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ESO Confirms Content Development will slow down in 2015 after Tamriel Unlimited is Launched

Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

We are not going to keep up our 2014 pace of updates in 2015 - and our future update pace will focus more on new adventures and game experiences than system changes. It's time to let the game breathe a little - we've done so many new features so quickly that we want to make sure everyone is on the same page with us. 1.6 alone has a complete rebalancing of most player abilities - we don't want to do that again, for example. Our #1 priority right now is getting Tamriel Unlimited launched on PC, and then focusing on a successful console launch. While we do those things, we have other teams already working on DLC and expect to see that start rolling out at some point after console launch settles down.
..1.6 is going to be the last major update before console launch, for obvious reasons. We will continue to do interim updates as necessary. As Paul said in another thread on this AMA, we're now developing for 4 platforms at once, and it is inherently more complex. We're committed to having content hit all the platforms at roughly the same time, so it will necessarily slow things down a bit.
  • Amsel_McKay
    "Our #1 priority right now is getting Tamriel Unlimited launched on PC" - I love how they dont call things like the players it should read..

    Our #1 priority right now is getting the cash shop launched on PC
  • BBSooner
    They couldn't possibly keep up with the previous pace when they have a cash shop to keep updated.
    Edited by BBSooner on January 23, 2015 8:34PM
  • Rosveen
    So we have at least 7 months (November-June) without a content update? Huh. But more importantly, is there any reason at all to keep subbing between March and June?
  • phreatophile
    ... As Paul said in another thread on this AMA, we're now developing for 4 platforms at once, and it is inherently more complex. We're committed to having content hit all the platforms at roughly the same time, so it will necessarily slow things down a bit.

    That right there will slow it down to a crawl. For PC they have to get past their own QA, for PS4/ XBOX they have to get through their own QA then Sony/Microsoft QA. There is simply no way that happens every 4-6 weeks.
  • Elsonso
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

    Actually, for all of 2014, through Update 5, they were either on target or within one week of the 4-6 week schedule.
    • Update 1: Expected week of May 12, actually May 22 (7 weeks)
    • Update 2: Expected week of June 23, actually June 25 (5 weeks)
    • Update 3: Expected week of August 4, actually August 5 (6 weeks)
    • Update 4: Expected week of September 15, actually September 15 (6 weeks)
    • Update 5: Expected week of October 27, actually Nov 3 (7 weeks)

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • TheBull
    If cloak is not fixed by 1.6, it never will be...

    PvP portion of the justice system lol maybe December if we are lucky
    Imperial City, August maybe?
    Spellcrafting lol

  • Kevingway
    As much as I agree with the general consent of anti-B2P, I have to defend his statement here. The pace of updates thusfar, excluding Craglorn and vet dungeons, has been major system overhauls. I believe what he's saying is that the pace of system overhauls will slow as they collect data on where all of these changes end up, as balance has probably been turned upside-down by 1.6. After collecting data, they'll be able to tweak as they go, but they feel comfortable enough with 1.6 that it won't be as broken as the game's initial release.

    That being said, I hope DLC is released in a consistent but slower manner; I don't feel like shelling out $20 per month on content that I otherwise would have gotten for $15 per month.
  • Tankqull
    TheBull wrote: »
    If cloak is not fixed by 1.6, it never will be...

    PvP portion of the justice system lol maybe December if we are lucky
    Imperial City, August maybe?
    Spellcrafting lol
    sounds reasonable
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • NotSo
    we're now developing for 4 platforms at once,
    What 4th platform? Is this thing releasing on Nintendo?
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • BBSooner
    NotSo wrote: »
    we're now developing for 4 platforms at once,
    What 4th platform? Is this thing releasing on Nintendo?

    Mac? /Shrug
    Edited by BBSooner on January 23, 2015 8:49PM
  • Dave2836
    Pc mac xbone and ps4
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

    Actually, for all of 2014, through Update 5, they were either on target or within one week of the 4-6 week schedule.
    • Update 1: Expected week of May 12, actually May 22 (7 weeks)
    • Update 2: Expected week of June 23, actually June 25 (5 weeks)
    • Update 3: Expected week of August 4, actually August 5 (6 weeks)
    • Update 4: Expected week of September 15, actually September 15 (6 weeks)
    • Update 5: Expected week of October 27, actually Nov 3 (7 weeks)

    Yup most really don't realize it. 1.6 is just taking forever. Also I knew this would happened. Probably give free 'Imperial city DLC availible in july' as a bonus for day 1 purchasers on consoles.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • Morshire
    Well, I have to say I am glad that he at least admitted that the 4-6 week roll out was "unrealistic" for long term. And if they actually focus on "good" content and not the cash shop, it is acceptable. My question now is how can they justify asking for the monthly sub? I mean, we are getting everything up to 1.6 for free now that we have already purchased the game. Why would we want/need to continue with the subs until the next DLC? I am scratching my head. I have no problem paying the sub x3 for a game that is not focused on a cash shop, but at this, I have to wonder if my sub money is not just me shelling out for something I already own. Will be interesting to see how they "ask" us to continue to pay. I mean 10% boost when I am not even concerned with my progression pace does not seem warranted. Anyone got something for this?

    Thanks OP for sharing.
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • BBSooner
    Morshire wrote: »
    Well, I have to say I am glad that he at least admitted that the 4-6 week roll out was "unrealistic" for long term. And if they actually focus on "good" content and not the cash shop, it is acceptable.

    I tend to agree. As cynical as I am about the cash shop, if the content is fun and engaging I'll deal with any business model. Here's hoping!
  • Bouvin
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

    Actually, for all of 2014, through Update 5, they were either on target or within one week of the 4-6 week schedule.
    • Update 1: Expected week of May 12, actually May 22 (7 weeks)
    • Update 2: Expected week of June 23, actually June 25 (5 weeks)
    • Update 3: Expected week of August 4, actually August 5 (6 weeks)
    • Update 4: Expected week of September 15, actually September 15 (6 weeks)
    • Update 5: Expected week of October 27, actually Nov 3 (7 weeks)

    Yes, there were updates. But where was the "content".
  • Rescorla_ESO
    If 1.6 is the last major update prior to the console launch, then it appears the removal of veteran ranks is not going to happen until after the console is launched.

    I have been assuming removal of veteran ranks would occur in patch 1.7. If ZOS classifies 1.7 as a major content update, then we have at least 5 more months of veteran ranks in the game.

    If removal of veteran ranks is going to occur in an incremental patch, then that means it could occur in patch 1.6.1, 1.6.2 etc and occur sometime between March 17 and June 9. Hopefully that is what ZOS plans to do because it would seem to me they would like to avoid veteran ranks being in the game when the console version is released.

    It would be nice if @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ could provide a definitive answer on when veteran ranks will be removed from the game.
  • Gidorick
    Ugh.... I felt like the release schedule of 2014 was abysmal.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Bouvin
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ugh.... I felt like the release schedule of 2014 was abysmal.

    Just wait until 2015.
  • nerevarine1138
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ugh.... I felt like the release schedule of 2014 was abysmal.

    Which is hilarious, because it was pretty much all done right on time.

    Honestly, folks. Figure out which hyperbolic whine-train to get on.
  • Bouvin
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ugh.... I felt like the release schedule of 2014 was abysmal.

    Which is hilarious, because it was pretty much all done right on time.

    Honestly, folks. Figure out which hyperbolic whine-train to get on.

    LOL. Just updating the version number from 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3 doesn't equate to new content.

    In the past year we've gotten Upper and Lower Craglorn.

    That's not new content every 4-6 weeks.
  • Sallington
    Wait till you see how fast updates to the cash shop happen.
    Daggerfall Covenant
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    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Languish4567
    My big takeaway was that there will be no new content in 1.6 given that the last content came Nov 7th and his saying that there will be no major patches prior to console launch then that means no new content for at least 8 months plus however long it takes before the first new DLC after console launch, honestly we could be paying for almost a years worth of subscriptions without any substantial new content. I say there will be no new content given that the question was asked at least twenty times with no response.
  • Bouvin
    My big takeaway was that there will be no new content in 1.6 given that the last content came Nov 7th and his saying that there will be no major patches prior to console launch then that means no new content for at least 8 months plus however long it takes before the first new DLC after console launch, honestly we could be paying for almost a years worth of subscriptions without any substantial new content. I say there will be no new content given that the question was asked at least twenty times with no response.

    They are spinning off Cash Shop, Justice and Champion systems as "new content".

    That's why some people believe they've been on schedule. Really all we've gotten in the last year was Upper and Lower Craglorn.
  • Naivefanboi
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

    We are not going to keep up our 2014 pace of updates in 2015 - and our future update pace will focus more on new adventures and game experiences than system changes. It's time to let the game breathe a little - we've done so many new features so quickly that we want to make sure everyone is on the same page with us. 1.6 alone has a complete rebalancing of most player abilities - we don't want to do that again, for example. Our #1 priority right now is getting Tamriel Unlimited launched on PC, and then focusing on a successful console launch. While we do those things, we have other teams already working on DLC and expect to see that start rolling out at some point after console launch settles down.
    ..1.6 is going to be the last major update before console launch, for obvious reasons. We will continue to do interim updates as necessary. As Paul said in another thread on this AMA, we're now developing for 4 platforms at once, and it is inherently more complex. We're committed to having content hit all the platforms at roughly the same time, so it will necessarily slow things down a bit.
    lmao nice built in excuse, now ere developing for 4 platforms, because we chose to.....sigh
  • Bouvin
    I'd like to reiterate. Updates =/= Content.

    Content is when you get new playable areas.

    New Game Mechanics =/= Content.

    Content is new playable areas.

    New Items in the Cash Shop =/= Content

    Content = Playable Areas
  • Kraven
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ugh.... I felt like the release schedule of 2014 was abysmal.

    Just wait until 2015.

    2015 might be okay since they've been stock piling and hoarding things to add to the cash shop for months now. And initial sales to consoles might be an injection of cash.

    2016? That will be horrid.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Gidorick
    So.... The "Craglorn" DLC costed us $200? Nice.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Bouvin wrote: »
    Not that they ever hit the 4-6 week mark in 2014, but Matt Frior has confirmed it will slow down even more in 2015 on the reddit AMA.

    We are not going to keep up our 2014 pace of updates in 2015 - and our future update pace will focus more on new adventures and game experiences than system changes. It's time to let the game breathe a little - we've done so many new features so quickly that we want to make sure everyone is on the same page with us. 1.6 alone has a complete rebalancing of most player abilities - we don't want to do that again, for example. Our #1 priority right now is getting Tamriel Unlimited launched on PC, and then focusing on a successful console launch. While we do those things, we have other teams already working on DLC and expect to see that start rolling out at some point after console launch settles down.
    ..1.6 is going to be the last major update before console launch, for obvious reasons. We will continue to do interim updates as necessary. As Paul said in another thread on this AMA, we're now developing for 4 platforms at once, and it is inherently more complex. We're committed to having content hit all the platforms at roughly the same time, so it will necessarily slow things down a bit.

    Sounds like what I predicted a few days ago. 6-8 month DLC turn-arounds.

    I expect to see places like Wrothgar and Imperial City about 3 months post Console Launch. They probably want to give Console players enough time to roll a character and max it out before introducing new areas into the game.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on January 23, 2015 9:23PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • BBSooner
    Id consider vet dungeons as content since they alter the instance creatures (and in some cases the environment) instead of just adding 0's to the base values of the normal values. Whether it's "enough" is up to the player, I'm just saying though.
  • Ommamar
    Well that term content development is the argument point. Does it mean balancing/fixing things that where in the game? They did this. Does that mean adding more end game content? Craglorn, trials, undaunted pledges and a new leveling system shows they did this. Did they have everything in the game they had projected at release or even at the moment? I don't think any one to include the developers believe that is so.

    I do like that they are backing of from these huge adjustments in the future. It is no surprise that the updates will have to slow down, as someone else pointed out now they have to go through 2 internal QA's and I really hope they continue using the PST community to test things.

    I also do agree that ZoS did a solid job of following a schedule of updates up until 1.6. Think about how difficult it is for an inexperienced team to pull of a launch-able MMO then continue to develop it based on the feedback they receive.
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