Changes between Version 109 and Version 110 of FAQ

Oct 9, 2022, 11:05:42 PM (22 months ago)

Fixing consistency, order of items, setting links to wiki articles and forum topics.


  • FAQ

    v109 v110  
    2424  {{{#!tr
    2525    {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    26 >Storage location for replays, screenshots, mods and configuration files
     26>Storage location for s
    2727    }}}
    2828    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    3232  {{{#!tr
    3333    {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    34 >Crash when starting the game
     34>Crash when starting the game
    3535    }}}
    3636    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    4444    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    4545Disable `Post-processing` in the game options.
    46     }}}
    47   }}}
    48   {{{#!tr
    49     {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    50 >No replay files are generated
    51     }}}
    52     {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    53 Do you have any antivirus software running? Try disabling it temporarily or add an exception for 0AD.
    5446    }}}
    5547  }}}
    290282    }}}
    291283    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    292 Go to `Multiplayer` --> `Game Lobby` --> `Create a new account`, then you should see this page, now you can join a game or set one up yourself via `Host Game`.
     284Go to `Multiplayer` > `Create a new account`, then you should see this page, now you can join a game or set one up yourself via `Host Game`.
    411403    }}}
    412404    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    413 Read these forum threads and you will defeat the AI and most likely become a competitive player in the `Game Lobby`:
    414 - [ Multiplayer strategy guide] (11/May/17)
    415 - [ Civ analysis] (12/Mar/21)
    416 - [ Reddit topic]
     405Read these threads and you will defeat the AI and most likely become a competitive player in the `Game Lobby`.
     406- Related forum threads:
     407 - [ Multiplayer strategy guide] (11/May/17)
     408 - [ Civ analysis] (12/Mar/21)
     410- Related Reddit thread: [ Strategies to beat AI] (17/Jul/22)
    417411Alternatively, you can watch Youtube replays (see [[FAQ#Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]] below) of pro players or download their replays to better see their build order and which tech upgrades they focus on.
    418 - Related forum topic: []
     412- Related forum topic: []
    419413    }}}
    420414  }}}
    733727    }}}
    734728    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    735 The game comes with a `Scenario Editor` (aka `Atlas`) for information see [[Atlas_Manual|wiki/Atlas_Manual]] and [ Scenario Design/Map making] in our forum.
     729The game comes with a `Scenario Editor` (aka `Atlas`) for information see:
     730- Related wiki article: [[Atlas_Manual|wiki/Atlas_Manual]]
     731- Related forum topic: [ Scenario Design/ Map making]
    736732    }}}
    737733  }}}
    764760  {{{#!tr
    765761    {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    766777>How to enable mods?
    767778    }}}
    769780See [[Modding_Guide|wiki/Modding_Guide]]
    770781    }}}
    771   }}} 
    772 {{{#!tr
     782  }}}
    773784    {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    774785>[=#FindMods Where can i find mods?]
    776787    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    777788You can find and download mods in the following places:
    778 - Ingame at the `main menu -> settings -> mod selection -> download mods screen` - easiest to install, and can filter game version compatible mods only.
    780 - Downloads from these sources require a manual installation^*^ and may be outdated:
     789- Ingame
     790 - easiest to install, and can filter game version compatible mods only.
     791- Downloads from these sources require a manual installation:
    781792 - [ Github] - largest list of mods.
    782793 - [ 0 A.D.] - same list as the ingame downloader if you uncheck the filter `valid mods only` option within the ingame download mods screen.
    783794 - [ Forum] - some mods are on the forum and can't be found anywhere else, it's worth snooping around.
    784795 - [ Trac] - list is in it's starting up phase.
    786 ^*^ [ How To Install Mods]
    787     }}}
    788   }}}
    789   {{{#!tr
    790     {{{#!th style="border-left:none;text-align:left"
    791 >How to get started?
    792     }}}
    793     {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    794 The game itself is developed to be highly modifiable, to get started see [[Modding_Guide|wiki/Modding_Guide]] and [[Mod_Layout|wiki/Mod_Layout]].[[BR]]Taking a look at small existing mods (e.g [ ffm_visibility] or [ Battle Mod]) might help to better understand how things work.[[BR]]Some total-conversion mods are: [ Hyrule Conquest], [ Delenda Est] or [ 0AD City Builder].
    795 - Related forum threads:
    796   - [ How to modify 0 A.D.?] (31/Aug/16)
    797   - [ How to mod 0AD from Zero?] (6/Oct/21)
    798796    }}}
    799797  }}}
    819817    }}}
    820818    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    821 Here you can find all the information on how to get the source code and build the game: [[BuildInstructions|wiki/BuildInstructions]].
     819See [[BuildInstructions|wiki/BuildInstructions]]
    823821      {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    840838    }}}
    841839    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    842 Simply follow the instructions below.
    843841- Related forum thread: [ Guide for publishing mods on] (13/May/18)
    844 - Related wiki articles: [[Mod_Publishing_Process|wiki/Mod_Publishing_Process]] and [[Mod_Verification_Process|wiki/Mod_Verification_Process]]
     842- Related wiki articles:
     843  - [[Mod_Publishing_Process|wiki/Mod_Publishing_Process]]
     844  - [[Mod_Verification_Process|wiki/Mod_Verification_Process]]
    845845    }}}
    846846  }}}
    977977    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    978978- PDF-presentation - [ Sogyo Presentation] (1/Feb/20)
    979 - Video - [ 0 A.D. Evolution - All Alphas] (3/Feb/19)
    980 - Video - [ 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant, a FLOSS Game] (25/Nov/20)
     979- Videos
     980 - [ 0 A.D. Evolution - All Alphas] (3/Feb/19)
     981 - [ 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant, a FLOSS Game] (25/Nov/20)