Version 2 (modified by Stan, 22 months ago) ( diff )

Fix title.

0 A.D. Alpha 27: ———

Go to the changelog overview, if you are looking for a different release.
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Table of Contents

    Development started by Wildfire Games on 04/10/2022 (r27104).
    Feature Freeze: TBD.
    String Freeze: TBD.
    Translation Freeze: TBD.
    Commit Freeze: TBD.
    Release: TBD. (r27104)

    Release Announcement: TBA.
    Tickets: link

    An overview of all tickets handled is found at the respective milestone on trac.
    To download and install the developmental release of 0 A.D., have a look at the build instructions.

    The following list presents all changes noticeable to the end user up to r27105. Many small bugfixes, typo fixes and code cleanups are not mentioned here.
    See also Port A26 to A27

    Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.