


Ȩ����NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute


���ľ�ī���̴� ���� ������ NVIDIA DLI(Deep Learning Institute) ���� �������ͷ�, Multi GPU, CUDA �� NVIDIA�� ����� ������ �ǽ� ���� ������ �����մϴ�.
NVIDIA DLI�� ������, ������ ������ �� ���������� �ΰ����� �� ����ȭ�� ��ǻ���� ����Ͽ� �������� �ڵ���, �コ�ɾ�, �繫 �� �پ��� ������ ���� ������ �ذ��ϴ� ����� �����մϴ�.
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NVIDIA DLI ���� ����

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NVIDIA DLI ���� ����

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing With CUDA C/C++(6h)

  • Accelerating Applications with CUDA C/C++ (120��)
  • Managing Accelerated Application Memory with CUDA C/C++ (120��)
  • Asynchronous Streaming and Visual Profiling for Accelerated Applications with CUDA C/C++ (120��)

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing With CUDA Python(6h)

  • Introduction to CUDA Python with Numba (120')
  • Custom CUDA Kernels in Python with Numba(120')
  • RNG, Multidimensional Grids, and Shared Memory for CUDA Python with Numba (120')

Accelerating CUDA�� C++ Applications With Multiple GPUs(6h)

  • Using JupyterLab (15')
  • Application Overview (15')
  • Introduction to CUDA Streams (90')
  • Copy/Compute Overlap with CUDA Streams (90')
  • Multiple GPUs with CUDA C++ (60')
  • Copy/Compute Overlap with Multiple GPUs (60')
  • Course Assessment (30')

Fundamentals of DeepLearning(6h)

  • The Mechanics of Deep Learning (120')
  • Pre-trained Models and Recurrent Networks(120')
  • Final Project: Object Classification (120')

Building AI-Based Cybersecurity Pipelines(6h)

  • An Overview of the NVIDIA Morpheus AI Framework (30')
  • Morpheus Pipeline Construction (45')
  • Inference in Morpheus Pipelines (45')
  • Case Study: AI-Based Machine Log Parsing at Splunk (30')
  • Digital Fingerprinting Pipeline (45')
  • Time Series Analysis (45')
  • Case Study: Cybersecurity Flyaway Kit at Booz Allen Hamilton (30')
  • Assessment 1: Test Your Understanding(45')
  • Assessment 2: Practical Demonstration (45')

Model Parallelism: Building and Deploying Large Neural Networks(6h)

  • Introduction to Training of Large Models (120��)
  • Model Parallelism: Advanced Topics (120��)
  • Inference of Large Models (120��)

Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs(6h)

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent and the Effects of Batch Size (120')
  • Training on Multiple GPUs with PyTorch Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) (120')
  • Maintaining Model Accuracy when Scaling to Multiple GPUs (90')
  • Workshop Assessment(30')

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