Cassiopeia Newsletter – Summer Solstice / solstice d’été 2024

In this issue: ALMA Matters Update on CASTOR CFHT News and Updates Canadian Gemini Office News ngVLA Update SKA Update … Continue reading

2024 Executive Award: Kristine Spekkens

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Kristine Spekkens as the winner of the 2024 CASCA Executive award, recognizing her sustained … Continue reading

2023 Qilak Award: Doctor Laurie Rousseau-Nepton

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Laurie Rousseau-Nepton as the winner of the 2024 Qilak award, recognizing recent and impactful … Continue reading

Dr. Roberto Abraham and the Dragonfly team: 2024 Dunlap Award for Innovation in Astronomical Research Tools

CASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Roberto Abraham and the Dragonfly team are the winners of the 2024 Dunlap … Continue reading

2024 Plaskett Medal: Dr. Antoine Bédard

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Antoine Bédard as the recipient of the 2024 J.S. Plaskett Medal for the most … Continue reading

Dr. Julio F. Navarro: 2024 Carlyle S. Beals Award for Outstanding Research

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Julio F. Navarro as the recipient of the 2024 Carlyle S. Beals Award in … Continue reading

2023 Richer Gold medal: Dr. Kiyoshi Masui

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Kiyoshi Masui as the recipient of the 2023 Harvey B. Richer Gold Medal, in … Continue reading

2023 Martin Award: Dr. Erik Rosolowsky

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Erik Rosolowsky as the recipient of the 2023 Peter G. Martin Award for mid-career … Continue reading

2023 Petrie Prize Lecture: Dr. You-Hua Chu

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. You-Hua Chu, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics … Continue reading

The Canadian Astronomical Society was founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1983 as a society of professional astronomers. The society is devoted to the promotion and advancement of knowledge of the universe through research and education. Membership is open to persons with a professional involvement with these goals in astronomy and the related sciences. The main activities of the Society are its annual scientific meetings, the planning and realization of scientific projects, the support of the scientific activities of its members, and the dissemination of related information among members and other interested persons.

La Société Canadienne d’Astronomie est une société d’astronomes professionnels. Elle fut fondée en 1971 et s’est incorporée selon les lois du Canada en 1983. La Société s’est donnée pour buts de promouvoir et de faire avancer les connaissances sur l’Univers par le biais de la recherche et de l’enseignement. L’adhésion à la Société est ouverte aux personnes oeuvrant d’une façon professionelle dans les deux volets mentionnés ci-haut, que ce soit en astronomie ou dans une science connexe. Les activités principales de la Société sont ses réunions scientifiques annuelles, l’étude et la réalisation de projets scientifiques, le soutien de l’activité scientifique de ses membres, et enfin, la diffusion d’informations concernant ces divers domaines aux membres et à toute personne intéressée. La Société a créé plusieurs comités: le comité d’astronomie optique et infrarouge; le comité de radioastronomie; le comité d’astronomie spatiale; le comité d’astronomie théorique; le comité de l’éducation; le comité Héritage et le comité des prix. Cassiopeia, la publication trimestrielle de la Société, est publiée aux solstices et aux équinoxes.

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