

The work on GoodRelations is lead by Martin Hepp.

The core GoodRelations team at the Universität der Bundeswehr München currently includes

  1. Alex Stolz (since 2009) and
  2. Uwe Stoll (since 2010).

A special thanks goes to Andreas Radinger, who was a member of the team from 2008 through 2013. He helped set up and maintain the early infrastructure for GoodRelations, thoroughly reviewed multiple revisions of the vocabulary, and submitted many proposals for enhancements.

The following individuals have also supported our work on GoodRelations over the years by significant implementation work, valuable suggestions, feedback, or explaining GoodRelations to others (in alphabetical order): Martin Anding, Stefano Bertolo, Daniel Bingel, Dan Brickley, Richard Cyganiak, Stefan Decker, Stefan Dietrich, Eric Franzon, Leyla Garcia, Mouzhi Ge, Kavi Goel, Sean Golliher, Andreas Harth, Ivan Herman, Kingsley Idehen, Philip Jägenstedt, Christian Junghanns, Gregg Kellog, Jay Myers, Markus Linder, Peter Mika, Ludger Rinsche, Bene Rodriguez-Castro, Martin Schliefnig, Nitin Shetti, Manu Sporny, Thomas Steiner, Jamie Taylor, Jeni Tennison, László Török, Giovanni Tummarello, Jon Udell, and Andreas Wechselberger. We are very thankful for their contributions to make GoodRelations what it is today.

The work on the GoodRelations ontology and its predecessors has been partly funded by the Austrian BMVIT/FFG under the FIT-IT Semantic Systems project myOntology (grant no. 812515/9284), by a Young Researcher's Grant (Nachwuchsförderung 2005-2006) from the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, by the European Commission under the project SUPER (FP6-026850), and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the project “IntelligentMatch”, grant identifier 01IS10022B.

The new (2011) screen design was created by Don Ailinger and Martin Hepp.

The GoodRelations specification document is automatically created from the most recent ontology specification in OWL using a Python script written by Alex Stolz, László Török, and Martin Hepp. Our script uses the RDFlib library for parsing and handling RDF and the Jinja template engine for generating the HTML document.

Also, we would like to mention that the Creative Commons Wiki was a great inspiration for our redesigned GoodRelations Wiki. In fact, it is the best Mediawiki configuration that we are aware of.