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Game Modifications

Topic Subject: BH3, BHA File Format
posted 08-23-15 07:07 PM EDT (US)   
I tried to figure out the file format of the 3D and animation files of this game. Here's what I have so far. These files are "bt templates" for the 010 Hex Editor. Using the hex editor you can run these templates on a bh3, or bha file and it will fill in the data into the structure for viewing. Also included are import, and export scripts for 3ds Max.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 05-08-2016 @ 05:24 PM).]

posted 08-24-15 01:30 AM EDT (US)     1 / 13  
Hi Ryder25,

do you think it's possible to write an importer for 3ds Max for these files?

Now we can just export in these formats and to find the right nodes to use RON animations is a long job.
posted 08-25-15 00:18 AM EDT (US)     2 / 13  
I don't plan to do any further work with these files. I hope that someone else comes along and uses this to help them in creating their own importer/exporter.

However, I have made you a simple maxscript to import the bone hierarchy as dummies of any bh3 file.

Just save the file as, and then use 3ds Max to run the script. It should work in any version of 3ds Max.

EDIT: Code in link from OP now.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 10-02-2015 @ 10:13 PM).]

posted 08-25-15 02:02 PM EDT (US)     3 / 13  

I hope to can test it as soon as possible (I got a new computer and I'm installing the software still).

Anyway, Good job!

I think it can solve most of our troubles :-)
posted 08-25-15 04:11 PM EDT (US)     4 / 13  
If you have skype feel free to add me by the email in my profile. I can help you if you run into problems.

I ended up caving, and I made an importer for BH3 models. Imports everything except chunk 3. I still have no idea what it is but I think it has to do with normals.

I also made an importer for BHa files. I can import these files perfectly.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 08-26-2015 @ 06:38 AM).]

posted 09-04-15 01:28 AM EDT (US)     5 / 13  
This sounds absolutely incredible, having BH3 and BHa importers will make things so much easier! Thank you for your work on this!

~ Creator of Kings and Conquerors, a total conversion mod for Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots ~
posted 09-04-15 07:18 PM EDT (US)     6 / 13  
I really would like someone to help me out with some stuff. (I'm not asking for programming, or scripting help, just general 3D modding help for RoN) If anyone has skype, please add me.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 09-04-2015 @ 07:19 PM).]

posted 09-05-15 04:52 PM EDT (US)     7 / 13  
Ok Petar, you're added to my Skype contacts list.

Tell me at what time it's easyer to find you online, I'm living in Italy.

Nicola a.k.a Nikox
posted 10-02-15 10:15 PM EDT (US)     8 / 13  
Updated the OP with all of the files that I have so far.

Everything is working except that I don't understand how the normals are stored, so even if you export a model, it will look all black in game.

It should work for just about any version of 3ds Max.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 10-02-2015 @ 10:17 PM).]

posted 10-03-15 04:38 AM EDT (US)     9 / 13  
I don't understand where the two files in "010 Templates" folder should be copied.

I didn't found any other file with ".bt" extension.
posted 10-03-15 04:49 PM EDT (US)     10 / 13  
Those are just for a hex editor. You don't need them for 3ds max.
posted 10-03-15 11:01 PM EDT (US)     11 / 13  
I have an error when I try to use the "RoNImportModel" script:

Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined

This in both 3D Max 5 and 3D Max 8

I didn't tested the others scripts.
posted 12-31-15 03:24 AM EDT (US)     12 / 13  
Try importing, then exporting a bh3 with the latest files in the OP, and test in-game. Don't forget to select the model before pressing export.

[This message has been edited by Ryder25 (edited 12-31-2015 @ 03:25 AM).]

posted 05-17-16 02:31 AM EDT (US)     13 / 13  
Ryder has created a Rise of Nations Blender Addon (3D Model, and Animation Importer/Exporter) here.

Also check the Modelling Help thread here for helpful info and links, spread the word about this progress wherever and to whomever you can!

[This message has been edited by alincarpetman (edited 05-17-2016 @ 04:04 AM).]

Rise of Nations Heaven » Forums » Game Modifications » BH3, BHA File Format
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