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Game Modifications » Nations and Heroes Mod Combined. Update 3-10-19 Bug Fixes

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Nations and Heroes Mod Combined. Update 3-10-19 Bug Fixes

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motter28218 3-18-19

Fixed issues with Campaign maps, Pirata Map and the Alim Belisari map were not uploaded with my previous file and were causing conflicts with the script. ****Thanks to moki25 for reporting it.


Fixed a bug with Czin that was preventing 2 of his spells from being used. *Thanks to Door1234 for catching that.


For those of you who are new to this mod it adds many new nations to the game as well as new units/techs/spells/builds. It also makes changes to CTW campaign so if you loved the game but have played it through and through here is a chance to try something different.

For those who aren't new, I finally did it, merged both of my mods so people don't have to switch out between them. You can now play both Quick Battles and the Campaign with the new Nations and new features.

There are some minor changes that I had to make in order to get them to work together, plus I also found a few new builds/units so some new surprises.

I also went ahead and made some more of the CTW nations playable in Quick Battle. I recommend people download AlinCarpetMans guide on enabling nations if you aren't already familiar with how to do it.

Thanks for downloading and I hope you enjoy it. Report any bugs or problems here, I do check in from time to time or maybe others can help.


10-15-14 Update Lots of stuff

-Finally figured out all Hero Bonuses so now Battaglion will increase building speed, Venza will summon faster and reduce cost of neutral sites, Yontash will push your borders and reduce spell cooldown times and Petruzzo will speed up unit production

-Got Dark Terror to work, play any of the Dark Alin nations (Dark Alin, Dark Prince, or Dark Genie) and it will automatically come on and cycle, you must play as the purple color as it was in the CTW campaign.

-Alin will have Desert Courage to counter Dark Terror.

-Scavengers now have prototype lab

-Defensive spells for the Sand Citadel, Fire Citadel, and Pirata City: without having access to the graphics files I had no way to make them fire like other forts, so I created an area spell around them, each is unique for each fort, so now they won't be defenseless anymore.

-enabled Oasis for Alin

-enabled Salamander Nest for Desert Monsters

-New Units at Zeke's Lab

-Pirata have some new ships

-I made scripts for all sub nations

-Got rid of error message for Venuccians at Prototype Lab

-Distruzio now gives the timonium bonus per level, not sure why I missed that before, sorry.

probably a few more little surprises I can't remember off hand, I couldn't get Ix Iface to work, I may keep trying but for now unless someone can figure out how to extract the graphics files this seems to be as far as I can go. Hope you all like it and sorry for so many updates but I'm learning as I go.

-Things I'm working on:
Fixing Ix's IFace
Making the AI smarter

**********9-17-2014 UPDATE************
-Fixed Memphis I-Face so it won't just show a black screen when you select him in a group.

-Few other minor fixes: Imperial Observatory was giving out research points and was only supposed to be giving wealth, some other small stuff.

Hello. This is my new mod that enables a total of 13 new playable nations. There are 4 mainline nations:

Desert Monsters
Dark Alin

There is also a bonus folder containing nine additional sub-nations, just a note on the sub-nations: These nations are fully playable for you as the player, however, I did not write up scripts for them, sorry guys, but as much as I love this game I've been buried in it since October and I really just didn't feel like writing them all up, if someone else wants to that'd be great, but for now if you play against these nations the AI will not be fully effecient, it will still work, but likely won't do much research or upgrades.

This also will be the last I'm going to do on the game for awhile, so unfortunately I won't be taking any request on this mod, I may check in from time to time to see if anyone reports any major bugs, but apart from that the mod will be as it stands now. Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for playing.



Update 8-19-14

-Fixed several bugs with the Marid unit, as well as the Dominances.

-Subnations "Dark Genie" and "Dark Prince" had bugs that were fixed

-Upgrades are now added to the Doge's Guards, they will be weaker overall than Musketeers but cheaper, and as they level up will create faster.

- Carrying capacity for the Destroyer Transport was increased, still lower than the final upgrade for the Air Destroyer but much higher than the previous 5 unit limit.

- Some other minor issues, nothing that impacted gameplay, just certain techs available for nations that shouldn't have them.


Update 12-20-2013

-Fixed a bug that was preventing the Trading Post from being built

-Bug fix with Calculator for Venuccians

-Enabled Zeke's range attack so he is no longer helpless against flying units, he will now use his "machine gun" arm attack

-Berserkers have a new suprise

-Fixed a bug that created Zeke even if Distruzio hadn't died or leveled up

-Enabled War Elephants for Alim to keep with the usual RTS Arabians having Elephants theme

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Devilloc I'll edit this comment as I play, to let everyone know what I come across.

First of all, thanks motter, for your dedication to the game and for the mods you've made, if it weren't for you RoL would be pretty much dead by now.

Now, I only played a single skirmish battle with each of the 4 new main nations but this is what I have to report so far.

Dark Alin:
I was able to summon both Bazeek and the Elder Glass Golem at the same time (didn't let me summon the Glass Dragon though). I think Bazeek isn't being counted as a Master Unit.

Desert Monsters:
The Master Fire Golen barely costs anything. Like 50Tim and just a bit of Wealth.
Greatest 'bug' ever: When I captured an Oasis, it randomly started creating a shitload of Dune Mantas and Dune Scorpions. This only seemes to work with the Desert Monsters nation.

I have nothing to report on the Venuccians or the Fallen (strangely enough, the later were the ones I was most excited about but ended up being the ones I liked the least).

Fun mod so far. :) I'll try the bonus nations now.

Pirata have no master unit. :(

[Edited on 12/17/13 @ 01:06 PM]

File Author
Yeah, you must have been one of the first people to download it, if any of you were the first 3 to download this mod there were a few bugs in it that I noticed and I fixed them but by the time I got to this site 3 had already downloaded it.

As for the Pirata: Some of the sub-nations do not have a Master Unit, that is why I call them sub-nations, there just weren't enough unique units/builds/spells to make full nations out of them.

As for Bazeek I had thought she was a Master, I will fix that, the Master Fire Golem, you are right, he is cheap, I debated whether or not to make him more expensive, in the end I decided to leave him as he originally was, for some reason the designers made him that way, guess cuz he was never actually built by the player, but maybe I should re-think that. I am leaving for work so can't do anything right now, check back tomorrow.

[Edited on 12/17/13 @ 04:45 PM]

Hey Motter I'll be playing this and post a review soon. Also I'll have some screenshots for all 3 mods - nothing too crazy but showcasing some of the features. Let me know if you want me to send you the files or post the 3 mods myself on Moddb.
File Author
@Devilloc: Those issues have been fixed, thanks for making me aware of them.

@alincarpetman: You can upload those if you want, I'm done with MODDB.
Hey Motter,

Just testing the mod and I have a few problems so far. I put the maps into the maps folder in the main game directory but couldn't select any new nations in a Quick Battle for the 4 maps.

So I copied these into the separate map directory found in My Documents (some games create a separate directory for saves, profiles, etc) and this time I was able to select some (but not all) new nations on the 4 maps.

However I'm only able to select 2 of 4 of the main new subnations (Venuccians and Desert Monsters), the other Dark Alin and Fallen aren't there to be selected on any of the 4 maps. I've tried switching files back and forth and I still can only select these 2, I don't know why.

I also maybe get a "glitch" when I play the regular Cuotl on the Death Basin map. It starts me off with 10,000 Timonium and 5,000 Energy and 14 Research Points. This doesn't happen on the other 3 maps for any nation, at least from what I've seen. I also tried a few regular nations on other random maps (not the 4 enabled maps) and I don't see any similar glitches.

Besides that for some reason it seems like the ai is actually way better than usual, even on a default or moderate setting! Maybe it's just my temporary perception but it creates 2 heros and fights a lot better both as a regular nation or new subnation. So maybe something is working out good there.

This is just a quick temporary review until I figure out how to fix the other 2 subnations. I haven't tried to enable the other bonus nations into any maps yet to play test them.

So far I'm really liking the mod and I'll write up a longer detailed review once I hopefully fix the missing 2 subnation problem.

File Author
Death Basin is a Deathmatch style map, so that is why it has high starting resources. My only advice on the missing nations is just try enabling them following the instructions I have in the Readme.

As always with this game I never know what issues may arise on individual systems, something that also came to me is that not everyone has the same updates installed, I am running off the PC/DVD version that was most recently released, if others installed off of different versions that could also be causing some problems.

At any rate, this is the last I'm going to be here for awhile, if any more issues arise maybe someone else can step up and take care of it. I just need a break from this game.
Deadworker hey,
got the same problem as alincarpetman. i can only choose vennucians and desert monster.
Hey Deadworker,

I had to take a break from this game too. I'm looking into the mod problem and will post on here soon so check back every so often for any new posts.

Edit: I was able to enable the missing Fallen and Dark Alin by following Motter's instructions on how to add a nation into a map. The 4 new nations are working ok so far.

I had some problems getting the bonus nations to work but then I did something simple and they worked - exit and restart the game. Maybe even restarting your computer can help. So follow Motter's instructions and they should work after you restart the game.

I'm going to play test each map and nation and I will type up a review here. I will also upload the 3 fixed maps that have all 12 nations enabled for the players here who are having trouble, but in the meantime try to fix it yourself as it gets easier once you try a few times.

Posting my review may take a while as there are 12 different subnations this time but I will definitely get it done so keep checking in!

[Edited on 02/17/14 @ 09:55 PM]

Hey all, this is my review for Motter's New Nations Mod for Skirmish mode in Rise of Legends!

I played a skirmish battle with each nation and experimented with adding the new nations to maps in the scenario editor as a test. I took some notes and here are the ratings, a list of the mod features, comments on other people's problems and some thoughts. My replies will be after the ****asterisks.

1 Ratings
2 Mod features
3 Mod problems mentioned
4 Mod skirmish and campaign modes review
5 Mod review
6 Final summary
7 Updates

^^^^1 RATINGS^^^^

Artwork: 5
The artwork is what is found in the game so it's great.

Playability: 4
There were some minor issues with some nations not having an attack/defense power or unique super unit.

Balance: 4
I don't know if the nations are perfectly "balanced" but it's nice to see them in the game anyway.

Creativity: 5
Definitely very creative in how the existing game data was extracted from the game and used to bring something new to the experience.

Additional Comments: I had to select the numbers for the 4 fields but these don't cover everything so I wouldn't pay that much attention to the numbers.

^^^^2 MOD FEATURES^^^^

Motter said the following is in the mod:

-Mod that adds 4 full new nations as well as 10 sub nations

-Hello. This is my new mod that enables a total of 14 new playable nations.

There are 4 mainline nations:
Desert Monsters
Dark Alin

There is also a bonus folder containing 10 additional sub-nations:
Dark Genie
Dark Prince
Death God
Moon God
Storm Goddess
Sun God

Just a note on the sub-nations: These nations are fully playable for you as the player, however, I did not write up complete scripts for them, sorry guys, but as much as I love this game I've been buried in it since October and I really just didn't feel like writing them all up, if someone else wants to that'd be great, but for now if you play against these nations the AI will not be fully efficient, it will still work, but likely won't do too much research or upgrades.

This also will be the last I'm going to do on the game for awhile, so unfortunately I won't be taking any request on this mod, I may check in from time to time to see if anyone reports any major bugs, but apart from that the mod will be as it stands now. Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for playing.

****For the most part the mod works fine but after the update I have some problems as detailed below.

UPDATE 10-15-2014 - Version 4

-Finally figured out all Hero Bonuses so now Battaglion will increase building speed, Venza will summon faster and reduce cost of neutral sites, Yontash will push your borders and reduce spell cooldown times and Petruzzo will speed up unit production
****I haven't looked into this much detail and I'm gonna type up a list of all the hero bonuses

-Got Dark Terror to work, play any of the Dark Alin nations (Dark Alin, Dark Prince, or Dark Genie) and it will automatically come on and cycle, you must play as the purple color as it was in the CTW campaign.
****This is a great idea, and maybe I'm confused but I observed a few different things happen - Desert Courage is available at the Oasis for the regular Alin, but it's also available for the Dark Alin nations with which you can cancel out the native cycle of Dark Terror on the Pillars of Thuran map for example by building an Oasis and using Desert Courage.

When playing a game Dark Terror seems to come on automatically every 10 minutes or so, but with the human players color. So it makes it look like I summoned the power but it's really automatically on the map. My guess is that this is scripted into the map and a Dark Alin player as purple color needs to be one of the players on the map, but does not actually get to summon the Dark Terror power, right? Although the regular Alin nation can summon Desert Courage.

On Pillars of Thuran the Dark Terror comes on after about 9 minutes of gameplay regardless of Rush Rule settings, and lasts for 3 minutes before disappearing on its own. When I built an Oasis and waited for Desert Courage to be ready and used it before the 3 minutes was up, the Dark Terror went away. The thing is though, I played as all the Alin nations including Dark Alin and I was able to resist the Dark Terror.

Also, I may be mistaken but I may have seen the Desert Courage power also come on automatically or summoned by a computer player? On one occasion with the regular Alin, after using Desert Courage the spell finished but the visual lighting affect (brighter light) stayed around the players units. I like the affect but I'm not sure if the visual/spell is meant to stay like that. More frequently though it seems that after I use the spell, no visual changes can be seen (the brighter lighting) but the spell cools down for reuse.

Ok and now more confusion - on subsequent games for 1 hour and longer, the Dark Terror comes and goes regularly. However when I load up a saved game for this map, the Dark Terror doesn't show up or the cycle reverses - it says "Dark Terror has ended for now" but it was really daytime and then the darkness becomes the default lighting - strange. One other thing is that you can have a Dark Alin ally and cancel out the Dark Terror if you are regular Alin but I'm not sure how much that can be changed.

I like this feature but it seems it needs some tweaking - I spent a few hours playtesting it with different combinations so it can get tedious and confusing, let me know if you need me to test anything specific out.

-Alin will have Desert Courage to counter Dark Terror.
****Available at the Oasis, see above note on confusion

-Scavengers now have prototype lab
****The lab is there and works

-Defensive spells for the Sand Citadel, Fire Citadel, and Pirata City: without having access to the graphics files I had no way to make them fire like other forts, so I created an area spell around them, each is unique for each fort, so now they won't be defenseless anymore.
****The Sand Citadel has Drought, a spell that can be placed in a range around the building
The Fire Citadel has Staff of Fire, a passive defensive ability
Pirata city (which is actually the Condottieri Castle because Pirata city is very big) has Clockwork Assembly, randomly summons 1 of 3 possible reinforcements

-enabled Oasis for Alin
****The Oasis is available for the regular Alin and has 3 desert units and the spell Desert Courage for regular Alin only

-enabled Salamander Nest for Desert Monsters
****Ancient Protector is available here and summons the Queen Salamander as a defensive master unit for a limited time and range around the nest, she has two spells Stomp and Flame Burst (check out that flamin' fire breff!)

-New Units at Zeke's Lab
****Zeke Attack Form (a Zeke unit) with passive Mechanical Repair ability and Mechanical Suit (Giacomo's walker unit without Giacomo inside) with passive Mechanical Improvements ability

-Laser Blast spell at Reliquary for Fallen
****Invisible defensive spell

-New Nation: Condottieri, I really debated even making them as I never thought they belonged in the game, but I decided to anyhow just for the novelty, but a word of warning - they are a VERY weak nation, if you play them, you are really asking for a challenge.
****The Condottieri have the following unique units/buildings:
- Giancarlo, Baron of Umberto - the only hero unit, he has Forced March, Entrench, Decoy and Ambush spells - similar to the powers of General units in Rise of Nations, although I couldn't see any affect for the Entrench and Ambush powers
- Special Forces - a single infantrymen with Snipe and Sabotage powers (Sabotage has a really big explosion!)
- Tribune - a single unit that has Bribery and Hire Mercenaries powers (similar to the Spy unit in Rise of Nations)
- Inn - creates Condottieri Soldier, Condottieri Dragoon, Condottieri Knight and Special Forces
- Research Lab - builds Telescope and Calculator
- Condottieri Palace (actually the Mianian Palace) - creates Tribune, Cargo Dirigible and Siege Zeppelin

The use of spells is really creative and because the Condottieri are more simpler this makes them appear more modern and realistic, similar to the gunpowder civilizations in Rise of Nations so I could see RON players liking this subnation if they knew about it

There are more Vinci Lords in the game world, maybe they can be added with their own powers? The rest of them are:

"the good guys"
Giacomo (Inventor of Miana)
Petruzzo (Lord of Miana)
Carlini (General/Sergeant of Miana)
Marco (Captain of Miana/Captain of the Guards)
Marco (Merchant of Silea)

"the bad guys"
Mauricio (Prison Warden of Dirsi)
Sclario (Don of Feligno)
Rocco (Lord of the Wasteland/Piavasso)
Dante (Rogue Viscount of Tarona)

Although technically none of them may be Condottieri, they just happen to have horse mounts, as there doesn't appear to be any official Condottieri heroes though the "Vinci Lord" horse hero unit in the scenario editor can be modded with fan made character concepts

-Pirata have some new ships
****Spy Scout and Gun Flyer are available at the Pirata City

-All new nations are now in the CTW folder and I made scripts for all sub nations
****What does this mean exactly?

-Got rid of error message for Venuccians at Prototype Lab
****No error message

-Distruzio now gives the timonium bonus per level, not sure why I missed that before, sorry.
****I guess this is part of the hero bonuses

-Probably a few more little surprises I can't remember off hand, I couldn't get Ix Iface to work, I may keep trying but for now unless someone can figure out how to extract the graphics files this seems to be as far as I can go. Hope you all like it and sorry for so many updates but I'm learning as I go.
****I also saw that the Dark Alin had a white square instead of a Sawu graphic when clicking on the computer player's name on the bottom center list of players
The spell-placing graphic for the Venucci Ammunition Depot looks to be too big and blurry

I saw some new player names for the computer players when starting a game
No problem with any slow progress, we're glad we have someone modding this game at all! Thanks for all your hard work again :)

-Things I'm working on:
Fixing Ix's IFace
Making the AI smarter
****Good news - Acerbus doesn't seem to be freezing up my game anymore as he used to after being summoned so that's a good thing, although he only has one power - Magus Summon which summons one temporary unit of Desert Walkers - I liked his original spells but maybe they were too overpowered
****Some repeat errors - I still keep getting an "Inappropriate target for power" error for all the Dominances for any nation I play - I double check that I'm trying to use a healing power for me/allies and an attack for enemies but am still getting that error

I also get these errors every time I launch a skirmish game (similar to past xml errors):

BHG Error
Invalid key Moon God MP of type UNIT from file
.\data\tribes\ctw\dark alim.xml
Abort, Debug, Ignore - clicking Ignore a few times always launches a game that works fine

Also the same error above for .\data\tribes\ctw\heretics.xml

UPDATE 9-17-2014 - Version 3

-Fixed Memphis I-Face so it won't just show a black screen when you select him in a group.
-Few other minor fixes: Imperial Observatory was giving out research points and was only supposed to be giving wealth, some other small stuff.
****I hadn't noticed these things

UPDATE 8-19-2014 - Version 2

--Alincarpetman's original replies: ****
Motter's follow up replies: ~~
Alincarpetman's new replies: --

--After the 8-19-2014 update I still have these issues:

****There are no New Nations-enabled maps with the updated download, only original maps to replace the mod files. I had to use my fixed New Nations maps as before to test this update and that may be why I get some unique errors.****
~~Yeah, I just dropped that from the mod, I think it's better if people use your instructions.
--Ok no problem - maybe putting in a note to download my maps or you're free to include them in your download with a note as well so people don't get confused like I did looking for the maps or loading it without any working maps

*******I still get this error: "Bhg error invalid key marid upgrade of type unit from file data\tribes\ctw\dark alim.xml
Click Abort, Debug, Ignore"
...when starting a game.********
~~I had fixed this before, for some reason when I update the mod on this site it doesn't always update, so I'm sorry for that, download it again, I just downloaded it, playtested it and it worked.
--I don't have this error anymore

*****The Vinci Repair Yard (one of Research Lab building choices) doesn't produce anything, it says it makes scrap units.******
~~Yeah, I should change the help text for that, just didn't, it's not supposed to produce anything, it's just their for more research points, plus it heal mechanical units if they are nearby.
--Ok no problem, it's a repair/healing building

*****Venuccians when researching at the prototype lab get one 1 of 2 or 3 options, maybe all 3 were only meant for Mianans/Pirata/Vinci?*****
~~Not sure why this is happening? All Vinci Nations have the same prototypes, I don't have that problem with mine, I may have disabled certain units for them since their nation does not have them, but all the bonuses should still be there.
--It seems that the 3rd choice on the right never gets produced, and I get a "Inappropriate target for power" error even though it's a research and not a power - this only happens with the Venuccians it seems

*****I get "Inappropriate target for power" message when trying to use dominances for any nation including the original 3.******
~~Found the problem, fixed it.
--The dominances work ok now

******Acerbus shows up as himself but doesn't have the same spells as the Heroes in Skirmish mod - he has a Magus Summon spell which summons one group of Desert Walkers.******
~~I powered down his spells a bit to try and make him more balanced.
--Ok his magus spell summons more units as your city size grows it seems so he's still powerful

*****When I played as any Alin nation the game started getting very slow when I was around my city with more than a few heroes and units but things scrolled smoother over unexplored territory.*****
~~Not sure on this? Are you using Acerbus? He casts a protection spell on all units when he is alive, maybe the graphic is slowing down the system? I don't know.
--I experimented with why only the Alin nations slow down the game - only after I summon Acerbus does the game slow down (no freezing, just much slower stuttering movement for the game as well as scrolling), but as soon as Acerbus is killed the game freezes for a bit then returns to normal after he's gone so it definitely has something to do with him, for whatever reason, as I've tried this several times and it's always after his summoning that things get slow.

--Acerbus worked fine in your Expansion campaign and All Heroes mod so I don't know why he's slowing things down here.
--Maybe it's the protection spell as you say - does that protect only the player with Acerbus but also any allies? It may be that with 1 or more allies it slows down. If you wish to spend time on this I could always switch out files with a disabled or limited protection spell and test the differences.
~~Thanks for keeping me informed, I wish the review I made for yours would show up, maybe I should just write it in the comments section? Well, I'll give it more time, I know PCDania is trying.
~~EDIT: I found the problem with the Dominances, to keep things easier I just went ahead and enabled Acerbus by default giving people a way to disable him if they want to, I think this is what was causing so many problems as trying to update both folders at once is what caused certain files to get mixed up, so re-download the mod (I know...again) and try it now, everything should be good.

--In summary just the Venuccian prototypes and Acerbus seem to be the only problems I have, thanks a lot for putting the time into updating this mod!

-Fixed several bugs with the Marid unit, as well as the Dominances.
****I don't have this error anymore

-Subnations "Dark Genie" and "Dark Prince" had bugs that were fixed
****I don't have this error anymore

-Upgrades are now added to the Doge's Guards, they will be weaker overall than Musketeers but cheaper, and as they level up will create faster.
-Carrying capacity for the Destroyer Transport was increased, still lower than the final upgrade for the Air Destroyer but much higher than the previous 5 unit limit.
-Some other minor issues, nothing that impacted gameplay, just certain techs available for nations that shouldn't have them.
****Haven't looked into these details yet

UPDATE 12-20-2013 - Version 1

-Fixed a bug that was preventing the Trading Post from being built
****I wasn't aware of the issue

-Bug fix with Calculator for Venuccians
****I wasn't aware of the issue

-Enabled Zeke's range attack so he is no longer helpless against flying units, he will now use his "machine gun" arm attack
****I wasn't aware of the issue

-Included in the "Bonus" folder files for enabling the Hero "Acerbus the Mystic", he is a very powerful unit and may unbalance the game, but for those who want him, he is there, I did power down some of his spells, but he is still one tough unit.
****Acerbus is available for the regular Alin nation as well as the subnations Desert Monsters, Dark Alin, Dark Genie and Dark Prince - not sure if these last 4 were supposed to get him also. There's a problem with Acerbus - he shows up as Memphis the Dark Alin genie and has no spells or no way for him to change into or be his original form as a Mystic with the Relic.

-Berserkers have a new surprise
****The Beserkers for the Desert Monsters subnation are on fire with flame magic

-Fixed a bug that created Zeke even if Distruzio hadn't died or leveled up
****I wasn't aware of the issue

-Enabled War Elephants for Alin to keep with the usual RTS Arabians having Elephants theme
****The Siege Elephants are available in the Sand Citadel for the regular Alin nation as well as the subnations Dark Alin, Dark Genie and Dark Prince - not sure if these last 3 were supposed to get it also


--Dark Alin:
I was able to summon both Bazeek and the Elder Glass Golem at the same time (didn't let me summon the Glass Dragon though). I think Bazeek isn't being counted as a Master Unit.
****I was able to summon Bazek and one of the other two master units (Elder Glass Golem or Glass Dragon) - it seems maybe 2 of 3 units are allowed to be summoned

--The Master Fire Golen barely costs anything. Like 50Tim and just a bit of Wealth.
****Yeah and 150 Wealth, maybe this can be changed in a future update

--When I captured an Oasis, it randomly started creating a shitload of Dune Mantas and Dune Scorpions. This only seemes to work with the Desert Monsters nation.
****Sounds funny, I didn't see that happen but would like to!

--Just testing the mod and I have a few problems so far. I'm only able to select 2 of 4 of the main new subnations (Venuccians and Desert Monsters), the other Dark Alin and Fallen aren't there to be selected on any of the 4 maps.

--hey, got the same problem as alincarpetman. i can only choose vennucians and desert monster.
Motters reply: My only advice on the missing nations is just try enabling them following the instructions I have in the Readme.
****I was able to fix this and have uploaded a separate download in the Mod section named "motter new nations fixed maps and new nations tutorial screenshots"

--I also maybe get a "glitch" when I play the regular Cuotl on the Death Basin map. It starts me off with 10,000 Timonium and 5,000 Energy and 14 Research Points.
Motter's reply: Death Basin is a Deathmatch style map, so that is why it has high starting resources.
****Yeah I still have the same issue again with that map, but it makes testing and playing go quicker


This mod adds a few things to the 3 regular nations Vinci, Alin and Cuotl.

Heroes - Giacomo (horse and walker), Petruzzo, Carlini, Battaglion, Distruzio, Zeke, Lenora, Venza
Unique Units - Clockwork Man, Tank, Doge's Leviathan
Unique Buildings - Imperial Observatory, Repair Shop, Power Plant
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Imperial Observatory

Heroes - Desert Giacomo, Dahkla, Arri, Belisari, Acerbus (as Memphis)
Unique Units - Phoenix, Siege Elephant (and same as Desert Monsters below)
Unique Buildings - Sand Citadel, Trading Post (Desert Monsters can't build Trading Post)
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Sand Citadel

Heroes - Czin, Xil, Ix, Shok
Unique Units - same as regular Cuotl in original game
Unique Buildings - Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

I have not yet added any new nations into a campaign map to see what would happen as a test.

^^^^5 MOD REVIEW^^^^

The New Nations mod adds a few new things to the regular 3 nations Vinci, Alin and Cuotl as mentioned above, but the main feature is that it adds 4 main new nations and 9 sub or bonus nations.

--Main New Nations
Dark Alin
Desert Monsters

--Complete New and Sub Nations
1 Condottierri
2 Dark Alin
3 Dark Genie
4 Dark Prince
5 Death God
6 Desert Monsters
7 Fallen
8 Mianans
9 Moon God
10 Pirata
11 Scavengers
12 Storm Goddess
13 Sun God
14 Venuccians

--Nations listed by main original nation


Dark Alin
Dark Genie
Dark Prince
Desert Monsters

Death God
Moon God
Storm Goddess
Sun God

--Details of each new/sub nation

Heroes - Giancarlo
Unique Units - Special Forces, Tribune
Unique Buildings - Condottieri Palace, Inn
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Heroes - Giacomo (horse and walker), Petruzzo, Carlini, Battaglion
Unique Units - Clockwork Man, Tank, Doge's Leviathan
Unique Buildings - Imperial Observatory, Repair Shop, Power Plant
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Imperial Observatory

Heroes - Lenora, Venza
Unique Units - Pirata Flyer, Renegade Musketeers, Condottieri Cannon
Unique Buildings - Condottieri Camp, Power Plant, Condottieri Castle
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Heroes - Distruzio, Zeke
Unique Units - Hardy Citizen, Scavenger Clockwork, Scavenger Spider, Scavenger Flyer, Scavenger Boss
Unique Buildings - Clockwork Scrapyard, Power plant
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Heroes - Doge, Pulitore
Unique Units - Doge's Guards, Doge Walker, Rocket Launcher
Unique Buildings - Research Lab = Glorious Statue, Doomcannon, Ammo Depot
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at the Doomcannon and Ammo Depot


Dark Alin
Heroes - Sawu, Memphis, Andromelek
Unique Units - Glass Scorpion, Glass Heartseeker, Small Glass Spider, Marid, Cave Bat, Glass Dragon, Elder Glass Golem, Bazek the Spider Queen
Unique Buildings - Glass Spire, Dark Lair, Cave
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Dark Genie
Heroes - Memphis
Unique Units - Glass Scorpion, Glass Heartseeker, Small Glass Spider, Marid, Cave Bat, Elder Glass Golem, Thuran the Sky Inferno
Unique Buildings - Sand Citadel, Glass Spire, Dark Lair, Cave
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Sand Citadel

Dark Prince
Heroes - Andromelek
Unique Units - Glass Scorpion, Glass Heartseeker, Small Glass Spider, Marid, Cave Bat, Glass Dragon, Elder Glass Golem, Bazek the Spider Queen
Unique Buildings - Sand Citadel, Glass Spire, Dark Lair, Cave
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Sand Citadel

Desert Monsters
Heroes - Arri, Damanhur, Acerbus
Unique Units - Beserkers, Phoenix, Lava Spider, Fire Golem, Master Fire Golem, Queen Salamander
Unique Buildings - Fire Citadel, Lava Burn
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - available at Fire Citadel


Death God
Heroes - Czin
Unique Units - Death Snake, High Priest, Death Sphere, City of Vengeance
Unique Buildings - Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Heroes - Giacomo Moon God, Yontash
Unique Units - Moon Gorilla, Hybrid Clockwork Man, Fallen Sentinels, Fallen Priest, Fallen Jaguar, Fallen Idol
Unique Buildings - Fallen Refuge, Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Moon God
Heroes - Ix
Unique Units - High Priest, Moon Gorilla
Unique Buildings - Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Storm Goddess
Heroes - Shok
Unique Units - Storm Disk, Eagle Bomber, High Priest
Unique Buildings - Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none

Sun God
Heroes - Xil
Unique Units - Sun Idol, Sun Jaguar, Sun Cannon, High Priest, Storm Disk
Unique Buildings - Reliquary
Unique Spells, Techs or Powers - none


Thanks again to Motter for making and updating another great mod.

A few things that might be changed in the future besides the bug fixes is adding more unique buildings and spells and fixing these so they match their nations. For example the Pirata got the Condottieri Castle instead of their Pirata City building. The Cuotl nations could have gotten their temples - Moon Temple, etc and the super power each temple contained.

The potential for more nations and features is a long list and it's a lot of work to mod them so just making this mod is an accomplishment on its own, thanks again Motter.

^^^^7 UPDATES^^^^

- After the 10-15-2014 update and discussion, I no longer have any of the errors mentioned above, everything seems to be working ok except for the Dark Terror:

Dark Terror works, but I figured out the other strange lighting situations I had:
- If you play the Pillars of Thuran map with all regular Alin players (including human you) then after about 12 minutes it says "Dark terror has ended for now" (but there was none since no player was Dark Alin purple) and then the lighting turns *bright* for the whole map.
- On all the maps (Ashfall, Dark Chasm, Death Basin, Maldini Heights, Pillars of Thuran) with all regular Alin players after about 12 minutes it says "Dark terror has ended for now" (but there was none since no player was Dark Alin purple) and then the lighting turns *dark* for the whole map
- So I don't know what's going on here, but I like the effects anyway and the bright lighting looks cool too
- I actually originally thought that the Desert Courage spell would be the brighter lighting, but it just dispells Dark Terror and keeps the normal lightning for a map - I'm not sure if modding lightning effects is possible
- I would say for player to try a quick game (press the + sign to speed up the game) with all Alin players on any map to see if all this happen for you as well, around 13 minutes in on each map

[Edited on 01/26/15 @ 07:17 PM]

File Author
@Alin, I checked in a few days ago and saw your post, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Those issues have been fixed. Let me know if there are any other issues, it may take me awhile, I only check every few weeks.

[Edited on 03/31/14 @ 03:30 PM]

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