Custom Query (132 matches)

Results (1 - 50 of 132)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#6073 No matches in arena25 after hosting match user1 defect closed Release Blocker Multiplayer lobby
#6075 Make apple tree bounding box selection bigger. Stan defect closed Release Blocker UI – In-game
#6085 Wood gathers go to the wrong tree Freagarach defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#6089 PetraAI marks non-garrisonHolder as one. Freagarach defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#6144 Profiler 1 is broken wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6157 Hotloading actor is broken. wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6162 Mercenaries are duplicated Freagarach defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#6180 Some random maps fail to load. defect closed Release Blocker Maps
#6196 Stone and Metal are too abundant on random maps defect closed Release Blocker Maps
#6198 Font licensing issue wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Non-game systems
#6200 Segmentation fault - Scenario Editor wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Atlas editor
#6204 Gamesetup bugs. wraitii defect closed Release Blocker UI – Game setup
#6205 Incorrect save options popup wraitii defect closed Release Blocker UI – Miscellaneous
#6206 Crash on Windows with Hotkeys and selecting units defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6208 Further GameSetup bugs wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6217 Big Screenshot crashes defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6225 Segfault in the single player match setup screen wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6226 Errors and OOS 25798 defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#6227 Unknown map - random landscape FAIL wraitii defect closed Release Blocker UI – Game setup
#6228 Saving the game in Pause mod makes all entities disappear. wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6230 Fix build on OpenSuse defect closed Release Blocker Atlas editor
#6238 Segmentation fault during gamesetup wraitii defect closed Release Blocker Core engine
#6250 PetraAI produces too much siege and ships. Freagarach defect closed Release Blocker AI
#6255 Last preparation for the release Stan defect closed Release Blocker Internationalization & Localization
#6263 UnitAI formationcotroller is undefined Silier defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#6266 Formation controller is in individual state after trying to collect treasure Freagarach defect closed Release Blocker Simulation
#2553 VFS problem with user.cfg on Windows wraitii defect closed Must Have Core engine
#3447 Sometimes units are stuck in a loop trying to pass left and right of each other defect closed Must Have Core engine
#3548 Lobby bot (XPartaMupp) - remove dead games defect closed Must Have Multiplayer lobby
#4355 Treasure not being picked up Teiresias defect closed Must Have Simulation
#4387 [PATCH] Implement campaign level selection GUI wraitii enhancement closed Must Have UI – Miscellaneous
#5262 Diplomacy screen doesn't show defeated players after rejoin defect closed Must Have UI – In-game
#5598 Fedora 29 crash when clicking on singleplayer color dropdown wraitii defect closed Must Have Core engine
#5794 SVN Lobby bot does not unlist a game if user quits forcefully user1 defect closed Must Have Multiplayer lobby
#5973 Segfault by spamming the minimap location Imarok defect closed Must Have Core engine
#5996 Hotkey page is not translated. defect closed Must Have Internationalization & Localization
#6046 order queue not flushed Freagarach defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6051 a24 doesn't compile with dependency (nix) specification is ambiguous. Only one of `branch`, `tag` or `rev` is allowed. defect closed Must Have Build & Packages
#6067 Can't uncheck civilisation in the map editor defect closed Must Have Atlas editor
#6087 Unloading entities from multiple turretHolders unloads merely from one. defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6096 In some cases, rams ignore buildings and don't attack nearby buildings defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6106 Segmentation fault in spidermonkey wraitii defect closed Must Have Core engine
#6114 UnitMotion: Units getting stuck on building corners wraitii defect closed Must Have Core engine
#6128 Units don't enter the tower Freagarach defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6170 Tried to change to non-existent state 'RETURNRESOURCE.APPROACHING' Freagarach defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6171 Units try to capture an owned building. defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6190 Random biome does not work defect closed Must Have UI – Game setup
#6237 Collecting treasures has no order confirmation sound. Freagarach defect closed Must Have UI – In-game
#6260 Units in formation ignore enemies when patroling or doing attack-move Freagarach defect closed Must Have Simulation
#6261 Random map Ngorongoro does not generate deterministically wraitii defect closed Must Have Core engine
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.