In the year 2112 the masses are fascinated by extreme high speed races. The latest antigrav racing technology introduced phase shifting. Perfect phase matching of track and racing machine is the key to stay alive. Warm up your engines, the future is now. FAST Racing League will be available exclusively via Nintendo's WiiWare service.
2011:Oct 17 - EU Demo release: Oct 20, New Trailer
2011:Oct 13 - Demo now available in USA. Europe coming soon
2011:Jul 11 - Reviews
2011:May 26 - New screenshots, wallpapers
2011:May 19 - Trailer video
2011:May 18 - USA Release: 2011-May-30
2011:May 10 - Europe Release: 2011-May-27
2011:Jan 17 - New screenshots
2010:Sep 28 - Website live!
Nintendo trademarks used under license. WiiWare is available only through the Wii console.
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