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Results of the Anniversary Tournaments dedicated to 11 Years of War Thunder, plus the “Esport II” Trophy!

The series of tournaments dedicated to 11 years of War Thunder has come to an end. Those of you who have watched the live streams on Twitch have received unique camouflages and a decorator through Twitch Drops and were the first to witness who won in the tournaments!

Now, the time has come to reveal the results and award the champions.

Победители турнира «Огненный фронт» 5v5

Winners of Fire-Front 5v5

1st place — MRCLS team
2nd place — DODEC team
3rd place — 25F.P.S team

The list of prizes include coupons for the E-100, T18E2, Type 62 (USSR), Golden Eagles and Esports merch.

Победители турнира «Воздушное превосходство» 4v4

Winners of Air Superiority 4v4

1st place — EXOTIC team
2nd place — RESTART team
3rd place — NEXT team

The list of prizes include coupons for the Bf 109 E-7/U2, Bong’s P-38J-15, Ki-94-II, Golden Eagles and Esports merch.

Esports Trophy II

Introducing a new trophy with camouflages created by authors from the Live.WT portal! The new Esports trophy includes 21 camouflages for various vehicles: 12 aircraft, 8 tanks and 1 helicopter. Among them are both — those that could be seen in Twitch Drops and on our streams, as well as completely new ones. The full list is below.

  • F-16C 'Golden Sun'
  • T-72B3 'Volcano'
  • M1A2 Abrams 'Icebreaker'
  • Mig 29SMT 'Quick Response'
  • T-62 'Chocloma'
  • Leopard 2PSO 'Stardust'
  • J-7E 'Red Spear'
  • WZ1001(E) LCT 'Artefact'
  • J-8F 'Phoenix Nebula'
  • T20 'Druk'
  • Black Night 'The Kelpie'
  • F-16AJ 'Hanagasumi'
  • Tornado IDS 'Fliegonodrom'
  • Tornado IDS ASSTA1 'Storm Chaser'
  • YaK-141 'Bumblebee'
  • Barak II Lightning Storm
  • AH-64D 'Firestarter'
  • MiG-21bis 'Frostbite'
  • J35D 'A tale of the old norse'
  • Kurnass 'Sky Eagle'
  • KF41 'Blue Line'

Like the Esports I trophy, the new trophy can be obtained by simply playing regular War Thunder battles. In the future, it will be possible to obtain with an increased chance by participating in Esports events and War Thunder tournaments. PlayStation and Xbox players can purchase the trophy in the Item Shop and open it with Golden Eagles.

Read more on our Wiki.

Трофей «Киберспорт II»
"Esport II"
Ключ «Киберспорт II»
"Esport II"

To open it, you’ll need to purchase a key on the Market (income is shared with the authors of the camouflages). You can either activate the coupon on your account, or trade it on the Market to get Gaijin Coins (GJN). A trophy can be sold as well!

To unlock the trophy, you'll need an “Esport” key that can be purchased on the Market for GJN.

Read more about the Market and Gaijin Coins on our Wiki.


“Snailonidas” pack

For War Thunder Esports fans, don’t forget about this small but very cute pack that contains a unique decal and title.

Meet the updated “Snailonidas” pack!
War Thunder - Набор
The Kit Includes:
  • “Hoplomachus Snail” decal
  • “Snailonidas” title
  • 300 Golden Eagles
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