Ticket #1111: atlas_wxwidgets_osx_v3.patch

File atlas_wxwidgets_osx_v3.patch, 1.7 KB (added by Yves, 13 years ago)
  • atlas/AtlasUI/ArchiveViewer/ArchiveViewer.cpp

    461461            wxString filename = wxString( utf16tow(file.filename).c_str() );
    462462            int lastSlash = filename.Find(_T('\\'), true);
    463463            if (lastSlash != -1)
    464                 dirs.insert(filename.Mid(0, lastSlash+1).wc_str());
     464                dirs.insert();
    465465        }
    467467        // Construct the directory tree:
    587587        path = GetDefaultOpenDirectory();
    588588    }
    590     wxFileDialog dlg (this, _("Select archive file to open"), path, name, _("BAR files (*.bar)|*.bar|All files (*.*)|*.*"), wxOPEN);
     590    wxFileDialog dlg (this, _("Select archive file to open"), path, name, _("BAR files (*.bar)|*.bar|All files (*.*)|*.*"), wxOPEN);
    592592    if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
    593593        return;
  • atlas/AtlasUI/FileConverter/FileConverter.cpp

    9595        extns += wxString(_T("|")) + _("All files") + _T(" (*.*)|*.*");
    9797        wxFileDialog dlg (this, _("Select file(s) to convert"), defaultDir, _T(""),
    98             extns, wxOPEN|/*wxFILE_MUST_EXIST|*/wxMULTIPLE); // for some reason, it complains that files don't exist when they actually do...
     98            extns, wxMULTIPLE); // for some reason, it complains that files don't exist when they actually do...
    9999        if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
    100100        {
    101101            wxArrayString files;