is instantly down and out. And even if he tries to put up a fight, his chakra reserves do not hold up in this situation.

Then, we have Aizen with Hogyoku VS Loki with the Norn Stones. That's pretty much what it is. And, Loki is just the better of the two.

He is faster, he fought characters that are much more powerful than Aizen, and he is a lot more varied with his power applications.

The Norn Stones vs Hogyoku is a whole other debate that i believe we will end up going into.

But, Loki's feat of putting down a living Cosmic Cube at least hints at Loki being able to do the same to Hogyoku-powered individuals.

I believe the telepathy vs magical effect of Kyoka Suigetsu is a third debate we will have. But, it is not an illusion. It is specifically, an effect that works directly on the senses of those affected. So, naturally, telepathic or magical resistances have to apply.


Overall, your post was a lot of fun. And it was good. We do have the question of what type of scaling we want to use. But, whichever method we do end up using, I think I have satisfied the criteria to prove that Loki is well above what Kakashi and Aizen have done.

You taking Dual Mangekyo Sharingan Kakashi is a double-edged sword. It is a powerful version of him, but with a very short lifespan (very temporary amp for this version) and with a very small reserve of Chakra compared to your strategy. Since you already outlined what you wish to do - Kage Bunshin and Kamui spam - we can safely conclude that you are planning on overtaxing Kakashi from the get-go.

Aizen is a problem with his abilities, but his EOS form has absorbed his sword, which turned his KS into a passive effect, while taking away his fine control of the power. He no longer even knows what his opponents see. Instead, in your own scan, he has to figure it out based on Yhwach's words.

Furthermore, he couldn't use it to dodge attacks. It was just a "costume change" in a way. Followed by 2 "illusions" one of himself, and one of Renji. Which is why he got wrecked by Yhwach. Even though KS was working on Yhwach perfectly, Aizen still got his arm torn off and his body grievously injured.

On the flip side. Loki has an answer to KS from a number of angles. if we are looking at the Kyoka Suigetsu as a telepathic ability, then we can safely say that Loki's telepathy is powerful enough to overcome the attack. If we are looking at it as a magical attack, we can use his counterspells and defensive magics to dispel them.

But, for both of your team members (for now) the simple spell of turning them into snow, or wood would be enough.

I could even see Loki manipulating their minds like he did Bor's.


With all of this said and done, I genuinely want to offer thanks for opening up this hard with Kakashi and Aizen specifically. I'm a huge fan of Naruto and Bleach and any excuse to read through those two stories is a welcome one. I thoroughly enjoyed doing "research" for this debate, and, in truth, it's one of the reasons you waited a bit more for my response. Instead of working on my post, i was busy reading through Bleach and Naruto.

If anyone missed reading about Thor's and their abilities, i would like to refer you to my previous debates. There are some amazing writeups there, and the changes to my prep don't really change anything. If the fight starts, there will be lightning, thunder, godblasts, and explosions the likes of which nobody in your team has ever seen (barring Dante).

This battle would be insane. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

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Will definitely read when less busy.

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@chimeroid: Nice post,I didn't know you have vast knowledge on loki stans.

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@chimeroid: Nice post,I didn't know you have vast knowledge on loki stans.

Yeah, i'm actually a huge Thor fan. I just don't like how a lot of people rep him. Thanks.

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@jimohkolawol10 said:

@chimeroid: Nice post,I didn't know you have vast knowledge on loki stans.

Yeah, i'm actually a huge Thor fan. I just don't like how a lot of people rep him. Thanks.

Yeah, i understand the rep for him but always went out of hand.Though I like Hulk's comic more.

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#37  Edited By cergic


Amazing post.

Edit: I can't stress enough how enjoyable and easy it was to read. It's night and day so far in terms of reading pleasure.

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@cergic: thanks for that. I frequently get feedback that my posts are hell to read.

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With what i have seen in the threads you've been involved in so far, i am 100% confident in my claim that the issue is on their end!

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#40 Devil_King18  Online
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Excellent post

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Great post and as cergic said particularly an enjoyable read

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#43  Edited By BoutaTakeAnL


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#44  Edited By thenamelessone

Alright, let's get into it.

when I joined the tournament I merely intended to represent verses or characters I'm often seen as an opponent of, rather than debater. Bleach, DMC and even Kakashi to some extent all are under this, truth be told in my first tournament ever where I'm debuting with verses I have never represented ever before, I did not expect to go far, but I have and now that I'm this far, I feel like winning the whole damn thing, and I'm going to do just that from here, and that is not a prediction, that is a spoiler.

My opinion on your post

Well, I am one of the people who appreciate effort, care and time put into posts, all these elements to me go out and show someone is actually into the debate and somewhat passionate around it, it's a fairly important thing in my eyes and I'm one of those people who would be more frustrated getting a 800 word response than an 8,000 word response. But at many points you make mistakes in your counterarguments and your views toward a lot of my debating points and styles look a little close-minded, and at a lot of points you make the assumptions I'm hitting the ceiling when I'm barely getting off the floor. So, as there are many points of discontinuity there is a lot for me to correct, and indeed I will apply my line of thinking to your character whenever you ask me to, but just another spoiler, that would not go well for you.

Addessing the supposed Bad-mannering

I really hoped you decided to use your entire team here when I saw you didn't just go with the "Dante solos" approach. It's really bad-mannered and makes the debate much less fun. But, as I've already decided to match your approach and energy. I think I can do the same. I will still introduce Thors but for the purposes of your opener, i will show how Loki can pretty much effortlessly handle the Shonen duo. I will go into a lot of detail later. For now:

Now, you see, this is what I call mental filtering, when presented with multiple possibilities of why I only used two characters instead of using Dante as well, you refer to the idea about me being bad mannered or sucking the fun out of the debate when an equally likely and more logically prevelant interpretation of me running out of time when I literally posted on what was my second extension and right on deadline, existed. I do not know why exactly you would refer to such a line of thinking but you did, if I did have more time I would've used Dante as well but now if a threat is truly presented I will still reveal Dante.


Now, your response is big, as it's a mixture of both an opener and a response, and you go over many concepts and it's surely brave of you to chain wrestle me on HST content, so I'm going to cover everything as you clearly put in a lot of effort and definitely do deserve to be rewarded with an effort from the opposition as well. So, my post would've three overarching sections, one countering everything you said about Naruto, one about Bleach, and one about Loki and the generation matchup.

Counters Part I – Kakashi

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now there are obviously....Ideological differences, to how we should view Naruto and how we should debate Naruto, and truth be told I foresaw those ideological differences from miles away because the debating culture of the comic side of things and the manga side of things have always differed by a lot, now I feel like a lot of your approach is close minded and there are a lot of rookie mistakes that one should not take but let's go over everything.

I – General debating Ideologies regarding Speed

And it takes you 886 words, a questionable databook entry not made by Kishimoto, 18 scans of which Kakashi isn't present in any, and scaling for hours to argue that you have to be 250 times the speed of light to tag Kaguya. At the same time, the verse actually has other, quantifiable pieces of proof that lightspeed is beyond them. Like Pain's 5-second break between push and pull techniques that was "too short of a time window to attack him" in chapter 423. Or when Gaara and Sakura took a long ass time to cross "a few kilometers" to take Naruto to Minato in chapter 663, Gaara was specifically going at max speed.

while one can use the whole Pain 5-second window thing, that is a level of speed so ridiculously low for the verse that it would automatically go into the outlier folder, even as early as the very first arc of the story you've people effortlessly dicking on sound attacks, infact, here is kids effortlessly reacting to sound.

Naruto Manga – Sasuke Retrieval Arc

there are many many examples of this, for example Rock Lee with tons of weight on four of his limbs moved so fast that he was practically invisible to Sasuke's perception, same Sasuke who fights FTE all the time

or another example of Kakashi cutting lightning, as a child not in the right mental state.

or hell, there would be another example of where all the Jonin's perceptions blitzed Neji from a large distance. more or less, the Pain thing is an outlier compared to the feats the verse achieved in the very FIRST part of the manga, there is no real need to override scaling based on that.

but more importantly, Why would DMS Kakashi, a certified god tier, be affected by the scaling from the likes of....Pain... was physically on level with Sage Naruto and a much stronger Sage Naruto got instantly blitzed by a blind Madara.

Naruto Manga – Chunin Exams

and this Madara was before Ten-Tails and Sage Mode, but if by using Pain you want to throw a wrench in my overall scaling and disrupt it in the very middle, I can simply post a plethora of feats from part 1 to present that as just what it is an outlier.

Not sure what you were trying to do with the Gaara instance. Gaara as a child has shown explosion timing feats with his sand.

Naruto Manga – Chunin Exams

the argument you're using is not taking into account the general wild disparity between Travel speed and combat speed that exists in pretty much every old-gen anime, I would happily and easily present tens of different examples of anime having a disparency between travel speed and combat speed, pretty sure it exists in comics as well but it's generally the other way around.

Do you know how you show someone is lightspeed? With a scan. If it takes one scan, it's a clean-cut feat, if it takes two or three, it's a scaling, that could be done well or badly. If it takes 5, it's a reach. If you need:

I disagree.

it seems like you're focusing on the quantity rather than the quality, focusing on the argumentative tools rather than focusing on how the tools are utilized and what for. Your logic is functional in that you should only take a few tools to a project, but if the project is not to simply prove FTL then you should take multiple.

frankly, if my idea was to simply prove FTL scaling then I agree with you

a thousand words,

18 scans

Do a distributive breaking

2 Scans were for an FTL+ reaction speed feat, the next few were to show characters at a level DO scale to that speed, and then I made a point of how I'm lowballing the multiplier that would logically be presented by KCM2 so that we get a conservative result if I wanted to I could just post the 5× scan for the first gate and proof KCM2 to be a greater transformation and that would be done in 2 posts but I posted more scans to show that I'm being conservative, Don't believe me? let's do a rundown.

these are just two scans I posted, and a basic 7th or 8th standard physics formula attached to get a solid factual result, we're at 2 scans for speed right now.

all of these scans, which make up the bulk of the 18 scans you refer to, are regarding how Sage Mode is a huge multiplier, and at the end, I say that I'll lowball and refer to only the 5× concrete multiplier that is the First Gate and every other scan is dedicated to showing why that number is conservative and why the multiplier being 5 times is an underestimation rather than an overestimation.

these two are just there to explain why Kakashi scales to the god level and why God tiers would blitz Minato and scale to his reaction speed.

Your "18 scans" figure comes off as...inaccurate when one considers that the vast majority of scans were dedicated to further advancing the legitimacy of certain things rather than anything else, the actual argument can be summed up in 5 scans.

  1. Two scans of the initial feat and the basic derived result.
  2. one scan of the first gate being 5× and one argument of why Sage mode is much above the Fifth gate.
  3. One scan of God tiers scaling to Sennin Minato's reaction speed and one of Kakashi scaling to god tiers.

that's that, everything else is supplementary and there entirely to add legitimacy to the idea that Sage Mode is much greater than the first gate AND that I'm underestimating the multiplier.

questionable math,

If you find my maths questionable you're welcome to discuss it, generally, I just used one multiplier and one very basic calculation for the initial feat, as I always say in every post and every blog I make, If you disagree, feel free to question anything.

databook entries,

now I saw you above mention something about the Naruto databooks not being written by Kishi, now you're not entirely incorrect, you're just mostly incorrect, as the Naruto databooks are confirmed collaborative projects where Kishi WAS involved.

The First Naruto Databook
The First Naruto Databook

First of all, thank you all for picking up this book !! Thanks to the support of all the fans, the world of "NARUTO" has continued to expand, and I'm truly happy that we were able to create such a wonderful book.

the above comes from Mashashi Kishimoto, it's a greenlit project by the mangaka, as well as something that he worked on in the form of collaboration and seemed to be the main person behind it, the Shueisha official site says he is the writer as well, no argument against the utilization of it is possible.

a chain of scaling that goes on for ages

thet is entirely related to again, Sage Mode being much greater of a boost than

II – Pay attention to the versions of characters

Now, this is a very rookie mistake I did not expect you to make

Not to mention that your scans and claims break the scaling chains multiple times. For example, you used Sasuke's claim to show that Kaguya is faster than Madara, but all Sasuke said was that she has more Chakra. Not that she is faster.

This is Naruto 101, more chakra levels under normal circumstances lead to greater speed, there are honestly far too many examples of this but for an example, here is base Naruto getting demolished by Neji.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 104

here is Naruto with a little amp from Kurama matching upto Neji in every way, even being faster if anything.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 105

here is an example of all physical attributes being linked to chakra levels, even your reaction speed for example.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 360

there are just so many examples of chakra boosts amping character's speed in Naruto it would be a waste of time to list all, but Kaguya is basically Madara's body + a ton of chakra, obviously she would be somewhat faster at the bare minimum.

And, even worse, the same Madara you somehow are scaling Kakashi above, took Kakashi's eye out in chapter 674 with no effort. Kakashi absolutely does not scale above Madara in any way shape or form.

Brother, this version of Madara had absorbed the God tree, which is the final form of the Ten Tails, and thus was obviously more powerful than the version I mentioned.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 673

and on top, you messed up again, you listed a feat from Pre-Six Path Kakashi vs Ten Tails + God Tree Madara, while I was comparing Six Paths Kakashi to Ten Tails Madara.

But, let's ignore all that. Let's take your approach at face value. However, let's play the game fairly. And let's apply your own logic and approach to Loki to see how fast he turns out to be.

Yeah, you're free to do that but you've to take responsibility if your feats go over the tier, and you've to keep up with the versions of characters I'm discussing at the very least.

III – Kakashi's Clones: Not a Lie

As for your "Infinite Kage Bunshin" claim and scan. I'm sorry, but you know full well it was a bluff by Kakashi. He does not have enough chakra to use Kage Bunshin like that.

A bluff should be enough for these bozos
A bluff should be enough for these bozos

Now, I am aware that this was specifically Kakashi tired after fighting Zabuza. But, with or without that fact, this "feat" was a bluff.

Kakashi here was very nerfed and this is part 1, more important, the point I was making was that Kakashi is capable of making clones, here he is near death as you show in your own scans, covered in blood, very low on chakra.

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he does make those clones though, and now those clones would be absolutely fodder due to how exhausted Kakashi is, but my point is he knows the jutsu, for reference with Naruto level reserves of chakra you can make thousands of clones, and perfect clones at that.

Naruto Shippuden: Chapter 1

and Kakashi has around 25% of a much stronger Teen Naruto's reserves.

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so he should, at full output, quite easily hit the 50 limit BY THIS PANEL, but obviously six paths Kakashi has way more chakra, he manifested a fucking perfect susanoo after all, something this Kakashi can't even dream of.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 688
Naruto Manga – Chapter 688

and ofcourse he is also spamming kamui, something also first arc Shippuden Kakashi would die from trying or land in hospital,. Kakashi, scaling from the feat thst existed in the first chapter of the manga, would very easily scale to the 50 clone limit here.

You need to show Kakashi's combat application for mass shadow clones. However, we have, on page, seen that a single lightning shadow clone costs Kakashi HALF of his chakra reserve.

(Image keeps breaking, link here)

that's just a fallacy.

a lightning clone is a special technique only done by very strong characters, shadow clones is a low level technique spammed by Naruto, not considered impressive beyond part 1 and so forth, these are different techniques, no need to connect them.

But, speaking of clones, Loki himself can spam clones quite easily.

The Number never seems to get to 50 so I'm not really intimidated, while Kakashi would effortlessly hit 50 AND has a one shot technique.

IV – Kakashi's timer isn't what you think it is

Now, I KNOW that you are a Naruto expert and that anything I say here is already known to you. But that makes it so much worse. you are specifically using a temporarily amped Kakashi in this debate. Kakashi does not have two Sharingan eyes, he doesn't have the chakra reserves to Spam Kamui, he cannot use Susanoo, and he can't use mass shadow clones.

All of your feats come from a total of 1 issue when he was amped by Obito giving him 6-path chakra and his own chakra and sharing powers, temporarily.

This time limit that Kakashi has is literally your timer in this debate. Kakashi spends this energy and he's out.

Kakashi only received this influx of Obito's chakra and powers in Chapter 688, and he only used those powers in 689. He immediately spent this temporary amp. As for your "Kamui spam" approach.

He used a total of:

  1. 4 Kamui Shuriken
  2. ONE Kamui Raikiri.
  3. He also used Kamui to remove one needle.

And the result of that exertion he was down and out.

The main flaw of this argument is obviously, the fact that you assume Kakashi is using his own chakra, he isn't, Kakashi is running due to the chakra that was given to him by Obito, the six paths chakra.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 689
Naruto Manga – Chapter 689

top right corner, It's Identified that Kakashi's chakra is six paths chakra, something that only Obito possesses in this equation, not Kakashi, so Kakashi is functioning entirely on Obito's chakra reserves.

now the timelimit is very likely the limit on Obito's reserves and not on Kakashi's reserves, as it was established earlier on in the arc that the worlds are connected by chakra and that's why Obito could go from that weird Limbo world to the land of the living, so if he runs out of chakra, logically the connection would break.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 688

Also, Obito didn't leave because they hit the hypothetical timelimit, he left because Kaguya was defeated and he was going back to the afterlife, there is a whole scene of goodbye.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 690

Really, it's just stamina, and Naruto has good stamina feats AND it's directly scaleable, so it's not really threatening to me, under normal circumstances Obito won't just leave mid fight obviously.

I get it. You purchased this specific version of Kakashi. I'm cool with that. But you can't just combine this version with whatever else you want. When using this highly specific version of Kakashi, you only get this one chapter's worth of feats.

In the words of Bret Hart, "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Why should I be locked of abilities he showed in weaker versions when I'm representing a stronger version, in addition, why exactly should I be locked under a timer when I bought a SPECIFIC VERSION AKA DMS KAKASHI for three points? that doesn't make sense to me, I bought DMS Kakashi, who scales from earlier versions of Kakashi, but isn't quite DMS Kakashi anymore if he doesn't have....well....DMS, or double Mangekyou Sharingan.

He was completely gassed after a total of a few seconds of Susanoo and 4 Kamui attempts. That's all you have. And, with your strategy of spamming clones and Kamui, Kakashi would be out in a millisecond.

Nah, why? because he got gassed up because Obito left him and he didn't have access to that chakra anymore, there is no other reason here, and if you wanna argue he doesn't have the stamina, I would happily go over the verse's stamina feats.

V – Sealed Dimensionality and its implications

All that being said, Kamui isn't a trivial ability, should Kakashi manage to fire it off before Loki turns him into a popsicle and kills him, one would imagine my team would be in trouble. Unfortunately for you, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Loki is adept at both traveling between dimensions much more easily than Kakashi can and at even straight up using his powers from a different dimension.

For example, he frequently travels from Asgard to Earth (and yes, Asgard is absolutely a separate dimension), and he has frequently used his powers across the universes, from Asgard to Midgard, this includes him giving powers to Sandu, attacking Dr Strange, sending his Astral form, and many other feats. If you wish to see them, just ask

Nobody said they intended to argue that but I've to say, even characters like Kaguya who can travel dimensions, can't travel to Kamui, even attacks that can interact with another dimension, cannot interact with Kamui, people who can teleport dimensions? Can't follow into or come out of Kamui, why? because it's a sealed time-space rather than one that can be reached.

The Official Naruto Databook
The Official Naruto Databook

however, my intent is not to send Loki to the dimension anyway, my main intent is to just rip your heads clean off with Kamui like Kakashi can rip off body parts, resulting in clean damage and eventually rip your head off spatially and transfer it to another dimension.

various examples of Kamui ripping body parts off

so really, my usage of Kamui isn't to just send you to another realm, I intend to rip your body parts off and then finally your head off.

Counters Part II – Aizen

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Now, that the Kakashi part is dealt with, we can move on to the Aizen part, my main problems in this section from your end are very simple in my eyes, there is quite a bit of theory crafting, and you go on and demonise quantification of feats, and then at the end the final flaw is you just ignoring one element I went in-depth explaining about Kyouka Suigetsu which was the entire reason I acted like Kyouka Suigetsu was a factor, though I've to say you do have impressive Bleach knowledge I did not expect, impressive but not enough.

I – did Kyouka Suigetsu become lesser? No.

One of the main pointsnts that you raise against Kyouka Suigetsu is your personal belief that Kyouka Suigetsu became lesser during the Thousand Year Blood War aec than it was during the Arrancar arc, that is obviously logically fraudulent and doesn't make any sense given Aizen just evolved to transcendence and far greater power rather than ever "declining" and was in full control of his power in TYBW, but let's discuss this.

Not to mention that, since merging with KS, Aizen has lost quite a lot of his control. Where before he would choose every bit of what is seen and felt by his enemies, since the merger, it is a passive effect that he has no control over. As signified by your own scan showing that he had no idea what Yhwach was seeing.

And, most importantly, he only made Yhwach see him as Ichigo, didn't achieve anything. He didn't even use KS to dodge an attack. All he could do was make Yhwach think he was fighting one opponent when he was fighting another.

Alright, now this doesn't make sense Because

A) This is a huge assumption from your part without any solid evidence to back it up, Aizen's main power for some reason randomly became weaker upon him transcending beyond Shinigamis? when his other powers like Kurohitsugi and paasive aura became decently stronger.

B) Aizen's Kyouka Suigetsu always worked like that in the first place. You are already under his effect the moment you see his sword or in this case, his body. Its on him to make you feel or see whatever he want you to, it's far more probable that Aizen simply didn't intend to beat Yhwach by Kyouka Suigetsu alone?

C) Aizen also tricked Yhwach beforehand when, they both met at the start of the war arc where in the meantime Yamamoto was fighting Yhwach's clone/Royd. When Yhwach arrived back, he noticed that he was out of the time limit to operate outside of Scatten Bereich which then few moments later he realized that Aizen slightly altered his sense of time which shows that he had full control over his abilities in contrast to your theory.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 514
Bleach Manga – Chapter 514

Aizen doesn't need to use his Kyouka Suigetsu to dodge attacks first of all, why would he? when he can straight up no sell full power strikes from Yhwach?

Bleach Manga – Chapter 682

You use Aizen's usage as evidence of him not having full control over Kyouka Suigetsu but not only that the plan actually worked, and Ichigo landed the Getsuga Tensho on Yhwach clean.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 683

and Aizen explains in the next chapter that this was his plan all along, and if you noticed, they actually managed to kill Yhwach.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 684

The Only reason the arc didn't end then and there and so did the manga, is because Yhwach can rewrite futures that he dies in, and thus literally rewrote the future to come back.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 684

and FYI, Yhwach was resisting against Kyouka Suigetsu to a great degree, and in addition Aizen released Kyouka Suigetsu on Yhwach, letting him free the moment before the getsuga tensho landed.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 683 and 684

so how can you say Aizen lost control on the basis of his performance against Yhwach, when he achieved the perfectly desired results and actually killed the guy who sees infinite futures and writes futures as he wishes? Yeah, your whole argument here is bunk, shouldn't even have made it.

II – Aizen's power is greater than you thought

As you can see, when you apply the same standards that he used for his team on Loki alone, we get numbers that boggle the mind. Speeds that are millions or billions of times faster than anyone would have ever guessed. Power levels that go so far beyond limits of any reasonable or unreasonable tournament for comicvine that I should absolutely be banned if I actually argued those power levels and speeds for my team.

Obviously, well you're hitting the ceiling when it comes to everything you do at this point and that certainly takes us to a place where you should be disqualified, I can go out and do what you have done under the disguise of what I'm doing as well, there ain't nothing stopping me but there is a deep difference, I actually respect the rules and intend to stay within them, you've no problem going tiers and tiers above and pretend my in-limit representation of feats is disqualified because of you selling your representation of out-of-limits feats as you deploying my logic, well let me tell you something pal, what you've percieved as me hitting the ceiling, I've barely gotten off the floor and certainly, go ahead and actually follow on your plan to use my methods, see the result.

Here's a fact - Nobody in this debate is that powerful. Squad Zero people don't have the power to destroy the Sun 22 times over, no matter how many times TNO may try to sell that idea in this debate. Aizen, being tremendously more powerful than all of them combined, would, by his logic, be so far above the limits of the tournament, he should excuse himself instead of waiting for a ban.

See, this is where you're wrong, in my initial post I compared the power level I'm representing to around 22 times the size of sun, fair enough, but the limit of this tournament is vaguely star level. Guess what? Stephenson 2-B and UY Scuti are also stars, and they far dwarf that number.

so really, being greater than combined Squad Zero doesn't make me go over the tournament limits, Thank You.

But, more than likely, that shouldn't happen for one very simple reason - We all know none of that stands under scrutiny.

Nah Nah Nah, no need to play that game, there is no need to talk for everyone, they can talk for themselves.

Narutoverse is not 250 times faster than light. Squad Zero captains aren't powerful enough to oneshot the Sun 22 times over individually. It's just not how those verses are written. And where does TNO get the scaling going for this feat? Based on an off-hand statement about how their powers would make "Heaven and Earth Tremble" followed by a link that doesn't show it quite like that.

How does the link now show what's implied anyway? now shaking the heaven and Earth might be a problem to you but I would happily go into the translation and wording and explain why it should be taken seriously, hm? and the panel shows us Soul Society shaking and it was Shunsui who noticed, and then in world of the living you had Ryuken and Isshin react to the shaking, and then in the space between the Soul Palace and Seireitei

Furthermore, scaled Aizen above them based on his own Masturbatory monologue.

see, Aizen was correct there and there is no chance to debate that, we've out of universe sources reaffirming his claims, for example, these scans state he transcended everything.

The Bleach Guidebook

Another couple of scans saying he transcended everything.

The Bleach Guidebook

another two scans saying that he surpassed even the state of God with his new form, God being something used to refer to the Soul King.

The Bleach Guidebook

and I know you might be scared of Guidebooks so I will go and present this, a recollection of the story done by Tite Kubo which DIRECTLY states that the soul society would be over if Aizen makes Oken which was only needed to enter the Soul Palace.

Bleach Manga
Bleach Manga

so are you going to acknowledge the common sense that is Aizen >> Squad Zero? or complain about their being too many scans again.

That monologue was made when he didn't know about the likes of Ichibei. He doesn't automatically scale above the likes of Squad Zero at all.

Give Aizen some credit, he knows more than you think he knows, he knew who Yhwach was for example, he knew Yhwach's name even when it was conceptually sealed away.

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Bleach Anime: Thousand Year Blood War
Bleach Anime: Thousand Year Blood War

Aizen knew Hikifune who got to get into the damn squad but most importantly, Aizen knows the most well kept secret of soul society, which I doubt anyone beside Yhwach, Ichibei, Kisuke and so forth even know.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 641
Bleach Manga – Chapter 641

don't underestimate Aizen's knowing please, he is the smartest character in the whole franchise alongside Kisuke Urahara.

"Also think about the fact that just one member "flicking their wrist" caused the three worlds to tremble"

Did she flick her wrist, or use her Bankai and all of her powers for that?

Watch it for yourself.

Loading Video...

she primarily used it to use whatever hax that is to absolutely destroy the Royal Guard rather than anything else, that was all, everything else was a side effect, she likens the power release to that of a flick of her wrist, when everything done was entirely an accident.

Aizen's feats cap at range-continental or slightly higher. Nobody in Bleach is truly going around one-shoting 22 stars at a time. I mean, everyone was shocked when Kenpachi had to use his Shikai to destroy a meteor. A meteor that was calculated to be roughly 1.5 kilometers in diameter by pixel measurements. That's not "Star level" or even near.

But, here's the thing, someone else calculated that meteor to be over 150km in diameter. And, a third person somehow got it to 5,000 kilometers. How is that possible? Simple really, feats weren't supposed to be pixel-measured or calculated to the nth degree.

now this is interesting, why? because for some reason you're talking about Kenpachi Zaraki when I'm discussing characters that would oneshot Kenpachi Zaraki, like I don't exactly get this line of thinking, because it thinks that there is some kind of relation between these two characters?

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like why can't Kenpachi have feats in his tier and Senjumaru in her tier, especially unsealed Senjumaru who is amped by Soul King powers?

This is again, the equivalent of one talking about Thor's power level and then someone talks about fucking Captain America's power level, it doesn't make sense, it's just there to make something look good, but it doesn't have substance behind it.

Manga authors don't care about accurate sizes of things, distances, or even time measurements; especially not in these situations when something should be so large that it couldn't be possibly shown on screen along with human-sized protagonists.

this would matter...had I used Pixel scaling to get the distance between Soul Palace and Soul Society, I didn't so this doesn't really mean anything.

The same thing goes for you calculating 3 million kilometers of distance to the Soul King's palace. Fact is, we have no idea how it works or how far it is. Is Ichigo equally good at Marathon running as he is at blitzing back and forth?

he is flying up-down in this scenario, and I already displayed an example of Grimmjow moving at roughly lightning speed, like actually moving at those speeds, there is a reason why I used that for Ichigo rather than some higher speed scaling, because it's a direct statement for their travelling speed.

Does something change? Did Kubo Tite envision this feat to mean that the palace is 3 million kilometers away?

.... Probably? Tite Kubo was the one who wrote the Soul Palace to be so far a rocket like object needs to be used for travel, Tite Kubo shows them worlds apart and Tite Kubo wrote the lore in a way that implies it's ridiculously far away until they had Mimihagi.

If so, how did Yhwachs Auswahlen (which is literally light) work in seconds, and not take 9 hours?

Nah, You and I both know that Auswahlen ain't just light, Auswahlen is just Yhwach growing hungry and deciding to rebuild his power by eating folks alive, it even reached another dimension in form of World of the Living while Yhwach was in the shadow empire of Wandenreich.

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Bleach Manga – Chapter 537
Bleach Manga – Chapter 537

It's literally Yhwach feasting on his kind, it would reach them always.

I also find it very funny that you are willing to cap Auswahlen at Lightspeed because you think it's just light but I wonder what you think about Caja Negacion and random Ceros being the speed of light as they're technically "light" and if you don't cap Auswahlen at lightspeed then I don't know the whole purpose of your statement at the first place.

(Please Understand The Point Of The Rant -- The point is that the measurements in detail, or calcs for distances simply don't work the way people imagine them to work, it's an arbitrary number the folks pull out of their asses).

Anyway, this rant is over. You can choose that we either go by feats shown on the page in a simple and straightforward manner, or to use your dribble to "calculate" the amount of joules for each feat based on vague author statements or offhand comments, or any number that would serve your argument. All I ask of you, and the voters is to use the same method for both of us, whichever method you choose.

Ignoring the obvious Biased marketting and leading people toward an answer, my discussion and argument did not even revolve around the calculation of Joules at the first place, I don't know why you feel the need to strawman when the argument was revolved around causing large ranged destruction with the Soul Palace as the epicentre of everything, like let's look at the post.

as one can clearly see I did not go into "Joules" and that's just a deliberate misrepresentation, in addition to that I don't get the logic behind demonising me giving you the distance between Soul Palace and Seiretei when it cannot logically be presented as lower than that, and me using that as a radius, everything else is a narrative discussion on what the Squad Zero's sealed powers narrative implicates and why Aizen is beyond the Squad Zero.

Final Counters – Kakashi and Aizen v Loki

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now, we move to the final part, in this part I will address the possibilities and arguments you proposed as reasoning behind either my logic being flawed or Loki emerging victorious against Aizen and Kakashi's tag team, Some abilities I feel like you've responded properly to but even then there are holes and some abilities I think you've entirely ignored, and at a lot of points I feel like you're trying to establish some sort of superiority to a logic that you don't fully understand by blatantly crossing the limits. I'm convinced that I'm the only inidividual in this debate that actually respects the limits, and frankly a lot of this feels like you're threatening me with things that you cannot represent without getting banned anyway but let's go over everything. I've to say, whenever you're mimicking my argumentation style you're mostly just mimicking your perception rather than the actual style, let's get into it.

I – Exceeding the limits in an attempt at mimicry

At the speed of thought, loki deflects Mjolnir.

This is a reaction feat for Loki's magic, we can see he didn't move his body, but he casts spells by just thinking about them, and he can literally cast them instantly "At the speed of thought".

How fast is the speed of thought in the Marvel Universe?

The "speed of thought" sounds vague, but it actually isn't. Marvel has actually gone out of their way to tell us exactly how fast thoughts in Marvel are. For starters, and at the very least, we know it's significantly faster than light.

Confirmed in the Ultimates.

But, it doesn't actually end there. The Speed of Thought actually has a quantified speed feat in Marvel Fanfare 51.

(Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 #51)

Even at the speed of thought, a THOUSAND GALAXIES WOULD TAKE SEVERAL MOMENTS to Cross. A thousand galaxies. Let's just call it a massive overestimate and hyperbolic and instead let's just say the brain blast had to cross a SINGLE GALAXY instead. And, let's say it's our Galaxy. Our Galaxy alone is 105,000 lightyears across.

So, assuming just one galaxy instead of a thousand, the speed of thought would still cross 105,000 lightyears in "a few moments". Let's lowball that as much as humanly possible, and say that "A few moments" actually means "A full year".

well if you

If we did actual math, the number would have 17 zeroes btw

I don't know why you don't just argue Infinite speed or instantaneous speed considering you teleport from one point in the space time continuum to another at the speed of thought, might as well argue Loki's movements are instantenous, may as well not bother with speed at all.

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and I guess reacting at the speed of thought means about nothing and just about everyone has feats with this term, Spidey included.

and ofcourse, Wolverine.

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Ofcourse Ofcourse, I'm very confident this is a super consistent super sensible concept with no contradictions and all the writers of marvel universe have the same view over it consistently accross every continuity and this is almost obviously never used hyperbolically at any point in any comic ever.


let's do the maths here, the limit of tournament was set at around a picosecond.

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The speed limit that was proposed was about something in picosecond, one picosecond is the minimum you can operate in, the 250 times FTL figure I got, I used T= Distance/Speed to slow that it came at 13 picoseconds which was within the limits.

now you are proposing 105,000 times the speed of light? that's nowhere near picoseconds mate, you'd be reaching picoseconds at thousands of times FTL, lower digit thousands, and now you're talking about 6 digits, you're operating in Femtoseconds with that 105,000c number.

heh, so you were trying to scare me with "look what I can do if I want to!"....by using feats that you cannot use?

So Please, Do it! go down the limits by hundreds of times, If breaking the rules and getting DQed very much IS your rebuttal.

(To be precise, it would be able to cross 549,500,000 light-years in 1 second!)

absolutely no Idea how you got this btw.

Which translates to 152,638 lightyears per hour.

sooooo 550 Million Lightyears are crossed in 1 second but 152,638 lightyears are crossed per hour?

This is billions of times faster than the speed of light. Your poultry math showcasing 250FTL doesn't even come close to this comparison.

Oooh, You wanna exceed the limits by millions of times? Oh certainly, go for it.

Already addressed the whole scan counting logic above, it's also about 10,000,000 times more illegal so it's not like you're working with restraints and with respect to a certain limit so ofcourse it's much easier.

If you still want to keep up with using this type of "scaling" at least use the same standards for my feats as well.

Nah Nah Nah Nah, we're not playing the same game here, If I wanted to play this same game with you We'd easily be at quadrillions of times FTL with the same type of case, but mine would be quite a bit more logical and believable, but regardless I'm working with respect to the limits, you're presenting things infinitely neyond, and obviously with other problems as well.

basically, you're trying to imitate your perception of me but instead of getting a good result you're getting an unallowed result, you're not actually imitating me because if our logics were the same my results would be much larger than what was presented as well.

now moving onto your Jane Thor thing.

Hell, nobody in my team is that powerful either. But, if we wanted to apply the same logic (TNO Calculated through Inverse Square Law the power for the distance of 3 million kilometers) we can apply it to Jane's feat of stopping a Supernova:

That's a trillion lightyears away - and planets "shook". If you applied the same "Inverse Square Law" logic that he used, you would get a feat that's trillions of times more powerful than his best claim.

No No, the feat itself is way beyond the tournament's restrictions anyway, I mean, you glossed over what seems to me to be the more impressive part of the equation, and that is this, lightning stretching to other galaxies.

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I'm suuuuuuure this is within the star level limits.

but even if you calculate this as the universe being shaken, the result would be Iirc from calculations done by NWName and other debaters, above Solar System level or at the minimum there, and thus you'd be arguing the feat wayyyyy beyond the limit. though, this doesn't seem to be normal output at all.

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She is summoning the Mother storm to achieve it for her, this isn't something she can output with normal blows from what you've presented, and if you wanna summon the mother storm here you've to take responsibility to go to a type of attack that greatly and thoroughly exceeds the limit of the tournament.

To be clear, Squad Zero's best quantifiable feat (anime-only Bankai release) wouldn't even register as a rounding error compared to this feat if we were considering "Distance to worlds shaking" as a proper way to measure feats. If you deduct 3 million from a trillion, you are still left with a trillion.

Not really, the whole point was that it's impressive because the implication is that the worlds would be greatly damaged if the powers are released and that's why they put immense ritualistic seals on them.

Now, tell me, does anyone here actually believe that Jane Thor is billions of times more powerful than Star level?

No, because I doubt she can construct galaxy spanning universe shaking lightning on a normal basis or with her average attacks, if she consistently outputted that level with her normal attacks, then yeah, people would've her at that level.

II – Can Loki truly counter Kyouka Suigetsu?

For this section, we will briefly touch upon the nature of Kyoka Suigetsu and how it works. We know it's not actual illusion casting, so it can only be one of two things:

1. Telepathic in nature

2. A magical mind effect

Probably the latter?

Bleach at the end is a series about spells and magic more than it's about comic like telepathic powers, the main source of power in the world is kido and that's literally called spells so spells make a lot more sense here.

so let's go with number 2.

And, unfortunately for you, both of those are covered by Loki's resistance. He has one of the most powerful minds in all of Marvel. Naturally, you will want to argue with a full no-limit fallacy and argue that there is no resisting KS. But, the issue we're running into is that nobody in Bleach really has ways of dealing with either TP or magical hallucinations. Something Loki doesn't have an issue with.

If KS mechanically works in a manner similar to telepathy, then someone's telepathic prowess should absolutely be applied as a defensive mechanism. And Loki has battled Odin in a telepathic mano-a-mano. He lost, granted. But he held him off for a few instants, and that's no small feat. Odin himself has been proven equal to Galactus (in TP as well as combat) and has, on occasion, used his powers to affect the entire universe. And, let's face it, in terms of Comic Book telepathy, KS is nothing special.

He has other, more reasonable feats as well, and against different types of control:

Controller's slave discs didn't work on controlling Loki's mind

Amora's (Enchantress) magical charms don't work on Loki, and Amora's powers work on the likes of Onslaught. and The Hulk. Many others as well, but these are famous for their telepathic resistance or powers.

well Loki seems to have lost that encounter with Odin so I don't really know why he gets scaling from there.

Now, I'm not going to attempt to match your mental Manipulation here because I really don't feel like I need to, HOWEVER my argument was more related to the fact that Kyouka Suigetsu manipulates soul. My point was mostly revolved around Soul and Mind having the same structure in Bleach, damaging the soul is what damages the mind and vice versa so while Bleach lacks strength in the mental department, it has lots of strength in the soul department

Aizen casually soul interacts with beings made of hundreds of millions of souls like someone like Grimmjow and Aizen's spiritual preassure is tied to his Kyouka Suigetsu as the latter is just an effect of prior, so really, you've to represent both soul and Mind feats, and I don't see many soul feats here.

I spend quite a bit of time in the first post establishing connections between soul and mind in Bleach and how they're one and the same, what's the point of counting the number of scans if you're not properly gonna refute them?

, we can assume KS works as a spell, in which case, Loki's talent at counterspelling his opponents will come in handy.

For example, even when in Seth's domain, he could dispel his binding spells with ease. The same Seth who could stand and bang with Odin affecting all planes of reality at once. Galaxies were destroyed and dead suns reignited. Loki openly admits that Seth is significantly more powerful, but Loki is more skilled, and more cunning.

Loki's skill in magic allowed him to defend himself and counter spells from a Skyfather who is thousands if not millions of times more powerful than him. As far as more reasonable dispels go, he casually dispelled Dr Strange's attempts to hold him. Dispelin Kyoka Suigetsu seems trivial in comparison.

all of this is fine, but it's mostly impossible to even realize you're in Kyouka Suigetsu, and it's not like you've presented a case to me for why exactly if Loki is exposed to a very strong soul attack or gets his head ripped off by kamui he would even survive or tank, which means that Aizen can just use Kyouka Suigetsu as a deceptive measure to expose Loki to an attack.

which is, you know, exactly how Aizen utilized Kyouka Suigetsu against almighty Yhwach, the character with the power to see infinite futures and rewrite future as he wishes, and it actually worked and killed Yhwach until Yhwach ressurected himself?

Regardless, if Kyouka Suigetsu is used in subtle ways, Loki would end up killing all his teammates and never even realise how it happened, as he would have his perception of reality completely controlled, or this can be used to pretty much make anyone from your team start infighting.

III – Loki's actual speed

Outside of using your logic to scale Loki to insane speeds, I did plan on using regular and easily applicable speed feats for Loki. For example, once he noticed radio waves going to the Fantastic Four, thought about it, and redirected them.

This, BTW, in the very first Avenger comic ever. As we know, radio waves are literally just light, and thus they travel at lightspeed. He intercepted them and changed them.

The next few scans are also very telling:

In these three feats alone, we can see that Loki's reaction time can actually measure up to the likes of the Silver Surfer. A character known for his insane speed feats. If you are curious about this scaling, feel free to press it, and then try to argue how Kakashi is faster than Norin Radd. That would be a fun debate to have.

Eh, I don't really feel the need to argue that, because let's not pretend, you are never touching Kakashi; that's not an opinion but that's just a fact of life, I mean, he'd just pass through anything you launch, anything you launch at me? I'll just warp it all way and if it passes, it passes, that's no biggie.

Naruto Manga – Chapter 509

now, I don't think Kakashi is slower than Loki, I don't think he runs faster than the Surfer but that speed debate is not particularly interesting or impact, now Aizen, attacks won't get to him because things that get to him get destroyed.

Bleach Manga – Thousand Year Blood War
Bleach Manga – Thousand Year Blood War

so really, rushing at Aizen is equivalent to rushing at death, in addition he also has passive spiritual preassure to crush any attack fired at him, not that the attack would actually do something if it reaches him but just in case, more or less, Aizen's passives render any sort of speed advantage meaningless.

And, Loki also boasts any number of feats dodging Mjolnir. Such as this one.

He can also, quite casually let things pass through him (much like Kakashi can), quickly enough that a hammer throw can't tag him.

Aizen has just the answer for it, In Bleach characters can just straight up cut space so that's no problem, Kakashi also has spatial attacks to deal with any physical phasing.

And, he can fly quickly, dancing around Surtur's attacks.

You're missing things, Kakashi can teleport and Aizen can fly, Kakashi can also use kamui to control the spatial positioning of the battle like he showed against the Ten Tails, I've quite the substantial advantage in anything speed related.

He can let your attacks pass through him,

Nah, if that's the intent, it's time to rip apart the space time with Kurohitsugi's gravity to tear him apart.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 418
Bleach Manga – Chapter 418

and obvious soul attacks and space attacks to negate any physical phasing.

while at the same time casting spells instantaneously turning your team to snow, depowering them, creating weapons that can oneshot them, scrambling their brains, negating their own spells and attacks. And downright beating them.

I'm sure he can do all of them, and I'm confident I can present resistances and counters to all of them anyway.

IV – Does Loki's magic threaten me?

Loki is an incredibly fast (already established) and incredibly skilled spellcaster. In this battle, all he needs to do is use one of his spells (either amped by the Norn Stones or not) and simply transmute your duo into something far less daunting. Like snow, for example.

And, for some context, the being being transmuted into harmless snow is none other than Bor, Odin's Father and a Skyfather in his own right.

Bor is insanely powerful. In his fight with Odinforce Thor, Thor outright admits that he would have gotten oneshot if he didn't have his father's power. In the same fight, Bor effortlessly caught Mjolnir and tossed it aside like a piece of trash.

Alright, so you choose to start with Transmutation, sadly, this won't work because Aizen possesses the Hogyoku which has fragments of the Soul King, and has attained an existence equal to or greater than the Soul King corpse. having a single piece of Reio allowed Ikomikidomoe to downright resist Ichibei's ichimonji.

Bleach – Can't Fear Your Own World
Bleach – Can't Fear Your Own World

Ichibei's ichimonji is conceptual rewriting of a being, if even a piece of Reio negates that, physical transmutation is....nothing? Aizen is downright unkillable to soul society and the best they can do is seal him away for 20,0000 years which would again, mean he is immune to things like Kyorsku Shunsui's law manipulation and Senjumaru Shutara's reality manipulation, but most importantly Ichibei hyobuse's conceptual rewriting which transmutation would fall under.

now regarding Kakashi, he withstood and used Six Paths Sage Chakra and if you cannot resist the effects of Sage Chakra in general, you get transmutated so Kakashi should be fine as well.

And, the funniest part of that entire fight? Bor was under Loki's mind control in that story. (Thor 600)

So, Loki has shown himself to be capable of both mind-controlling and transmuting a being on the level of a Skyfather. And, with his ability to cast spells at the "Speed of thought". Both Aizen and Kakashi are in grave danger.

now you move onto mind hax, My response to this is simple, for Aizen his Hogyoku evolution will take care of it, when under danger the Hogyoku already evolved Aizen to be immune to something and Kakashi's counter is simply that he has Obito with him who would break his up and Sharingan can nullify mind hax.

And, since I did notice you really did focus on Aizen's power level a lot, I assume you will want to argue that Aizen is too powerful for Loki to affect. However, as we have seen, Loki had no issues affecting Bor, but, if that is not enough for you, Loki has also fought Sise-Neg to a standstill in Loki Unleashed..

Not really gonna argue that, especially since I don't feel the need to since Aizen already showed immunity to literally everything that the soul society possessed, even conceptual manipulation

Do you wish to do a calculation of how many Joules Sise-Neg can create?


V – Loki won't kill Aizen

Don't feel like quoting here as your full thing is just one point.

so I'm going to refute it in the conventional way, and say this, even if a way could be found around Hogyoku, Power nullifying weapons are certainly not the way to do it. for example, in Bleach, Yhwach's almighty gives him a power nullification over all of time that allows him to render even conceptual abilities to be worthless and effortlessly nullify them.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 610
Bleach Manga – Chapter 610

Yhwach can nullify conceptual hax but he cannot nullify Aizen's abilities, or his Hogyoku, as showed earlier he was forced to try to absorb Aizen and thus swallow Reio whole, beat him down with normal blasts or so forth, he had no way to nullify any of his abilities and was forced to try and brute force

Bleach Manga – Chapter 683

now even if a blade is constructed that can actually damage Aizen, I've explained in great detail.

  1. Getting close to Aizen is impossibily difficult due to passive soul destruction, reiatsu crush and many other things.
  2. Aizen can keep a distance if he wants to if a weapon is actually made that can threaten him, then he can wait for a new evolution that puts him past being affected by the weapon
  3. or he can simply wish for the Hogyoku to grant him an ability he deems enough to handle whatever anti measures Loki has taken.

Now, that we're this far, I think even Aizen wishing that something doesn't happen would do the trick, why? because I believe Hogyoku is much deeper than meets the surface, let's go back to chapter 401.

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As Aizen explained Hogyoku, Hogyoku isn't just an auto plus thing, it's much more than that, Hogyoku makes things happen as are desired by the people around it, Kisuke desired hollowfication and Hogyoku made that a thing, Rukia wanted to lose her powers because she thought she didn't deserve them for killing Kaien Shiba and Hogyoku made it happen, Orihime and Todo wanted powers and the Hogyoku made it all happen.

Bleach Manga – Chapter 401

so, what exactly am I getting at here? What I'm saying is, if Aizen doesn't want to fall to Loki, he won't fall to Loki because if he wants a way around whatever weapon Loki comes up with, the Hogyoku would bring that wish fourth because the Hogyoku seems to govern fate.

so even if Loki comes up with a weapon that can defeat Aizen with a blow...somehow he bypasses all passives, somehow Aizen has no way but if he wishes to not be harmed by that blade, he won't be harmed, why? because that's what Hogyoku does, change one's fate.

The Overview

Now, that almost everything has been covered, I would look over the abilities and what we've covered and how this in my eyes has impacted the outcome of the matchup, spoiler alert, I don't think your entire team would win against these two and I feel like you've severely underestimated the defensive capabilities of Aizen and the offensive capabilities of Kakashi.

I – The Battle Trajectory

I believe you severely underestimated the trickiness a character like DMS Kakashi offers, the trickiness is that most attacks don't work because the body isn't in the universe and is in an uninteractive sealed off timespace, and the attacks that work aren't exactly that threatening because again, Kakashi's ability to resist and withstand was greatly underestimated here in my eyes. I feel like you misinterpreted his chakra reserves and again, underestimated on way too many instances and his offensive/utility capabilities are not that were addressed properly, the ability to spatiotemporally rip someone's body parts off while they're handling Kyouka Suigetsu is not something you can easily counter.

I disagree with Loki being better of the two, especially since Hogyoku can subconsciously almost manipulate fate and progression of life in Aizen's favour to make him come out on top.

I don't think Loki is faster than Aizen, but more importantly I think Aizen's passives, soul manipulation and ability to slice space gives him a large advantagement in any close ranged confrontation.

I believe the fact that Yhwach himself didn't have a way to actually nullify Hogyoku when he nullified things like Ichimonji which can seal away, transform, erase concepts, means that there is no real hope of negating something like the Hogyoku and even if a way is discovered, it's very likely that Aizen will simply find a way around by just wishing for a way around.

I don't think you addressed the whole soul manipulation component of Kyouka Suigetsu that results from Bleach's soul physiology argument I made earlier, and I think it's pretty clearly the second in nature, but the main point of Kyouka Suigetsu is your whole perception of reality is controlled, and thus you can be left open to ridiculous offense as well as attack your teammates, I think there are layers for you to work with that you haven't really done so far regarding Kyouka Suigetsu.

II – The Summary

So Going through your post, I respect the passion you've shown and I respect the creativity and the fact that you were brave enough to properly challenge me on grounds of pretty much everything, but I think you make a lot of mistakes at many spots, now your post is good, better than 95% of things you'd see outside but there are flaws, and the flaws I've to point out.

you connect the number of scans to the content in a relevant manner, as I explained earlier, it's like judging something by the number of tools rather than the performance, you ignored the actual utilization of those scans and the method behind their utilization to assume all are going toward only one goal and that was wrong.

Your understanding of what Double Mangekyou Sharingan Kakashi was, is something that I cannot accept because even outside of the instory context of the events, you're trying to deliberately take a character away from me and then later on acting like you'd still beat me and debunk a bunch of my abilities without abusing the supposed timer, I've to ask, are you confident in your ability to disprove abilities for DMS Kakashi? are you confident in your ability to beat DMS Kakashi? and even if you are, trying to take away the version I bought comes off as very cheap and feels like a cop out mostly

Your argument regarding Aizen losing control over Kyouka Suigetsu, just doesn't make sense, not on a mechanical level and your critique of the plan Aizen made falls flat when you consider Aizen has an insane regeneration factor which would give him his hands back, and then you consider that the plan worked and Yhwach died for the timebeing.

I don't think Loki's counter spells would work when he is not even aware he is under the effects, which would leave him wide open for Kakashi to snipe his head or upper body off, ripping him in two.

Your attempt to imitate my logic just doesn't work because you simply end up imitating what is your perception of my argumentation and exceeding the limits of this tournament by a very large margin, not a good thing.

I've presented counters to transmutation, conceptual ones in the case of Aizen as even ichimonji can't effect those with Soul King fragments, reckon I'm fine for now.

Mind Hax, I don't think works, Naruto has lots of mind hax resistance feats as you'd know and Aizen has the Hogyoku to break him free.

currently, I just see the team winning with lots of abilities, space cutting swings, soul destruction, Kamui vortexing etc.


Easily the most competitive debate I've had in the HTT so far and I like that, I feel like depending on whether or not Chimeroid decides to reveal Thors in the next part, I might also be about to reveal Dante in the next round as the Ace if I feel the need to, for now, my post against Mass is perfectly functional for a Dante post and what he may possess in the debate, so if he is revealed in the final round and the explainations come as short, you can read that post fot a reference.

The Battle already comes off as pretty impressive in scale, I can't wait to see whete it goes from here.

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I will read it when am through with what am doing.

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@alxec said:

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We will tag you, i guess it's up to @professorrespect to decide on whether or not you can vote. You are relatively new, but i saw you in some threads, you seem reasonable, so as long as you're not an alt, you should be in the clear.