Updates from the International Year of Astronomy 2009enTue, 11 Jan 2011 11:18:39 +0100 and Report  Happy New Year 2011! Enjoy our special gallery for the new year greetings featuring the best TWAN images of night sky above winter landscapes. TWAN at Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference (CEDIC 2011), The conference is a major annual gathering of astrophotographers from Europe and around the ...Tue, 11 Jan 2011 11:18:39 +0100 four years since it was officially launched in 2006, the Virtual Telescope project ( introduces a new important telescope, accessible via the Internet by professional and amateur astronomers from all around the world.  Initially equipped with a 280mm-aperture, remote telescope, later the Virtual Telescope hosted a Celestron 356mm-large scope, ...Tue, 11 Jan 2011 11:16:16 +0100 Organizing Committee of the 2009 Women in Astronomy conference has published the proceedings from the year's Women in Astronomy and Space Science Conference III, titled "Women in Astronomy and Space Science 2009: Meeting the Challenges of an Increasingly Diverse Workforce." The conference was held on Oct. 21-23, 2009, at ...Tue, 11 Jan 2011 10:29:19 +0100 new issue of the peer-reviewed journal for science communicators, Communicating Astronomy with the Public journal (CAPjournal), is now available. Articles include an overview of how Disney Television Italy worked alongside the Education and Public Outreach office of the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padua in Italy to help promote astronomy ...Fri, 07 Jan 2011 16:21:17 +0100 2009 Lennart Nilsson Award was presented to well-known American planetary scientist and the head of Cassini spacecraft imaging team Dr. Carolyn Porco and Iranian photographer and science journalist, the founder and director of TWAN,Babak A. Tafreshi in recognition of their photographic work, which -- each from its own perspective -- recalls humankind’s place in ...Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:56:15 +0100 latest issue of Science in School, a free science education journal, is now available. The many exciting articles in this issue cover topics such as the science of humour, the phenomenon of supercooling, experiments at the nanoscale and a classroom project for transmitting music by laser. ESO’s own Dr J ...Mon, 13 Dec 2010 16:22:32 +0100 effects of IYA2009 in Sweden A recent study of the recognition of science among the Swedish public has demonstrated a pronounced change in the appreciation of astronomy. More information: IYA2009 Session at the Public Communication of Science & Technology Conference: The International Year of Astronomy: How did it ...Sun, 12 Dec 2010 07:02:23 +0100 and Report   Photo Report: TWAN Continues to Travel in Hungary The World at Night traveling exhibit and presentations in Hungary which started during the International Year of Astronomy continues in the country with new events. Photo Report: Lennart Nilsson Award to Babak Tafreshi and Carolyn Porco See the ...Sun, 12 Dec 2010 06:55:02 +0100 International Year of Astronomy: How did it go and what did we learn? Public Communication of Science & Technology Conference 2010 Thematic Session II C / Lecture Hall (II Floor) Wednesday, 8 December, 16:30 Chair: Pedro Russo (IAU/ESO ePOD, Germany) Coordinator: Steve Miller University College, London, U.K In 1609, Galileo ...Wed, 08 Dec 2010 11:04:22 +0100 by David M.F. Chapman ( Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Halifax Centre) In March 2010, I joined a group of Canadians in Havana, helping Cuban youth learn English. As luggage, I took 12 Galileoscopes donated by the Department of Astronomy and Physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ...Mon, 06 Dec 2010 15:04:55 +0100