Changes between Version 107 and Version 108 of FAQ

Oct 9, 2022, 10:03:24 PM (22 months ago)

add an image to the network delay section and replace the user.cfg images with code lines


  • FAQ

    v107 v108  
    6060    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;border-bottom: 1px dotted lightgrey;padding-left:0.5em"
    61611. Try to disable all mods not compatible with the new version via the `Mod Selection` page.
    62 2. If you cannot access the `Mod Selection` page, you should locate your `user.cfg` file (see [[GameDataPaths|wiki/GameDataPaths]]) and either delete it or search for `mod.enabledmods`. Replace this line with `mod.enabledmods = "mod public"`.
    64 [[Image(FAQ:enablemods_user_cfg.jpg,center,500)]]
     622. If you cannot access the `Mod Selection` page, try to locate your `user.cfg` file (see wiki/GameDataPaths) and either delete it or search for `mod.enabledmods`. Replace this line with:
     63          {{{
     64            mod.enabledmods = "mod public"
     65          }}}
    65663. In some cases after disabling old mods, you might also have to delete the contents of your `/0ad/mods/user` folder. The wiki article [[GameDataPaths|wiki/GameDataPaths]] should tell you where to find it.
    6667    }}}
    9091    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;border-bottom: 1px dotted lightgrey;padding-left:0.5em"
    91 Add `view.zoom.max = "300" view.zoom.min = "30"` to your `user.cfg` file (see [[GameDataPaths|wiki/GameDataPaths]]). By decreasing `view.zoom.min` you can zoom in closer and by increasing `view.zoom.max` you can zoom out further. The default values of the game are 200 and 50. With a larger zoom max more things have to be drawn, expect reduced performance, especially on weak GPU's.
    93 [[Image(FAQ:view.zoom.jpg,center,500)]]
     92Try to locate your `user.cfg` file (see wiki/GameDataPaths) and add the following lines to it:
     93          {{{
     94            view.zoom.min = "30"
     95            view.zoom.max = "300"
     96          }}}
     97By decreasing `view.zoom.min` you can zoom in closer and by increasing `view.zoom.max` you can zoom out further. The default values of the game are 50 and 200. With a larger zoom max more things have to be drawn, expect reduced performance, especially on weak GPU's.
    9498    }}}
    97101In single player mode, you can open the developer overlay with `Alt + D` and toggle the `Restrict camera` option so that you can adjust the camera zoom to your preferences.
    99 [[Image(FAQ:restrict_camera.png,center,400)]]
    100104    }}}
    101105  }}}
    107111    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;border-bottom: 1px dotted lightgrey;padding-left:0.5em"
    108112__Network latency:__[[BR]]
    109 The lobby is hosted by us, but all the games you play connect you directly to the game's host. Depending on your location and internet quality, you may experience a high Ping/ latency with certain players. You can check your RTT (aka Round Trip Time/ Ping) with different hosts by pressing `F11 or Alt+F11` and toggle through until you see the `Network statistics` panel.
    111       {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    112   **NOTE:** If you suffer from a consistently high Ping time, you will cause lag for all other players. Using an Ethernet cable can help a little.
     113The lobby is hosted by us, but all the games you play connect you directly to the game's host. Depending on your location and internet quality, you may experience a high Ping/ latency with certain players.
     115      {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
     116  **NOTE:** If you suffer from a consistently high Ping time, you will cause lag for all other players. Using an Ethernet cable can help a little. You can check your RTT (aka Round Trip Time/ Ping) with different hosts by pressing `F11 or Alt+F11` and toggle through until you see the `Network host/client statistics` panel.
    113119      }}}
    114120    }}}
    129135 - Play on smaller maps and limit population to 600 units across the map for all players. Rendering, simulation (for example gathering / attacking), and the pathfinder all have an impact on performance.  If you have more units, more things need to be drawn, which affects rendering, more things to calculate for unit activity affects simulation, and larger map sizes cause longer paths, which affects the pathfinder.
    131 By toggling the [[EngineProfiling#In-GameProfiler|wiki/In-GameProfiler]] with `F11 or Alt+F11` you can see which processes take the most time, often it is the `render` process and in large battle scenes also the `sim update`.
     137      {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
     138  **NOTE:** Multiplayer games are calculated on all computers simultaneously, with the slowest PC determining the game speed. If your computer is a bit outdated, you should follow the guidelines listed above. This might make the game faster for everyone.
     139  By toggling the [[EngineProfiling#In-GameProfiler|wiki/In-GameProfiler]] with `F11 or Alt+F11` you can see which processes take the most time, often it is the `render` process and in large battle scenes also the `sim update`.
    134       {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    135   **NOTE:** Multiplayer games are calculated on all computers simultaneously, with the slowest PC determining the game speed. If your computer is a bit outdated, you should follow the guidelines listed above. This might make the game faster for everyone.
    136142      }}}
    137143[[GamePerformance|Wiki/GamePerformance]] summarizes the problems, that need to be solved, to improve performance.
    460466Attack damage and resistance levels can be increased through technology upgrades, unit ranks or auras.
    462 [[Image(FAQ:attack_resitance.png,center,500)]]
    464470- Related forum threads:
    472478In addition, there are `Status Effects` that can cause various (temporary) effects. As of `Alpha XXV - Yaunā`, this is a small feature that is limited to two effects (`Fire` and `Poison`) and two units (the `Iberian Champion Cavalry` and the `Mauryan Guard Archer`) that they can inflict on their opponents. All entities vulnerable to `Fire` and `Poison` attacks suffer exactly the same damage.
    474 [[Image(FAQ:status_effect_poison.png,center,500)]]
    475481    }}}
    476482  }}}