Gears of War 3 release month leaked

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Apr 2010 2:12 User comments (13)

Gears of War 3 release month leaked

Kotaku has posted an accidentally leaked promotional page for the upcoming Gears of War 3 game for the Xbox 360 which shows that the game will hit retail shelves next April.
The ad says: "The epic story concludes April 2011".

The ad was supposed to have been revealed on Monday, when Epic Game's Cliff Bleszinski is expected to have an appearance on Jimmy Fallon's late night show.

There is little other information, but the new game is expected to include new features such as underwater combat.

Gears of War 2 was one of the platform's biggest selling games of all-time.

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13 user comments

19.4.2010 20:32

Another year away, it's a long wait...

29.4.2010 23:13

I hope this long way year they use more juice power of Xbox360.

39.4.2010 23:39

Originally posted by voyager:
I hope this long way year they use more juice power of Xbox360.
surely that was a poor attempt at sarcasm...

410.4.2010 07:15

Underwater combat,!interesting

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Apr 2010 @ 7:19

510.4.2010 08:46

Loved the GOW series, so this game should be a blast to play, and I would rather them fix any bugs/issues and wait for a year than to play it bug-riddled. Not exactly fun to see Marcus/Dom fall into dead space when they're on solid ground, ya know. ;)

611.4.2010 01:31


711.4.2010 10:47

Originally posted by blueboy09:
Loved the GOW series, so this game should be a blast to play, and I would rather them fix any bugs/issues and wait for a year than to play it bug-riddled. Not exactly fun to see Marcus/Dom fall into dead space when they're on solid ground, ya know. ;)
You mean the GEOW series right? cause GOW series is for God Of War!

811.4.2010 16:38

Originally posted by NHS2008:
Originally posted by blueboy09:
Loved the GOW series, so this game should be a blast to play, and I would rather them fix any bugs/issues and wait for a year than to play it bug-riddled. Not exactly fun to see Marcus/Dom fall into dead space when they're on solid ground, ya know. ;)
You mean the GEOW series right? cause GOW series is for God Of War!

Sorry, nmy bad. I meant that way, was thinking of Gears Of War as GOW, not as God Of War, thanks for pointing that out.

912.4.2010 22:01

Originally posted by voyager:
I hope this long way year they use more juice power of Xbox360.
More juice doesnot always mean a better game. Would you rather have a game with graphics that make everything else look outdated or a well written storyline with addictive and longlasting appeal.

Hint. Hint Ms pacman and galaga can usually be found in a local arcade as well as some form of streetfighter but other high graphic visual games come and go as classics keep rolling in quarters for years after others are long forgotten

1012.4.2010 22:18

Originally posted by blueboy09:
Originally posted by NHS2008:
Originally posted by blueboy09:
Loved the GOW series, so this game should be a blast to play, and I would rather them fix any bugs/issues and wait for a year than to play it bug-riddled. Not exactly fun to see Marcus/Dom fall into dead space when they're on solid ground, ya know. ;)
You mean the GEOW series right? cause GOW series is for God Of War!

Sorry, nmy bad. I meant that way, was thinking of Gears Of War as GOW, not as God Of War, thanks for pointing that out.
Blueboy you don't owe anyone an apology. Either the guy is a fanboy or he is just being immature. If you speak of Sony or Microsoft people know what is meant when "GOW" is used as an abbreviation or acronym. You will find no law nor with the definition of abbreviation does it state once an abbreviation is used that it cannot be used to refer to something else. But just to do smarty pants one up I am sure we could google and find "GOW" used even before God of War or any other game and if the guy is saying that it is incorrect usage I am sure I could find "GOW" used before his country was even built. LOL Bet I could find it as an abbreviation as far back as the bible or even B.C. ..........

wonder if he knows what the last abbreviation means or will he argue that one as well

GOW is a great series and I love playing co-op with my son.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 12 Apr 2010 @ 10:30

1113.4.2010 09:38

That is true, there's no law to dictate what GoW stands for. In this thread, it's clear that GoW means Gears of War. However, in a general video game forum, one has to be more specific. It does sound like a fanboy/fangirl thing here, but there's nothing wrong being more specific.

1213.4.2010 13:14

@blueboy09, lxhotboy, Gnawnivek.
Guys! It's a fan boy thing!
I was just pissed that I won't get to play either of these two titles..

1313.4.2010 13:44

LOL, it took me a little bit to get it NHS2008 ;)

Both Gears of War and God of War games are great. Too bad that they're exclusives (except for Gears, you can also play it on PC). Anyway, I love both series and i certainly think those games worth my console purchases.

For Gears, the 3rd installment better add more drama... Maria was a good touch in Gears II, but man, the way Dom pleaded for backup was so messed up (the cut-scene where Cole makes his entrance). Also, the fact that none of the FOUR main characters ever die is getting a bit old (probably keeping them for on-line purposes, but still, the story needs spice!). Lastly, Dom needs to stop yelling "Anya" like a love puppy, the dude is not cool. Whatever happen to his badass-ness in the first Gears game is gone. He's definitely less macho in part II, man, like a dude with PMS...

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