Changes between Version 100 and Version 101 of FAQ

Oct 9, 2022, 7:13:11 PM (22 months ago)

Update the Computation lag question, new options were added with A26, adding an image for the In-game-profiler


  • FAQ

    v100 v101  
    120120 - It is recommended to close all other applications as they consume resources and affect the overall performance of the system.
    1211212. ''Game Options''
    122  - Enable `Prefer GLSL`
    123  - Enable `FXAA` (no performance impact) or  `MSAA` (disable for very weak GPUs)
    124  - Set Models to the lowest values
    125  - Disable `Shadows` or set the `Cutoff distance` to a low value.
    126  - Enable `Water Effects`, but disable other water effects (reflection, refractions)
    127  - More Options will be added with `Alpha XXVI - Zhuangzi`
     122 -
     123 -
     124 -
     125 - .
     126 -
     127 - `
    1281283. ''Game Setup''
    129129 - Play on smaller maps and limit population to 600 units across the map for all players. Rendering, simulation (e.g. gathering / attacking), and the pathfinder all have an impact on performance.  If you have more units, more things need to be drawn, which affects rendering, more things to calculate for unit activity affects simulation, and larger map sizes cause longer paths, which affects the pathfinder.
     131By toggling the [[EngineProfiling#In-GameProfiler|wiki/In-GameProfiler]] with `F11 or Alt+F11` you can see which processes take the most time, often it is the `render` process.
    131135      {{{#!div class="important" style="background: #ffd"
    132136  **NOTE:** Multiplayer games are calculated on all computers simultaneously, with the slowest PC determining the game speed. If your computer is a bit outdated, you should follow the guidelines listed above. This might make the game faster for everyone.