Changes between Version 104 and Version 105 of FAQ

Oct 9, 2022, 8:25:04 PM (22 months ago)

Update promotion rank question with new picture of Han crossbowman


  • FAQ

    v104 v105  
    455455    }}}
    456456    {{{#!td style="border-right:none;padding-left:0.5em"
    457 It shows the current rank of your unit. The bar normally increases during combat by gaining experience points, once a certain threshold is reached, the unit moves up a rank. Depending on the type of unit (Healer, Ranged, Melee), certain values of the unit are boosted. The `Rank icon` and `Experience status bar` can be toggled on/off in the `Settings` on the `Game Session` tab.
    459 [[Image(FAQ:rank_upgrade.jpg,center,500)]]
    461       {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    462   **NOTE:** Starting with `Alpha XXVI - Zhuangzi`, you can hover over the rank icon in the HUD to see the benefits of each rank.
    463       }}}
     457It shows the current rank of your unit. The bar increases during combat by gaining experience points, once a certain threshold is reached, the unit moves up a rank. Depending on the type of unit (Healer, Ranged or Melee), certain values of the unit are boosted. Move the mouse cursor over the rank icon in the HUD to see the benefits of each rank. The `Rank icon` and `Experience status bar` can be toggled on/off in the `Options` on the `Game Session` tab.
    464461      {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    465462  **NOTE:** Units can also gain experience points when garrisoned in certain military buildings that have `Rigorous Training`.