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TAK  DirectShow  Source  Filter,  ver.  (based on TAK 2.2.0 � see Changelog.txt)

By Livio Cavallo

DOWNLOAD:   dsfTAKSource (v

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(read included Readme.txt file for installation instructions)





dsfTAKSource is a DirectShow push source filter for Tom�s lossless audio files (TAK).
It performs decoding of .tak audio files using Tom's decoding library v 2.2.0 (tak_deco_lib.dll).

TAK (Tom�s lossless Audio Kompressor) is a lossless audio compression algorithm and file format, developed by Thomas Becker  ( http://thbeck.de/Tak/Tak.html ).
Audio compressed in a  .TAK file requires about half the space required by a .WAV file, but the quality remains the same, all the bits are the same when playing, there is no loss in quality (lossless compression).
Encoding end decoding with Tom�s codec is very fast, with good compression ratios. This is a good result for a lossless audio compression algorithm.

Tom�s package for TAK codec does not provide a DirectShow filter, so you cannot play .tak files in standard players such as Windows Media Player.
dsfTAKSource (actually a DirectShow source filter, wrapping tak_deco_lib.dll library) provides this, so that you can play .tak file in any player supporting DirectShow (not only WMP).



TAK compression format is developed by Thomas Becker  ( http://thbeck.de/Tak/Tak.html ).
Tom is active at Hydrogenaudio ( www.hydrogenaudio.org ).
You can find infos about TAK here http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=TAK or  here www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=73665


This filter has been developed by Livio Cavallo.
CONTACTS:  cavallo �dot, no spaces� livio �at, simply� tiscali �dot, no spaces� it

[This page has been seen  times since 22 september 2009]

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