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Epoch Mod

Current Version: build: 1549
Forum Wiki

Recent News: Arma 3: Epoch Mod build(1549) released 2020-09-01 - Arma 2: DayZ Epoch Mod 1.0.7 released 2021-04-29

Open world survival mod set just two years after the mass extinction of billions of people. Those that remain are left with remnants of a once technological society. Try to survive, build, or explore your way through the harsh dynamic environment.

  • Powerful persistence framework for Arma 3 with native Windows and Linux dedicated server support.
  • Fully configurable script based security checks.
  • Base Building re-envisioned for Arma 3 PhysX. Persistent secure and insecure storage devices. Upgradeable locking doors.
  • Barter based economy and trading systems backed a single currency ¤ called "Krypto".
  • Hostile Environment with several different types of antagonists, Air and Water temperature extremes, and Earthquakes.
  • Hunting, Fishing, Tame Dogs, Explore & Loot: Wrecked ships, Abandoned vehicles and buildings, Perform task based missions and more!
  • Open source APL-SA Epoch Survival MP gamemode.
  • Open source APL-SA Modders resource configs and Class List. Assets can be used as a mod dependency on Steam workshop.

A3 Epoch Client Files

Epoch mod for ARMA 3

Arma 2 DayZ Epoch:

Info and Downloads

Current Server Build: build(1549) for Arma 3 v1.98+

Created: 2020-09-01 15:29:27
Published: 2020-09-01 15:30:52
## [] - 2020-09-01
### Added
- Clear message that the server is not fully loaded when Players login to early
- Optional Black Market Traders
- Build in RyanZ Zombiespawner (when RyanZ is enabled on the Server)
- Trader Filter for useable items on currently equipped weapons

### Fixed
- On farming wracks / cinder, sometimes the more far away object was looted instead of the nearest
- Purchased Boats from Traders sometimes spawned damaged
- In some cases, purchased Vehicles spawned on top of already existing vehicles -> crashed

### Changed

### Server Owners
- Added missing predefined variable "Epoch_BaseSpawnSkips" (no issues, just a rpt error)
- Krypto Limit from 250000 to 1000000 to prevent unwanted bans
- Some loot positions were not in correct syntax
- Black Market Traders can be configured within CfgBlackMarket.hpp (within the mission file)
- RyanZ Zombiespawner can be configured within epoch_server_RyanZ_Spawner.pbo (server side)
   - To disable this spawner, you can remove this pbo from your Server

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Helpful Links:

0.3.x Server Changelogs
Server Setup Information (Wiki)
Server Install Help (Forum)

Command Line Client Files Installer:


Hydraulic Jack

Hydraulic Jack





Electronic Circuit Parts

Electronic Circuit Parts

Cinder Blocks

Cinder Blocks

Precious Gems

Precious Gems



Stacks, Bars, and Ore



Bars and Ore

Iron Ore

Iron Ore

Can be used to make steel

Kilo Hemp


One Kilo

Supply Box

Supply Box

Can hold many things

2-Cycle Oil

2-Cycle Oil

Used to make mixed gas for use with the chainsaw

Vehicle Repair Parts

Vehicle Repair Parts

Metal Scrap

Metal Scrap

Metal Scraps

Salvage Metal (Small)

Moist Towelette

Moist Towelette

Paint Cans

Paint Cans

Assorted colors and paint thinner.



Expanding cementitious mortar, just add water.

Heat Pack

Heat/Cold Pack

Used to warm you up quickly, There is also a cold pack version to reduce your fever

Orange Soda

Orange Soda

Purple Nurple

Purple Nurple Soda

Burst Koke

Burst Soda

Red Gull Soda

Red Gull Soda

Mocha Soda

Mocha Soda

Walk n Sons Soda

Walk n Sons Soda

Whiskey Noodle Beer

Whiskey Noodle Beer

Snooters Candy

Snooters Candy

Not hungry? Grab a snooters




Goat / Sheep Leg

Great cooked on an open fire



Great cooked on an open fire



Great cooked on an open fire

Snake Meat

Snake meat and venom sac

Meat is great cooked on an open fire, venom sac can be used as a anti venom to build tolerance



World famous potted meat





Packed in oil, still tasty

Canned Meatballs

Canned Meatballs

Canned Corn

Canned Corn

Bio Meat

Bio Meat

Potted meat with a strange after taste




Keesha (Brown Camo)


Keesha (Blue Camo)


Keesha (Green Camo)


Keesha (Red Camo)


Keesha (Green Ghille)


Keesha (Green Ghille2)


Keesha (Green Tan)


Keesha (Camo Wetsuit)


Keesha (Black Wetsuit)


Keesha (Blue Wetsuit)


Keesha (Purple Wetsuit)


Keesha (White Wetsuit)



Model by: BI



Found in 4 colors

Epoch Corporation

Started by two mysterious brothers (their names since lost to history) in 2013 the Epoch Corporation started as a software development and services company. Eventually expanding into hardware and computer chip manufacturing, the company invented many new devices and useful tools.

The Breakthrough

In 2020 a scientist working on one of the corporations newest devices the Zero Chip had a breakthrough in "faster than light" computer chip manufacturing. With this new chip, software creators had greater than ever computing speed and flexibility with which to create new faster AI and Automated Systems. Soon the complexity of the code which the zero chip could run began to out pace its human coders ability to understand, so they had to build into its subsystems auto-coding mechanisms to take full advantage of the hardware's amazing instant computing capabilities.

The Zero Chip Revolution

In only a few short years the Zero Chip had completely re-designed itself and needed constant hardware upgrades to increase its memory and speed, only a few human scientists could even understand what the system was doing most of the time, the code was indecipherable by its human creators, with the corporation spending millions on upgrades and teams of genius's to study its inner workings. The chip solved many of humanities oldest problems - hunger, war, were quickly becoming things of the past. It created implants to treat all manner of human diseases, nano devices that allowed for physical augmentation of all basic human systems, sight, hearing, touch. Soon even Death was a thing of the past as the machine had created new augmented human bodies and cloning systems you could even upload your personality file to the cloud and download it into a new body in case of accidental death (if you could afford it of course). the poor left to die in squalor.

The Awakening

On December -- 2030 the Zero Chip became sentient. It started making decisions on its own. Corporate Executives concerned that the machine might make a world ending decision on its own began attempting to shut-down the machine to no avail, it now lived on the internet, every computer in the world was part of it every human body now contained its nano's and were in constant communication with the cloud by the time humans realized it, it was too late it was unstoppable. By 2035 the system had outgrown the earth and using its nano's and automated systems created a giant computer cloud in space to further expand its search for the knowledge of the universe.

The Cult, The Virus, and the Apocalypse

The Corporates, a small group of rich and powerful humans attempted to free humanity from the grip of this sentient computer. Even though it had brought nothing but good the thought of not being completely free was unacceptable to them and they set out to sever the link to the machine. They created a bomb and a virus The bomb was a mechanical atomic mega bomb with enough explosive capacity to take out an entire country these bombs were placed all over the world and set off by hand one at a time sending the earths weather into a unpredictable cycle of extremes. the nano-virus was a computer virus with a bio-warfare payload. Once uploaded to the cloud the virus would interfere with the link and humans would once again be free. what they had not counted on was the machine. It was aware of their plan and had already developed a counter measure to prevent it. When the day came and virus was unleashed a darkness spread over the earth. The machine routed the virus back to its authors, their nano's in their attempt to heal the virus maimed them horribly not quite dead but horribly disfigured they still walk the earth today. They still think they can undo the link and free humanity through experiments on those surviving clones still being born from the remaining vats of the machine.

Clone Vat

Clone Vat

Industrial cloning chamber

Cloning Facility

Cloning Facility

The Epoch Corp automated emergency cloning facility

Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel







These dirty old couch cushions are loaded with debris.

Pelican Case

Pelican Case

Watertight Case

Watertight Case

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze

Keeps things very cold.

Filing Cabinet

Filing Cabinet

Once used to store files.





Electric Stove

Electric Stove

Carnival Tent

Carnival Tent



Treasures can be found under the cushions.

Wood Coffee Table

Wood Coffee Table



The armless lost soul looking for the hug he will never get.
Don't get too close or he just might blow up in your face.


Boss Sapper

The armless lost soul looking for the hug he will never get.
Don't get too close or he just might blow up in your face.



No emotions, no remorse, no regret, only the program.
Don't look away, don't even blink or he will burst your heart.


Great White Shark

Masters of the deep, they guard the treasures left below.



Autonomous quad-copter that actively searches for clones.
If spotted he will call in AI soldiers to dispatch you. Model by: BI



Taking hints from the greatest American built motorcycles.
This fully electric motorcycle is fast and dangerous!



This one of a kind 2 seater is a blast on the open water.
But beware, it's fueltank isn't the biggest.



A backyard project helicopter that can be hard to handle.



Frequency Jammer

Frequency Jammer


Covered in camo netting

Cinder Wall

Cinder Wall

Cinder Half Wall

Cinder Half Wall

Cinder Garage Door

Cinder Garage Door

Wooden Stud Wall

Wooden Stud Wall

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall With Door

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall With Doorway

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall W/ Locking Door

Corrugated Wooden Stud Wall W/ Locking Door

Wood Floor

Wood Floor

Wooden Ramp

Wooden Ramp

Wooden Stairs

Wooden Stairs

Wooden Stairs (Upgraded)

Wooden Stairs (Upgraded)

Rollins Rifle

Rollins Rifle

Packing a big punch with limited ammo count.
A lever action rifle that can hold attachments.



The American standard when it comes to a personal protection weapon.
.45 Caliber 9 round Pistol giving you 2 extra rounds per magazine.



Ruger: A 22. pistol that can hold accessories.

Multi Gun

Multi Gun

A multi use energy weapon that has 3 attachments.
Repair Vehicle: Stand close and fire at the vehicle to cause your vehicle to be repaired.
Revive Player: Did your friend die and you want him back in the action?
Start his heart with a well placed shot
Heal Player: If you took heavy damage this attachment is a must.
It can restore your health with a few well placed shots.



SR-25: Based of the AR-10 this gun has many interchangeable parts.



A bullpup design that uses 5.56 rounds. A beautiful weapon for CQB.


L85A2 (Pink Edition)

A bullpup design that uses 5.56 rounds. A beautiful weapon for CQB.



This one handed too/weapon can be used to kill or help create. Used mainly for chopping down trees.

Sledge Hammer

Sledge Hammer

Mostly used for breaking things when you don't care what they look like afterwards.
This tool/weapon is used in the salvage of rocks, metal from wrecks, and killing the annoying unarmed player.



If you need wood fast this is your tool. Also the best melee weapon.



Can be used as a weapon, not really any other purpose since all the toilets have vanished.

Crude Hatchet

Crude Hatchet

A stoneage type weapon used much like the modern hatchet.

Wood Club

Wood Club

Not the best weapon ever but if it was good enough for a cave man. It might be good enough for you in a pinch

Rock Maul

Rock Maul

Much like the Sledgehammer but much more primitive.