Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of GraphicsCompatibility

Apr 1, 2011, 11:11:38 PM (13 years ago)
Philip Taylor



  • GraphicsCompatibility

    v2 v3  
    88This is the main design target, with the following minimum requirements:
    99 * [ GL_VERSION 1.3].
    10  * [ GL_ARB_fragment_program] and [ GL_ARB_vertex_program] (the old [ assembly syntax]). This is almost universally supported: from Alpha 4 it looks like 2% of users are missing this (and they're ancient hardware that will probably never work fst enough), whereas 14% are missing GLSL, and GLSL has more performance and compatibility bugs, so GLSL has an unacceptable compatibility cost but ARB programs are acceptable. This increases code complexity compared to GLSL, but not hugely, and it's much more powerful and flexible than fixed-function multitexturing.
     10 * [ GL_ARB_fragment_program] and [ GL_ARB_vertex_program] (the old [ assembly syntax]). This is almost universally supported: from Alpha 4 it looks like 2% of users are missing this (and they're ancient hardware that will probably never work fst enough), whereas 14% are missing GLSL, and GLSL has more performance and compatibility bugs, so GLSL has an unacceptable compatibility cost but ARB programs are acceptable. This increases code complexity compared to GLSL, but not hugely, and it's much more powerful and flexible than fixed-function multitexturing.
    1111 * [ GL_ARB_depth_texture] and [ GL_ARB_shadow]. Everything with ARB program support also supports these.
    1212 * [ GL_EXT_framebuffer_object]. Almost everything with ARB program support also supports this.