Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of Civ:_Macedonians

Oct 6, 2022, 1:19:40 PM (22 months ago)

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  • Civ:_Macedonians

    v23 v24  
    1011Versions 1-18
    1112Edited by Michael D. Hafer [aka Mythos_Ruler] Email: (Indiana, United States of America).
    12 Versions 19-
     13Versions 19-
    1314Edited by Carl Ortega [aka Carltonus] Email: (California, United States of America).
    1821=== INFANTRY ===
    19 [[Image(]]
    2023 * '''Generic Name: Foot Companion.'''
    2124 * '''Specific Name: Pezétairos.'''
    22    * '''Class:''' Citizen Infantry Pikeman.
     25   * '''Class:''' Citizen Pikeman.
    2326   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Long Macedonian pike ([ sarissa]).
    2427   * '''Appearance:'''
    25      * '''Basic:''' "Rear ranker". Simple tunic. No armour or greaves. Basic pilos helmet. Round Macedonian pelta.
    26      * '''Advanced:''' "Mid-ranker". Linothorax armour (with pteruges) and bronze greaves. Open faced Thracian and Phrygian helmets, plumed and non-plumed, crested and non-crested. Round Macedonian pelta.
    27      * '''Elite:''' "Front ranker". Bronze muscled cuirass (with leather pteruges) and bronze greaves. Closed faced, feathered, plumed, and/or crested Phrygian helmets. Round Macedonian pelta.
    28    * '''History:''' The Pezhetairoi were the backbone of the Macedonian army, much like the Hoplites were for the Hellenes. What makes the Pezhetairoi different is their use of a two-handed 18 foot (6 meter) pike and their massed "syntagma" formation, a variation on the Greek Phalanx borrowed from the Thebans. The Pezhetairos is a professional, making him one of the strongest spearmen in the game.
    29    * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    30    * '''Function:''' Slow. Cavalry killer. Individually very vulnerable to ranged units and swordsmen when not in Syntagma formation.
    31    * '''Special:''' "Syntagma" Formation.
    33 [[Image(]]
     28     * '''Basic:''' ound Macedonian pelta.
     29     * '''Advanced:''' .
     30     * '''Elite:''' .
     31   * '''History:''' The Pezhetairoi were the backbone of the Macedonian army, much like the Hoplites were for the Hellenes. What makes thehalanx borrowed from the Thebans. The Pezhetairos is a professional, making him one of the strongest spearmen in the game.
     32   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
     33   * '''Function:''' Slown.
     34   * '''Special:''' .
    3437 * '''Generic Name: Agrianian Peltast.'''
    35  * '''Specific Name: Peltastes Agrianikos.'''
    36    * '''Class:''' Citizen Infantry Javelinist.
     38 * '''Specific Name: Peltasts.'''
     39   * '''Class:''' Citizen Infantry Javelin.
    3740   * '''Ranged Armament:''' Javelins.
    38    * '''Hacker Armament:''' Decorative curved dagger.
    39    * '''Appearance:'''
    40      * '''Basic:''' Simple tunic. No shoes. No helmet. Thracian-style pelta shield.
    41      * '''Advanced:''' Decorative tunic. Leather boots. Pilos helmet. Thracian-style pelta shield.
    42      * '''Elite:''' Lightweight quilted linothorax. Leather boots. Open faced Phrygian helmets. Thracian-style pelta shield.
     41   * '''Hacker Armament:'''
     42   * '''Appearance:'''
     43     * '''Basic:'''
     44     * '''Advanced:''' .
     45     * '''Elite:''' .
    4346   * '''History:''' The Agrianians were Alexander's best skirmishers when he went on his world conquest. They had Macedonian and Thracian influences, and were deadly accurate.
    4447   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    4649   * '''Special:''' -
    48 [[Image(]]
    4952 * '''Generic Name: Rhodian Slinger.'''
    50  * '''Specific Name: Sphendonêtês Rhodikos.'''
     53 * '''Specific Name: Sphendonos.'''
    5154   * '''Class:''' Mercenary Slinger.
    5255   * '''Ranged Armament:''' Sling and leather bullet pouch.
    53    * '''Hacker Armament:''' Decorative dagger.
    54    * '''Appearance:'''
    55      * '''Basic:''' Poor. Simple tunic (nearly naked). No shoes. No helmet. No shield.
    56      * '''Advanced:''' Decorative tunic. Sandals. Fox hide slung over his shoulder. Straw hat. No shield.
    57      * '''Elite:''' Lightweight quilted linothorax. Leather boots. Open faced Phrygian or Pilos helmet. Small round pelta.
     56   * '''Hacker Armament:'''
     57   * '''Appearance:'''
     58     *
     59     * '''Advanced:''' .
     60     * '''Elite:''' .
    5861   * '''History:''' The slingers from the island of Rhodes were the best slingers in and around the Aegean world, learning their craft from a young age. A lead Rhodian bullet had enough force to pierce armour and kill a man. They were hired by Macedon and the Hellenistic states (and Hellenic states before them) as mercenaries to augment the skirmishing capacity of their armies. In this, the Rhodian Sphendonêtês excelled brilliantly.
    5962   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    6164   * '''Special:''' -.
    63 [[Image(]]
    6467 * '''Generic Name: Cretan Mercenary Archer.'''
    6568 * '''Specific Name: Toxótēs Krētikós.'''
    6770   * '''Ranged Armament:''' Small simple bow. Decorative dagger. Quiver of arrows slung onto the back.
    6871   * '''Appearance:'''
    69      * '''Basic:''' Simple tunic. Sandals. No shield. No helmet-only a head band.
    70      * '''Advanced:''' Decorative tunic. Sandals. Lightweight quilted thorax. Straw hat. No shield.
    71      * '''Elite:''' Linothorax armour. Leather boots. Open faced Chalcidean and Pilos Helmets. No feathers, plumes, or crests. Small round shield.
     72     *
     73     * '''Advanced:'''
     74     * '''Elite:''' .
    7275   * '''History:''' Mercenary archers from the big island of Crete. They were widely regarded as the best archers in all of Hellas and had a long tradition of hiring themselves out to Hellenic states such as Athens for use aboard Triremes naval vessels. Alexander hired them to accompany him on his world conquest march and while in his service they dueled admirably with the greatly feared eastern archers.
    7376   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    7477   * '''Function:''' Mediocre archer compared to the Persian ranged units, but the Cretans should have decent hitpoints and stamina. Can't stand up well to a melee fight. They are mercenaries, with all the traits that designation entails.
    75    * '''Special: '''.
     78   * '''Special:.
    7780=== CAVALRY ===
    78 [[Image(]]
    7982 * '''Generic Name: Thessalian Lancer.'''
    80  * '''Specific Name: Xystophoros Thessalikos.'''
     83 * '''Specific Name: Xystophs.'''
    8184   * '''Class:''' Citizen Cavalry Spearman.
    82    * '''Ranged Armament:''' Long Macedonian cavalry lance ([ xyston]). Decorative sword.
    83    * '''Appearance:'''
    84      * '''Basic:''' Simple tunic. [ Chlamys]. Sandals. Straw hat. No shield.
    85      * '''Advanced:''' Lightweight quilted thorax. Chlamys. Sandals. Boeotian Helmet.
    86      * '''Elite:''' Linothorax armour. Chlamys with patterned trim. Leather boots. Boeotian or Thracian Helmet, sometimes plumed.
     85   * '''
     86   * '''Appearance:'''
     87     * '''Basic:''' .
     88     * '''Advanced:''' .
     89     * '''Elite:''' .
    8790     * '''Figure(s):''' -.
    8891   * '''History:''' The best cavalry in Greece, besides the Macedonian hetairoi. Thessalians led an agrarian life and raised horses in the large pasture lands of Thessaly. They were widely regarded as the best cavalry in all of Hellas due to the speed and tenacity of their horses. They were used effectively in the Macedonian armies as light cavalry and held the important left flank of the battle line, staving off enemy advances long enough for the heavy cavalry on the right flank to make the killer blow.
    8992   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    90    * '''Function:''' Good armour in its Elite form. Light standard attack, but devastating charge bonus. Unlike the Hetairos Champion Unit and most other cavalry types, the Xystophoros does not deal Trample damage - he relies solely on his charge bonus.
     93   * '''Function:''' Good armour in its Elite form. Light standard attack,
    9194   * '''Special:''' -.
    9497 * '''Generic Name: Odrysian Cavalry.'''
    95  * '''Specific Name: Hippeus Odrysi.'''
    96    * '''Class:''' Mercenary Cavalry Skirmisher.
     98 * '''Specific Name: Hipp.'''
     99   * '''Class:''' Mercenary Cavalry er.
    97100   * '''Ranged Armament:''' Javelin.
    98101   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Decorative sword.
    99102   * '''Appearance:'''
    100      * '''Basic:''' Simple tunic. Sandals. Boeotian helmet. No shield.
    101      * '''Advanced:''' Leather cuirass. Leather boots and pteruges. Thracian helmets, non-plumed, non-crested. Small, leather covered shield.
    102      * '''Elite:''' Scale-reinforced linothorax armour. Linen pteruges. Chlamys cloak. Leather boots. Phrygian helmets, crested and non-crested. Oblong "thureos" shield.
     103     *
     104     * '''Advanced:'''
     105     * '''Elite:''' .
    103106   * '''History:''' Thracian cavalry skirmishers were recruited from the Odrysian tribe of central Thrace.
    104107   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    108111=== SUPPORT UNITS ===
    109 [[Image(]]
    110113 * '''Generic Name: Macedonian Woman.'''
    111  * '''Specific Name: Gýnē.'''
     114 * '''Specific Name: Gýnē.'''
    112115   * '''Class:''' Female Citizen.
    113    * '''Appearance:''' She looks like a Hellene (Greek) female, except her hair is a bit more fashionable for Hellenistic times. [ Chiton] and long [ peplos].
    114    * '''History:''' Macedonian women were mothers, first and foremost. They had few rights and a low station. Lower class women labored the land and, only when necessary, tended the family shop. Middle and upper class women were relegated almost exclusively to home life. Be that as it may, they were masters of the home and servants, their husbands often deferred to their wives in domestic matters. Some Macedonian women did wield uncommon influence in politics, the most famous being Olympias, mother of Alexander.
     116   * '''Garb:''' [ Chiton] and long [ peplos].
     117   * '''Appearance:''' She looks like a Hellene (Greek) female, except her hair is a bit more fashionable for Hellenistic times.
     118   * '''History:''' Macedonian women were mothers, first and foremost. They had few rights and a low station. Lower class women labored the land and, only when necessary, tended the family shop. Middle- and upper-class women were relegated almost exclusively to home life. Be that as it may, they were masters of the home and servants, their husbands often deferred to their wives in domestic matters. Some Macedonian women did wield uncommon influence in politics, the most famous being Olympias, mother of Alexander.
    115119   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    116120   * '''Function:''' Standard female citizen attributes (good at gathering food, does not fight unless ordered to, runs when confronted with enemy attack).
    117    * '''Special:''' -.
    119 [[Image(]]
     121   * '''Special:''' .
    120124 * '''Generic Name: Surgeon.'''
    121125 * '''Specific Name: Iātrós.'''
    122126   * '''Class:''' Healer.
    123127   * '''Appearance:'''
    124      * '''Garb:''' Long white [ himation].
    125      * '''Helmet:''' White hood and olive wreath crown.
    126      * '''Shield:''' None.
    127      * '''Figure(s):''' Carries a small votive..
     128     * '''Garb:''' White hood, long white [ himation].
     129     * '''Figure(s):''' Carries a small votive.
    128130   * '''History:''' The Macedonians worshiped the Olympic Pantheon. The priests of the various sects were renown for "curing" various ailments. When this propensity for "faith healing" collided with the intellectualism of some of the more liberal city-states, medicine was born.
    129131   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    130    * '''Function:''' Average Healer stats.
    131    * '''Special:''' "Sphagia" (pre-battle sacrifice). If the Healer kills or slaughters a domesticated animal (cow, auroch, sheep, goat) within LOS of military units, those units get a small (+10%) attack boost for a short amount of time(~30 sec).
    133 [[Image(]]
     132   * '''Function:''' Average Healer stats.
     133   * '''Special:'''
    134136 * '''Generic Name: Merchant.'''
    135137 * '''Specific Name: Émporos.'''
    136138   * '''Class:''' Trader.
    137139   * '''Appearance:'''
    138      * '''Garb:''' -.
    139      * '''Helmet:''' -.
    140      * '''Shield:''' -.
     140     * '''Garb:''' [ Straw hat], chiton, himation.
    141141     * '''Figure(s):''' -.
    142      * '''Mount:''' -.
     142     * '''Mount:''' .
    143143   * '''History:''' -.
    144144   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    148148=== NAVY ===
    149 [[Image(]]
    150150 * '''Generic Name: Fishing Boat.'''
    151  * '''Specific Name: Ploion Halieutikon.'''
     151 * '''Specific Name: Plon.'''
    152152   * '''Class:''' Fishing Ship.
    153153   * '''Appearance:'''
    156156   * '''Garrison:''' Cannot.
    157157   * '''Garrison Capacity:''' 1 (support, infantry)
    158    * '''Function:''' Gathering: Only method of collecting meat from fish.
    159    * '''Special:''' Garrison a support unit or infantry unit inside to boost fishing rate.
    161 [[Image(]]
     158   * '''Function:''' Gathering.
     159   * '''Special:'''
    162162 * '''Generic Name: Trading Ship.'''
    163163 * '''Specific Name: Ploîon Phortēgikón.'''
    171171   * '''Special:''' Garrison a Trader inside to boost the amount of trade received.
    173 [[Image(]]
    174  * '''Generic Name: Light Warship.'''
    175  * '''Specific Name: Pentēkónteros.'''
     174 * '''Generic Name: .'''
     175 * '''Specific Name: os.'''
    176176   * '''Class:''' Light Warship.
    177177   * '''Appearance:'''
    178178     * '''Shell:''' Single-tier, 25 rows.
    179    * '''History:''' Penteconters were employed from 800 BC, mostly as a light support unit in the Athenian navy. After 600 BC, they were only seen in battle in very limited numbers. They were still in use by small states which could not afford a sufficient number of triremes for their navy.
     179   * '''History:''' .
    180180   * '''Garrison:''' Cannot.
    181181   * '''Garrison Capacity:''' 20.
    182    * '''Function:''' These ships were designed to go fast so they could transport troops to the sights of battles. They had a single tier (level) of 25 oarsmen on each side, and were called Penteconters.
     182   * '''Function:'''
    183183   * '''Special:''' -
    185 [[Image(]]
    186  * '''Generic Name: Trireme.'''
    187  * '''Specific Name: Triḗrēs.'''
     186 * '''Generic Name: Trireme.'''
     187 * '''Specific Name: Tri.'''
    188188   * '''Class:''' Medium Warship.
    189189   * '''Appearence:'''
    192192   * '''Garrison:''' Cannot.
    193193   * '''Garrison Capacity:''' 30.
    194    * '''Function:''' The common tactics of the time were to ram one's opponent. Most ships at the time were equipped with a large battering ram at the bow which was used to crush the sides of an opponent. Another common tactic was to brush along the sides of the opponent's ship and snap all of the oars off. Once the ship was disabled and floundering in the waves, then the other ship could move in and finish its opponent. The Greeks employed the ramming tactics to excellent effect throughout out their naval battles. Speed was the key element for ramming and that required maneuverability and lightly armoured ships.
     194   * '''Function:''' The common tactics of the time were to ram one's opponent. Most ships at the time were equipped with a large battering ram at the bow which was used to crush the sides of an opponent. Another common tactic was to brush along the sides of the opponent's ship and snap all of the oars off. Once the ship was disabled and floundering in the waves, then the other ship could move in and finish its opponent. The Greeks employed the ramming tactics to excellent effect throughout out their naval battles. Speed was the key element for ramming and that required maneuverability and lightly armored ships.
    195195   * '''Special:''' .
    197197=== SIEGE UNITS ===
    198 [[Image(]]
    199199 * '''Generic Name: Battering Ram'''
    200  * '''Specific Name: Kriós'''
    201    * '''Class: '''Ram.
     200 * '''Specific Name: Kris'''
     201   * '''Class:Ram.
    202202   * '''Appearance:'''
    203203     * '''Shell:''' Covered ram.
    204204   * '''History:''' .
    205206   * '''Garrison Capacity:''' 10.
    206    * '''Function:''' Takes down enemy buildings, especially gates. Can garrison units inside for extra attack and speed.
     207   * '''Function:''' Takes down enemy buildings, especially gates. Can garrison units inside .
    207208   * '''Special:''' Bonus vs. gates.
    209 [[Image(]]
    210211 * '''Generic Name: Siege Tower'''
    211  * '''Specific Name: Helepolis'''
     212 * '''Specific Name: Helpolis'''
    212213   * '''Class: '''Siege Tower.
    213214   * '''Appearance:'''
    214215     * '''Shell:''' Siege Tower
    215216   * '''History:''' When Demetrius Poliorcetes besieged Salamis, in Cyprus, he instructed that a machine be constructed, which he called "the taker of cities." Its form was that of a square tower, each side 90 cubits high and 45 wide. It rested on four wheels, each eight cubits high. It was divided into nine stories, the lower of which contained machines for throwing great stones, the middle large catapults for throwing spears, and the highest, other machines for throwing smaller stones, together with smaller catapults. It was manned with 200 soldiers, besides those that moved it by pushing the parallel beams at the bottom (Diod. xx.48).
    216218   * '''Garrison Capacity:''' 20.
    217219   * '''Function:''' Functions much like a warship, but on land. Is able to garrison all types of units (except cavalry) to increase attack and other attributes, including other siege units. This in all probability could/should be a campaign and editor-only unit. However, once we implement walls and ships as spec'd, we'll have a better understanding of whether or not we can include the Helepolis in the standard game.
    218    * '''Special:''' May unload garrisoned units over enemy walls (not implemented yet).
    220 [[Image(]]
     220   * '''Special:''' (not implemented yet).
    221223 * '''Generic Name: Stone Thrower'''
    222  * '''Specific Name: Lithobolos'''
     224 * '''Specific Name: Lithoblos'''
    223225   * '''Class:''' Stone Thrower
    224226   * '''Appearance:'''
    225227     * '''Shell:''' Stone-throwing catapult, similar to the Roman onager.
    226228   * '''History: '''The Lithobolos (Stone Thrower) hurled stones of 10 lbs (4.5 kilos) to 180 lbs (82 kilos) in weight. They all looked alike and differed only in size: the dimensions being calculated by a complex mathematical formula based on the spring diameter. Such machines were normally brought to point-blank range (150-200 yards [157m - 185m]) and were capable of stripping the battlements from fortified walls.
    227    * '''Garrison:''' 3.
    228    * '''Function:''' Anti-building siege. Used to take down Walls and Fortresses. 10-20% weaker than the Roman Ballista.
    229    * '''Special:''' Does bonus damage vs. enemy units garrisoned atop walls and towers.
    231 [[Image(]]
     229   * '''Garrison:''' .
     230   * '''Function:''' Anti-building siege.
     231   * '''Special:''' .
    232234 * '''Generic Name: Bolt Shooter'''
    233  * '''Specific Name: Oxybeles'''
     235 * '''Specific Name: Oxybels'''
    234236   * '''Class:''' Bolt Shooter
    235237   * '''Appearance:'''
    236238     * '''Shell:''' Scorpion-like large arrows or "bolts".
    237    * '''History:''' The Oxybeles was designed in 375 BC, because the composite bow developed so fast that it grew too large and too powerful to be operated by a single human archer. The bow was placed on a tripod and a winch was fitted to draw it back. It was still made out of horn, wood and sinew, but it was bigger and more powerful then the gastraphetes bow. Because of that, the range was greater, and by placing the bow on a stable tripod, the accuracy of the shot was also greatly improved. However, the limits of the materials were nearly reached, and the engineers still wanted more power.
    238    * '''Garrison:''' 3.
    239    * '''Function:''' Building and Infantry killer. Weaker than the Roman Scorpion.
     239   * '''History:''' The Oxybeles was designed in 375 BC, because the composite bow developed so fast that it grew too large and too powerful to be operated by a single human archer. The bow was placed on a tripod and a winch was fitted to draw it back. It was still made out of horn, wood and sinew, but it was bigger and more powerful th. Because of that, the range was greater, and by placing the bow on a stable tripod, the accuracy of the shot was also greatly improved. However, the limits of the materials were nearly reached, and the engineers still wanted more power.
     240   * '''Garrison:''' .
     241   * '''Function:''' Building and Infantry killer. .
    240242   * '''Special:''' Bonus vs. Infantry and Infantry Archers.
    242244=== CHAMPION UNITS ===
    243 [[Image(]][[Image(]]
    244246 * '''Generic Name: Macedonian Shield Bearer.'''
    245  * '''Specific Name: Hypaspistes.'''
    246    * '''Class:''' Champion Infantry Spearman (Hoplite).
    247    * '''Hacker Armament:''' Spear ([ Dory]).
    248    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    249    * '''Appearance: '''-
    250      * '''Garb:''' Muscled cuirass. Short tunic. Greaves and pteruges.
    251      * '''Helmet:''' Macedonian types, plumed and crested.
    252      * '''Shield:''' Aspis-style shield emblazoned with Macedonian iconography.
     247 * '''Specific Name: Hypaspistḗs.'''
     248   * '''Class:''' Champion Hoplite.
     249   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Spear ([ dory]).
     250   * '''Appearance:'''
     251     * '''Garb:'''
     252        * '''Hypaspist:''' Chalcidian, Macedonian, or pilos helmet (may be crested), short tunic, muscled cuirass or scale linothorax, pteruges, decorated aspis, pteruges, greaves, leather boots.
     253        * '''Silver Shield:''' Crested Chalcidian or Macedonian helmet, muscled cuirass, pteruges, decorated aspis, greaves, leather or white boots.
    253254     * '''Figure(s):''' -
    254    * '''History:''' The Hypaspistai, or "shield bearers", were the flower of the Macedonian infantry. They were the most battle hardened veterans within the army, and followed Philip II, and later his son Alexander, into over a dozen full scale engagements. These heavily armed and opulently armoured units acted as an intermediary between the phalanx and the cavalry arm, many times charging headlong with Alexander into a breech in the enemy lines. Sometimes they fought as slow pikemen, like the Pezhetairoi with 6 meter "sarissas", and other times they fought as Hoplites with large aspides and 2.5 meter-long spears, or "dorata". In later times they became known as the Argyraspidai, or "Silver Shields" when Alexander bestowed upon them armor and shields plated in pure silver, and played a decisive role in the early Diadochoi Wars of Alexander's "Successors."
    255    * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    256    * '''Function:''' Fast heavy infantry.
    257    * '''Special'''l: Promotes to Hypaspistḗs Argyraspídi (Silver Shield Hypasist) through an upgrade or 2000 experience.
    259 [[Image(]]
     255   * '''History:''' The Hypaspistai, or "shield bearers", were the flower of the Macedonian infantry. They were the most battle
     256   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
     257   * '''Function:''' Fast heavy infantry.
     258   * '''Special'''l: Promotes to Hypaspistḗs Argyraspídi (Silver Shield) through an upgrade or 2000 experience.
    260261 * '''Generic Name: Thracian Black Cloak.'''
    261262 * '''Specific Name: Rhomphaiaphoros.'''
    262263   * '''Class:''' Champion Infantry Swordsman.
    263    * '''Hacker Armament:''' [ Rhomphaia].
    264    * '''Ranged Armament:''' Javelins.
     264   * '''Hacker Armament:''' [ Rhomphaia].
     265   * '''Ranged Armament:''' Javelins.
    265266   * '''Appearance: '''-
    266      * '''Garb:'''
    267      * '''Helmet:''' Phyrgian helmet.
    268      * '''Shield:''' Large oval shield ([ thureos]).
     267     * '''Garb:''' Phyrgian helmet, black tunic, scale linothorax, black cloak, [ thureos] shield, greaves, leather boots.
    269268     * '''Figure(s):''' -
    270269   * '''History:''' .
    272271   * '''Function:''' .
    274 [[Image(]]
    275274 * '''Generic Name: Belly Bowman.'''
    276275 * '''Specific Name: Gastraphetophoros.'''
    277276   * '''Class:''' Champion Infantry Crossbowman.
    278277   * '''Ranged Armament:''' [ Gastraphetes].
    279    * '''Appearance: '''-
    280      * '''Garb:''' Lightweight quilted linothorax.
    281      * '''Helmet:''' Boeotian helmet.
     278   * '''Appearance:'''
     279     * '''Garb:''' Boeotian helmet, lightweight quilted linothorax, leather boots.
    282280     * '''Figure(s):''' -
    283281   * '''History:''' .
    288286 * '''Generic Name: Companion Cavalry'''
    289  * '''Specific Name: Hetairos'''
     287 * '''Specific Name: Hetaros'''
    290288   * '''Class:''' Champion Cavalry Spearman.
    291289   * '''Hacker Armament:''' 18-foot sarissa lance; Ornamental [ kopis].
    292290   * '''Appearance:'''
    293      * '''Garb:''' Bronze muscled cavalry cuirass (same as infantry but with wider bottom), greaves, sandals.
    294      * '''Helmet:''' Plumed Boeotian helmet
     291     * '''Garb:''' Boeotian helmet (may be crested or plumed), quilted or scale linothorax, chlamys, sandals.
    295292     * '''Figure(s):''' -
    296    * '''History:''' The Hetairoi, or Companion cavalry, were a preferred general stand in Macedonian armies. Macedonian noblemen made up this elite cavalry unit, which was key to victory for Macedonian kings starting with Philip II, who increased their number from 600 to several thousand.
    297    * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    298    * '''Function:''' All around powerful unit, but best vs. Cavalry and Archers. Fast mobile units. Only weakness is vs. enemy champions and elephants.
     293   * '''History:''' The Hetairoi were a preferred general stand in Macedonian armies. Macedonian noblemen made up this elite cavalry unit, which was key to victory for Macedonian kings starting with Philip II, who increased their number from 600 to several thousand.
     294   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
     295   * '''Function:''' All around powerful unit, but best vs. Cavalry and Archers enemy champions and elephants.
    299296   * '''Special: '''-
    301298=== HEROES ===
    302 [[Image(]]
    303300 * '''Generic Name: Philip II of Macedon.'''
    304301 * '''Specific Name: Phílippos B’.'''
    305    * '''Class:''' Hero1.
    306    * '''Hacker Armament:''' Long cavalry lance.
    307    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    308    * '''Appearance:'''
    309      * '''Body:''' Iron and gold-gilded "Vergina Cuirass". Pteruges for the groin and shoulders. Iron greaves and leather sandals.
    310      * '''Helmet:''' Iron "Vergina Helmet" with crest.
    311      * '''Shield:''' None.
    312      * '''Figure(s):''' .
    313      * '''Mount:''' White stallion. Highly decorative saddle blanket and tack. Iron chamfron for the stallion's face.
     302   * '''Class:''' Hero Cavalry Spearman (or Atlas-only Hero Pikeman)
     303   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Xyston.
     304   * '''Appearance:'''
     305     * '''Garb:''' Iron Vergina helmet, iron and gold-gilded Vergina cuirass, pteruges for the groin and shoulders, iron greaves, leather sandals.
     306     * '''Mount:''' White stallion, highly decorative saddle blanket and tack, iron chamfron.
    314307   * '''History:''' The king of Macedonia (359-336 B.C.), he carried out vast monetary and military reforms in order to make his kingdom the most powerful force in the Greek world. Greatly enlarged the size of Macedonia by conquering much of Thrace and subduing the Greeks. Murdered in Aegae while planning a campaign against Persia.
    315308   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    316    * '''Function:''' Champion Enhancement.
     309   * '''Function:''' Champion Enhancement.
    317310   * '''Special:'''
    318311     * "Rise of Macedon" Aura - Champions +2 capture attack strength, +20% melee and ranged attack damage.
    320 [[Image(]]
    321314 * '''Generic Name: Alexander the Great.'''
    322315 * '''Specific Name: Mégās Aléxandros.'''
    323    * '''Class:''' Hero2.
     316   * '''Class:''' Hero.
    324317   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Kopis.
    325    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    326    * '''Appearance:'''
    327      * '''Body:''' Linen and Iron thorax as depicted in the "Pompeii Mosaic". Long sleeves, boots, but no greaves. Wears a heroic flowing cape.
    328      * '''Helmet:''' Golden "lion" helmet as depicted in the movie "Alexander". Long blond hair.
    329      * '''Shield:''' None.
    330      * '''Figure(s):''' .
    331      * '''Mount:''' Bucephalus. A large black stallion. Leopard saddle blanket and decorative tack. Bronze chamfron.
    332    * '''History:''' The most powerful hero of them all - son of Philip II, king of Macedonia (336 BC - 323 BC). After conquering the rest of the Thracians and quelling the unrest of the Greeks, Alexander embarked on a world-conquest march. Defeating the Persian forces at Granicus (334 BC), Issus (333 BC) and Gaugamela (331 BC), he became master of the Persian Empire. Entering India, he defeated king Porus at Hydaspes (326 BC), but his weary troops made him halt. Died in Babylon at the age of 33 while planning a campaign against Arabia.
    333    * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    334    * '''Function:''' Imperialist. Hero Killer.
     318   * '''Appearance:'''
     319     * '''Garb:''' Golden lion helmet as depicted in ''Alexander'' film, long-sleeved tunic, linen and iron thorax as depicted in the Pompeii mosaic, heroic flowing cape, leather boots.
     320     * '''Mount:''' Bucephalus (large black stallion), leopard saddle blanket, decorative tack, bronze chamfron.
     321   * '''History:''' The most powerful hero of them all, Alexander was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia. After conquering the rest of the Thracians and quelling the unrest of the Greeks, Alexander embarked on a world-conquest march. Defeating the Persian forces at Granicus (334 BC), Issus (333 BC) and Gaugamela (331 BC), he became master of the Persian Empire. Entering India, he defeated king Porus at Hydaspes (326 BC), but his weary troops made him halt. Died in Babylon at the age of 33 while planning a campaign against Arabia.
     322   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
     323   * '''Function:''' Imperialist and Hero killer; deals 1.2 times damage against them.
    335324   * '''Special:'''
    336325     * "Imperialism" Aura - Structures +10% territory influence radius.
    337326     * "Herocide" Aura - Enemy Civic Centres −50% capture points garrisoned regeneration rate.
    339 [[Image(]]
    340329 * '''Generic Name: Demetrius the Besieger.'''
    341330 * '''Specific Name: Dēmḗtrios Poliorkḗtēs.'''
    342    * '''Class:''' Hero3.
     331   * '''Class:''' Hero.
    343332   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Xiphos.
    344    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    345    * '''Appearance:'''
    346      * '''Body:''' Tinned cuirass, greaves, pteruges.
    347      * '''Helmet:''' Tall Thraco-Phrygian-style with feathers and plume.
    348      * '''Shield:''' Large sound Greek shield.
     333   * '''Appearance:'''
     334     * '''Garb:''' Tall crested Thraco-Phrygian-style helmet, tinned cuirass, pteruges, decorated aspis, greaves, white boots.
    349335     * '''Figure(s):''' .
    350336   * '''History:''' Demetrius was renowned as one of the bravest and most able successors of Alexander. As the son of Antigonus I Monophtalmus, he fought and won many important battles early on and was proclaimed king, along with his father, in 306 BC. Losing his Asian possessions after the battle of Ipsus, he later won the Macedonian throne. Fearing lest they should be overpowered by Demetrius, the other Diadochi united against him and defeated him.
    351337   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    352    * '''Function''': Siege enhancement.
     338   * '''Function''': Siege nhancement.
    353339   * '''Special:'''
    354340     * "Besieger" Aura - Siege Engines +1 crush, hack, pierce resistance, +20% melee and ranged attack damage, +10% ranged attack range, +10% vision range.
    356 [[Image(]]
    357343 * '''Generic Name: Craterus.'''
    358344 * '''Specific Name: Krateros.'''
    359    * '''Class:''' Atlas-only hero.
     345   * '''Class:''' Atlas-only .
    360346   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Xiphos.
    361    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    362    * '''Appearance:'''
    363      * '''Body:'''
    364      * '''Helmet:'''
    365      * '''Shield:'''
     347   * '''Appearance:'''
     348     * '''Garb:''' Crested Thracian helmet, long tunic, decorated scale linothorax, decorated aspis, greaves, sandals.
    366349     * '''Figure(s):''' .
    367350   * '''History:''' .
    368351   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    369    * '''Function''': .
    370    * '''Special:'''
    371      * "Taxiarchès" Aura - Infantry Pikemen +20% capture attack strength, +20% melee attack damage.
    373 [[Image(]]
     352   * '''Function''': .
     353   * '''Special:'''
     354     * "Taxiarchès" Aura - +20% melee attack damage.
    374357 * '''Generic Name: Pyrrhus I of Epirus.'''
    375358 * '''Specific Name: Pýrrhos A’.'''
    376    * '''Class:''' Atlas-only hero.
     359   * '''Class:''' Atlas-only .
    377360   * '''Hacker Armament:''' Xyston.
    378    * '''Ranged Armament:''' None.
    379    * '''Appearance:'''
    380      * '''Body:'''
    381      * '''Helmet:'''
    382      * '''Shield:'''
    383      * '''Figure(s):''' .
     361   * '''Appearance:'''
     362     * '''Garb:''' Personal crested helmet with laurels, decorated scale linothorax, sandals.
     363     * '''Mount:''' Brown horse, decorated saddle blanket.
    384364   * '''History:''' Pyrrhus was the king of the Molossian tribe, and later Epirus, during the Hellenistic period. He is known for his victory in battles with heavy losses to his army.
    385365   * '''Garrison:''' 1.
    386    * '''Function''': .
    387    * '''Special:'''
    388      * "Pyrrhic Victory" Aura - Soldiers +20% melee and ranged attack damage, −15% health.
     366   * '''Function''': .
     367   * '''Special:'''
     368     * "Pyrrhic Victory" Aura - −15% health.
    390370=== CATAFALQUE ===
    406386=== FORBIDDEN CLASSES ===
    407  * Swordsman.
    408387 * Cavalry Swordsman.
    409388 * Cavalry Archer.
    413392=== VILLAGE ===
    414  * '''Generic Name: Household.'''
     393 * '''Generic Name: Civic Center.'''
     394 * '''Specific Name: Agora.'''
     395   * '''Class:''' Civic Centre.
     396   * '''History:''' The Macedonians founded cities wherever they conquered.
     398 * '''Generic Name: House.'''
    415399 * '''Specific Name: Oikos.'''
    416    * '''Class: '''House.
     400   * '''Class:House.
    417401   * '''History:''' Macedonian homes were styled on those found in the southern Greek city-states.
    419  * '''Generic Name: Granary.'''
    420  * '''Specific Name: Sītobólion.'''
     403 * '''Generic Name: Warehouse.'''
     404 * '''Specific Name: Apothēkē.'''
     405   * '''Class:''' Storehouse.
     406   * '''History''': Resources and building materials were kept in warehouses.
     408 * '''Generic Name: Farmstead.'''
     409 * '''Specific Name: Epoikion.'''
    421410   * '''Class:''' Farmstead.
    422411   * '''History''': Grain wasn't plentiful in Macedon, which is why it was carefully stored in granaries, some of it being reserved for times of siege.
    424413 * '''Generic Name: Field.'''
    425  * '''Specific Name: Agrós.'''
     414 * '''Specific Name: Agrs.'''
    426415   * '''Class:''' Field.
    427416   * '''History:''' .
    429418 * '''Generic Name: Corral.'''
    430  * '''Specific Name: Épaulos.'''
     419 * '''Specific Name: paulos.'''
    431420   * '''Class:''' Corral.
    432421   * '''History:''' Basic animal pen. Also for horses, which were the domain of the truly wealthy in Macedonia.
    434  * '''Generic Name: Warehouse.'''
    435  * '''Specific Name: Apothḗkē.'''
    436    * '''Class:''' Storehouse.
    437    * '''History''': Resources and building materials were kept in warehouses.
     423 * '''Generic Name: .'''
     424 * '''Specific Name: .'''
     425   * '''Class:''' .
     426   * '''History.
    439428 * '''Generic Name: Barracks.'''
    440  * '''Specific Name: Stratēgeîon.'''
     429 * '''Specific Name: Straton.'''
    441430   * '''Class:''' Barracks.
    442431   * '''History:''' The Strategion was the main military headquarters, where important decisions were taken and plans for battles discussed by the army's officers.
    452441   * '''History:''' Towers were an important part of city fortifications. The defending troops shot arrows at the enemy and poured boiling oil over the assailants.
    454448 * '''Generic Name: Palisade.'''
    455449 * '''Specific Name: .'''
    459453=== TOWN ===
    460  * '''Generic Name: Civic Centre.'''
    461  * '''Specific Name: Agorā́.'''
    462    * '''Class:''' Civic Centre.
    463    * '''History:''' The Macedonians founded cities wherever they conquered.
    465  * '''Generic Name: Dock.'''
    466  * '''Specific Name: Limḗn.'''
    467    * '''Class:''' Dock.
    468    * '''History:''' Greece is a sea country, which is why some of the greatest Hellenic and Hellenistic cities like Ephesus, Corinth, Alexandria and Antioch were built by the sea. It should also be noted that all colonies during the Great Colonisation were thriving port centres, which traded with the local population.
    470  * '''Generic Name: Temple.'''
    471  * '''Specific Name: Asclepeion.'''
    472    * '''Class:''' Temple.
    473    * '''History:''' An asclepeion (asklepieion) was a healing temple, sacred to the god Asclepius.
    475454 * '''Generic Name: Blacksmith.'''
    476  * '''Specific Name: Khalkeîon.'''
     455 * '''Specific Name: n.'''
    477456   * '''Class:''' Blacksmith.
    478457   * '''History:''' The earliest Greek smiths worked in copper, then bronze, and then finally iron.
    480464 * '''Generic Name: Marketplace.'''
    481  * '''Specific Name: Empórion.'''
     465 * '''Specific Name: Emprion.'''
    482466   * '''Class:''' Market.
    483467   * '''History''': The center of a Macedonian city is its emporion. Here is where vendors sell their wares and where commerce and local politics mix.
    485469 * '''Generic Name: Defense Tower.'''
    486  * '''Specific Name: Pyrgíon.'''
     470 * '''Specific Name: Pyrgon.'''
    487471   * '''Class:''' Defense Tower.
    488472   * '''History:''' Towers were an important part of city fortifications. The defending troops shot arrows at the enemy and poured boiling oil over the assailants.
    490474 * '''Generic Name: Stone Wall.'''
    491  * '''Specific Name: Teîkhos.'''
     475 * '''Specific Name: Tehos.'''
    492476   * '''Class:''' Wall.
    493477   * '''History:''' Macedonian cities were surrounded by stone walls for protection against enemy raids. Some of these fortifications were massive structures.
    495479 * '''Generic Name: Wall Tower.'''
    496  * '''Specific Name: Pýrgos.'''
     480 * '''Specific Name: Prgos.'''
    497481   * '''Class:''' Wall Tower.
    498482   * '''History:''' Towers were an important part of city fortifications. The defending troops shot arrows at the enemy and poured boiling oil over the assailants.
    500484 * '''Generic Name: Gate.'''
    501  * '''Specific Name: Pýlai.'''
     485 * '''Specific Name: Plai.'''
    502486   * '''Class:''' Gate.
    503487   * '''History:''' .
    511495 * '''Generic Name: Fortress.'''
    512  * '''Specific Name: Epiteíchisma.'''
     496 * '''Specific Name: .'''
    513497   * '''Class:''' Fortress.
    514    * '''History:''' Fortresses (phrourion) were built to guard passes and atop hills in order to command plains and valleys below.
     498   * '''History:''' Fortresses were built to guard passes and atop hills in order to command plains and valleys below.
    516500=== WONDER ===
    517  * '''Generic Name: Palace of Aigai.'''
    518  * '''Specific Name: Anáktoron tôn Aigôn.'''
     501 * '''Generic Name: .'''
     502 * '''Specific Name: An.'''
    519503   * '''Class:''' Wonder.
    520504   * '''History:''' The palace at Aigai in Pella (present-day Vergina) was the residence of the Macedonian kings. Built during the reign of Philip II, it is one of largest and most significant buildings in the classical Greek world alongside the Parthenon.
    523507=== SPECIAL STRUCTURES ===
    524  * '''Generic Name: Greek Theater.'''
    525  * '''Specific Name: Théātron.'''
    526    * '''Class:''' SB1.
     508 * '''Generic Name: Theater.'''
     509 * '''Specific Name: Thtron.'''
     510   * '''Class:''' .
    527511   * '''History:''' Greek theaters were places where the immortal tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and many other talented dramatists were staged to the delight of the populace. They were instrumental in enriching Hellenic culture.
    528512   * '''Requirements''': None.
    532516 * '''Generic Name: Library.'''
    533  * '''Specific Name: Bibliothikon.'''
    534    * '''Class:''' Atlas-only special building.
     517 * '''Specific Name: Biblioth.'''
     518   * '''Class:''' Atlas-only .
    535519   * '''History:''' Alexander the Great founded libraries all over his new empire. These became a center of learning for an entirely new synthesized culture: the Hellenistic culture.
    536520   * '''Requirements''': None.
    537521   * '''Phase:''' City.
    538522   * '''Special:'''
    539      * Maximum of 1 built.
    540      * All Special Technologies are researched here.
     523     * Maximum of 1 built.
     524     *
    541525     * Building one reduces the cost of all other remaining technologies by 10%.
    543 === NEW STRUCTURE TRAITS ===
    544 See Special Buildings.
    547 None.
    549 == CIV BONUSES ==
    550  * '''CB1'''
    551    * '''Generic Name: Hellenic League.'''
    552    * '''Specific Name: Hellenic League.'''
    553    * '''History:''' After the unification of Greece, Philip II gathered all the city-states together to form the Hellenic League, with Macedon as the its leader. With this Pan-Hellenic federation he planned to launch an expedition to punish Persia for past wrongs. Although assassinated before he could carry out the invasion, his son Alexander the Great took up the mantle and completed his fathers plans.
    554    * '''Effect:''' All Macedonian units have a +10% attack bonus vs. Persian and Hellenic factions (but also -5% attack debonus vs. Roman units).
    556  * '''CB2'''
    557    * '''Generic Name: Syntagma.'''
    558    * '''Specific Name: Syntagma.'''
    559    * '''History:''' Based upon the Theban Oblique Order phalanx, the Syntagma was the formation that proved invincible against the armies of Hellas and the East.
    560    * '''Effect:''' Infantry pike units can use the Syntagma formation (without the need to research a technology). The Syntagma formation is very slow, gives a high pierce attack bonus, and is nearly invincible from the front. However, it is extremely vulnerable from the rear and prone to being flanked unless guarded adequately.
    561  * '''CB3'''
    562    * '''Generic Name: Hellenization.'''
    563    * '''Specific Name: Exellinismós.'''
    564    * '''History:''' The Greeks were highly successful in Hellenising various foreigners. During the Hellenistic Age, Greek was the 'lingua franca' of the Ancient World, spoken widely from Spain to India.
    565    * '''Effect:''' Constructing an expensive Theatron increases the territory expanse of all buildings by 20%.
     528 * '''Hellenic Architecture.'''
     529   * '''History:''' The Greeks used stone construction from early Mycenean times.
     530   * '''Effect:''' Structures +10% health and +10% capture points.
     532 * '''Resource-Rich Economy'''
     533   * '''History:''' The Macedonian economy relied greatly on their vast natural resources.
     534   * '''Effect:''' Storehouse technologies -100% research time, meaning they can be researched immediately.
    567536== TEAM BONUS ==
    568  * '''TB'''
    569    * '''Name: Standardized Currency.'''
    570    * '''History:''' The Macedonians and their successors (Diadochoi) minted coins of very high quality. On their currency the Diadochoi in particular frequently depicted themselves as the rightful successor to Alexander the Great, attempting to legitimize their rule.
    571    * '''Effect:''' Tribute and trade between allies of the metal resource is bonused ~ 15%.
     537 * '''Mechanical Innovation'''
     538   * '''History:''' -
     539   * '''Effect:''' Siege Weapons and Arsenals -25% costs and build time.
    573541== TECHNOLOGIES ==
    574  * '''Infantry:''' Strong spearmen - definitely a match for Greek and Roman spearmen. Better than average ranged infantry.
    575  * '''Cavalry:''' Excellent Cavalry. Good attack and armour techs.
    576  * '''Naval:''' Strong initially, but not many techs. When everything is said and done, roughly analogous to the Greeks.
    577  * '''Siege:''' Average catapult; however, the Helepolis is very strong.
     542 * '''Infantry:'''
     543 * '''Cavalry:'''
     544 * '''Naval:'''
     545 * '''Siege:''' A
    578546 * '''Economy:'''
    579    * '''Farming:''' Mediocre.
    580    * '''Mining:''' Good.
    581    * '''Lumbering:''' Average.
    582    * '''Hunting:''' Weak.
    583    * '''Land Trade:'''  Weak.
    584    * '''Naval Trade:''' Mediocre. Nothing to match the Greek or Carthaginian trading fleet.
    585    * '''Architecture:''' Above Average.
    586    * '''Defences:''' Average.
    589  * '''ST1'''
    590    * '''Generic Name: Military Reforms.'''
    591    * '''Specific Name: Military Reforms.'''
    592    * '''History:''' When Philip II came to the Macedonian throne he began a total reorganization of the Macedonian army. His reforms created a powerful cavalry arm to his army that would prove useful to both himself and his son Alexander's conquests.
    593    * '''Effect:''' Each subsequent Barracks constructed comes with 5 free (random) Macedonian military units. This also applies to the Barracks of allied players (they receive 5 free units of their own culture for each new Barracks constructed).
    595  * '''ST2'''
    596    * '''Generic Name: Hellenistic Metropolises.'''
    597    * '''Specific Name: Hellenistic Metropolises.'''
    598    * '''History:''' Beginning with Alexander, the Hellenistic monarchs founded many cities throughout their empires, where Greek culture and art blended with local customs to create the motley Hellenistic civilisation.
    599    * '''Effect:''' Civic Centres gain double Health and double default arrows.
     547   * '''Farming:''' Wicker Baskets, Iron Plow, Gather Training, Fertilizer
     548   * '''Fishing:''' Fishing Net, Salting Fish
     549   * '''Husbandry:''' Stockbreeding
     550   * '''Lumbering:''' Iron Axe Heads, Stronger Axe, Sharp Axe Heads
     551   * '''Quarry:''' Douloi (Servants), Thêtes (Serfs), Andrapoda (Slaves)
     552   * '''Mining:''' Wedge and Mallet, Shaft Mining, Mines of Krenides (Silver Mining)
     553   * '''Gathering:''' Baskets, Wheelbarrow, Horse-drawn Carts
     554   * '''Trade:''' Trade Caravan, Handicraft, Advanced Handicraft, Commercial Treaty
     555 * '''Forge:''' Xiphos, Iron Weapons, Carburization, Improved Fletching, Iron Arrowheads, Trilobate Arrowheads, Spolas, Linothorax, Mail Body Armor, Wooden Shield, Metal Rim, Improved Shield Alloys
     556 * '''Healing:''' Olympic Pantheon, Akadēmia, Sphagia, Hippocratic Oath, Living Conditions, Battlefield Medicine
     557 * '''Architecture:''' Peristylon (Home Garden), Manors, Hellenistic Metropolis
     558 * '''Defences:''' Carrier Pigeons, Nyktophylakes (Sentries), Crenellations, Arrow Shooters, Murder Holes, Sturdy Foundations
     559 * '''Miscellaneous:''' Cartography, Diaspora, The Loom, Thesmophoria (Fertility Festival), Espionage, Counterintelligence, Dynamis (Will to Fight), Peristasis (Glorious Expansion)
     562 * '''Hellenistic Metropolis'''
     563   * '''History:''' Beginning with Alexander, the Hellenistic monarchs founded many cities throughout their empires, where Greek culture and art blended with local customs to create the motley Hellenistic civilization.
     564   * '''Effect:''' Civic Centers gain +100% Health and capture points, and double default arrows.
     566 * '''Silver Shields Regiment'''
     567   * '''Specific Name: Argyraspidai.'''
     568   * '''History:''' The Silver Shields were the elite heavy infantry arm of the Macedonian army.
     569   * '''Effect:''' All Hypaspists (Shield Bearers) are automatically promoted to Silver Shields upon researching this technology.