Custom Query (42 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#664 Atlas autosave new enhancement Must Have Backlog
#85 Object placement list new task Should Have Backlog
#87 Cliff editor new task Should Have Backlog
#93 Trigger editor new task Should Have Backlog
#94 Entity stat editing new task Should Have Backlog
#97 Workspace editor new task Should Have Backlog
#118 [PATCH] Actor variation persistence new task Should Have Backlog
#185 Allow resizing of buildings/units new enhancement Should Have Backlog
#198 [ATLAS] SIGINT, SIGTERM are ignored new defect Should Have Backlog
#290 Set up automated symbol server for Windows debugging new task Should Have Backlog
#410 Component script debugger reopened Yves enhancement Should Have Backlog
#417 Component integration testing framework new task Should Have Backlog
#433 Sort out FP rounding modes new task Should Have Backlog
#559 [ATLAS] brush shapes and tile/vertex styles new task Should Have Backlog
#1039 Support Unicode combining characters new enhancement Should Have Backlog
#1110 Archive builder support for non-base mods new task Should Have Backlog
#1419 [PATCH] Report nice error messages to Windows users with missing hardware-accelerated OpenGL drivers new defect Should Have Backlog
#84 Customisable brushes new task Nice to Have Backlog
#89 Advanced terrain texture editing new task Nice to Have Backlog
#92 Advanced terrain editing new task Nice to Have Backlog
#170 Failures handled inelegantly on Linux new defect Nice to Have Backlog
#182 Detect incorrectly-transparent actors new task Nice to Have Backlog
#183 Video recording reopened enhancement Nice to Have Backlog
#201 COLLADA: report errors more helpfully new defect Nice to Have Backlog
#204 Make XMB more efficient new task Nice to Have Backlog
#244 Clean up XMB text handling new task Nice to Have Backlog
#418 Debug serializer should handle exceptions nicely new task Nice to Have Backlog
#419 Binary serializer should report more helpful script error messages new task Nice to Have Backlog
#420 [PATCH] Overflow checking in CFixed new task Nice to Have Backlog
#422 Atlas entity editor new task Nice to Have Backlog
#430 Create binary serializer debugging code new task Nice to Have Backlog
#445 Script component serializability tests new task Nice to Have Backlog
#517 Various Atlas requests new task Nice to Have Backlog
#529 [ATLAS] Improve player assignment behaviour new task Nice to Have Backlog
#569 Fix CRenderer::LoadAlphaMaps to use new texture system new defect Nice to Have Backlog
#571 Minimap in Atlas new task Nice to Have Backlog
#742 Handle JS errors properly assigned Yves task Nice to Have Backlog
#743 Improve shadows new task Nice to Have Backlog
#919 Fix rendering of territory boundaries at sharp corners new defect Nice to Have Backlog
#83 [ATLAS] UI fixes new task If Time Permits Backlog
#408 [PATCH] Use exception strings instead of LOGERROR in (de)serializer new enhancement If Time Permits Backlog
#457 [PATCH] Default crashlog location is bad new defect If Time Permits Backlog
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.