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There Exists A Native Linux Port Of CryEngine 3

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  • #31
    Oh, and as a footnote to the footnote in my last post... the indie games scene is a good thing for Linux afficionados. The smaller devs have two things at work making Linux more attactive.

    First, at a smaller volume of sales, every sale counts, so even the small Linux market can still make a significant chunk of sales. Modern Warfare's made $310,000,000 in its _first day_ of release, so even if every Linux gamer bought a copy you wouldn't even notice the blip on the sales chart; a small indie developer might only make a few million dollars in sales, so Linux games can make up a very significant portion of that sales volume.

    Second, smaller developers have less corporate pressure, less "big business" mentality, and individual developers have more of a say in things. While there are Linux geeks at every major game company (including Microsoft!), and many games/engines have unofficial internal ports, the business never wants to take the risk and release to a niche platform. In the small indie dev scene, if even only one developer says he wanted to do a Linux version, that may well mean all by itself that 1/3rd of the programmers are in favor of Linux, and he's free to do the port so long a his other tasks get done on time.

    It still doesn't look good for the big product value games ever being on Linux (Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Batman, etc.), since the content alone for those games costs $10's of millions to put together, but a lot more high-quality "smaller scoped" games may well be hitting the Linux market over the next few years.

    Maybe -- just maybe -- it'll inspire some Open Source developers to finally stop tweaking ioQuake and remaking Quake3 for the 1,800th time and actually build something innovative, interesting, and engaging.


    • #32
      So, will there be a Linux version of the CryEngine 3 Nexuiz? I haven't found any source saying there will be, but I haven't found anything saying there won't be. I mean Xonotic is impressive and all, but it is no CryEngine 3 game...


      • #33
        Originally posted by elanthis View Post
        It still doesn't look good for the big product value games ever being on Linux (Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Batman, etc.), since the content alone for those games costs $10's of millions to put together, but a lot more high-quality "smaller scoped" games may well be hitting the Linux market over the next few years.
        The assets are often not the problem. It's the engine, it's associated code, and things like installation. If you don't know the maze (and with ANY OS, there's a maze to go through to get a quality product released...) you will be disinclined to do the effort. If you had a handle on, say, producing the game itself in a manner that would work on pretty much any of the main and many of the niche distributions on at least 32 and 64-bits, they'd be more inclined (this is not say they'd jump...). If you had a handle on installing it in some useful manner for those same distributions with only maybe the occasional tech support issue, they'd be even more inclined. If it didn't cost them more than 1/2 of the profits they'd gain from the sales- they'd do it if only to further a market.

        The biggest problem is only a few people have that magic on tap right at the moment- and few have been interested in asking someone like icculus or myself for the tricks until recently.


        • #34
          Well do you want to get hired or just want to tell what you know for free


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kano View Post
            Well do you want to get hired or just want to tell what you know for free
            Bit of both, actually, Kano. We'll see what comes of things in a couple of weeks... >:-D


            • #36
              I wonder how "the existence of a native linux port of CryEngine 3" goes with this reply of Chris Roberts (Wing Commander Series

              But it "might" be coming...


              • #37
                Originally posted by entropy View Post
                I wonder how "the existence of a native linux port of CryEngine 3" goes with this reply of Chris Roberts (Wing Commander Series

                But it "might" be coming...
                For my part, it's high hopes and low expectations.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Larian View Post
                  For my part, it's high hopes and low expectations.
                  Looks like Chris Roberts is trying to find out how much interest there is in getting CryEngine ported to other platforms. I sent him a message through kickstarter asking for Linux support, and he replied today asking me to vote for it as a stretch goal:
                  Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

                  I'd highly encourage anyone reading this to please vote for Linux as a stretch goal even if you're not down with the 'Star Citizen' game. Getting another major engine ported to our platform will make it _much_ easier for those licencing it to move their games over!

